The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - 31st March 2018

April 4, 2018    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 31st March 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on titles to read Editorials
  • Fault line - a difference of opinion that is likely to have serious consequences
  • Procession - a line of people or vehicles moving in a slow and formal way as part of an event
  • Thorough - including everything that is possible or necessary
  • Inquiry - an official examination of a crime, accident, problem etc, in order to get information or the truth
  • Call out - to shout something
  • Blame game - a situation in which people try to blame each other for something bad that has happened
  • Imam - a Muslim priest or leader
  • Retaliatory - intended to do something harmful or unpleasant to someone because they have done something harmful or unpleasant to you
  • Defy - to refuse to obey someone or something
  • Utter - to say something
  • Inflammatory - likely to make people feel angry
  • Ignite - to start a fight or argument
  • Clash - a fight or battle between two groups of people
  • Disquiet - a feeling of being very worried or nervous
  • Pretext - a reason that you pretend to have in order to hide your real reason or intention
  • Polarisation - to form two very different groups, opinions, or situations that are completely opposite to each other, or to cause this to happen
  • Tableau - an arrangement of people who do not move or speak, especially on a stage, who represent a view of life, an event, etc
  • Glorify - to make someone or something seem more impressive than they really are
  • Rant - to complain or talk loudly and angrily for a long time, sometimes saying unreasonable things
  • Provok - to cause a reaction, especially an angry one
  • Incite - to encourage people to be violent or commit crimes by making them angry or excited
  • Isolate - to keep a person or animal separate from other people or animals
  • Weigh in - to become involved in something
  • Setback - a problem that delays or that stops progress or makes a situation worse
  • Alliance - an arrangement between two or more people, groups, or countries by which they agree to work together to achieve something
  • Sectarian - caused by disagreements among people from different religious groups
  • Swathe - a large area of land
  • Majority - most of the people or things in a group
  • Minority - a small number of people or things 
  • Fraught - full of problems, difficulties, or things that are confusing
  • Probability - a measure of how likely something is to happen
  • Majoritarian - governed by or believing in decision by a majority
  • Persuasion - the process of persuading someone to do or believe something
  • Grassroots - relating to or involving ordinary people, especially in politics
  • Plausible - likely to be true
  • Assertive - behaving in a confident way in which you are quick to express your opinions and feelings
  • Incitement - something that encourages people to be violent or commit crimes, or the deliberate act of encouraging violence or crime
  • Amendment - a change made to a law or agreement
  • Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
  • Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
  • Contentious - causing disagreement between people or groups
  • Criticism - comments that show that you think something is wrong or bad
  • Merge - if two things merge, they combine or become mixed so that you can no longer tell the difference between them
  • Practitioner - someone who works in a particular profession, especially medicine or law
  • Axe - to close a business, stop providing a service, or get rid of workers that you do not need
  • Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
  • Regulatory - a regulatory organization or company controls an activity, process, or industry
  • Appellate - relating to a legal appeal
  • Aggrieved - feeling angry and unhappy because you think you have been treated in an unfair way
  • Appellate - relating to a legal appeal
  • Contrast - a noticeable difference between people or things
  • Vastness - very great extent or size
  • Skyrocket - if an amount, value, or cost skyrockets, it rises quickly to a very high level
  • Aspirant - someone who very much wants to achieve something
  • Deficiency - a fault in someone or something that makes them not good enough
  • Massive - very large or heavy
  • Logistical - relating to or involving organization and planning
  • Administer - to be responsible for making certain that something is done according to the rules
  • Enormous - very large in size or quantity
  • Obvious - clear to almost anyone
  • Gigantic - extremely large
  • Amendment - a change made to a law or agreement
  • Mandatory - must be done, or is demanded by law
  • Protest - an occasion when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc
  • Perhaps - used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true
  • Prompting - the action of encouraging or reminding someone to do something
  • Reform - a change that is intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - 31st March 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 4, 2018 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated...

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