Dear Students,
Those who desire to serve for the country by being a revered part of Police Organization, SSC CPO is a felicitous opportunity to bring out probity in the system. The last date to apply for SSC CPO Exam was scheduled on 2nd April 2018 which has finally been extended to 13th April 2018. Let the opportunity turn into a successful venture in order to secure a seat in the cachet organisation.
The CPO 2018 Exam (Tier-I) will be conducted from 4th June to 10th June 2018 in Computer Based Examination System. Tentative vacancies for the posts of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspectors in CISF are 1223. No fruition is going to be achieved by you until you start following a lucrative study plan and follow it with all disciplinarian. To succor you, ADDA247 with the below given 60 Days Study Plan is all set to make your journey of cracking this pristine exam successful.
In this Week Wise Study Plan, we will provide a fruitful time table covering all the four sections viz. General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language. Each section will be containing 50 questions holding 1 marks for each question concluding the exam for 200 marks.
First SSC CPO aspirants need to stratagize a sophisticated study plan suiting with their time availability. And then stick to their guns at any cost to taste the success. Summing up a managed study plan for all the mandatory sections in SSC CPO Tier 1 Exam, we will provide other helpful tips as well.
Week Wise SSC CPO Study Plan:
1st Week SSC CPO Study Plan
Practice | ||
Reasoning | Series and Mirror Images | Previous Years Papers | |
General Awareness | Static Awareness | Current Affairs | |
Quantitative Aptitude | Simplifications, Number System and HCF & LCM | Previous Years Papers | |
English Language | Error Detection and Synonyms | Previous Years Papers |
Remarks: Start your preparation with a calm composure. The beginning weeks are deciding factor to move ahead with all determination, essential to build up your strong foundation.
Following this study plan strenuously where Two hours for each i.e English Language Section and Quantitative Aptitude and One hour for each Reasoning Section and General Awareness per day per week, an aspirant will ease the course of preparation and save himself/herself from the hectic and ungainly schedule.
Learn important tricks and formulae and solve as many questions you can using the same in Quantitative Aptitude. In English Section, learn all the important grammar rules and solve practice questions and previous years questions covering these rules. Give equal attention to each topic as per of new syllabus there will be 5 questions from each topic in English Language leaving no option but prepare each topic meticulously. Also make a habit of learning 10-15 words on daily basis as Vocabulary is a magnified portion of English Section. For GA section, include Revision work on daily basis in your schedule.
2nd Week SSC CPO Study Plan
Practice | ||
Reasoning | Odd one out and Coding Decoding | Previous Years Papers | |
General Awareness | History | Current Affairs | |
Quantitative Aptitude | Average, Ratio and Percentage | Previous Years Paperes | |
English Language | Sentence Improvement and Antonyms | Previous Years Papers |
Remarks: In Quantitative Aptitude, the combo of Average , Ratio and Percentage hold a captivating weightage. Also these chapters are interlinked and soving questions on these topics in a loop will make your practice impeccable. Sentence Improvement demands a good knowledge of grammar rules covering preposition, tense , subject verb agreement, pronoun, adjective etc. In GA, History is a cardinal section. Learn all the important dates, emperor's names, their reign period and important events. Do not forget to revise all you learned in the meanwhile.
3rd Week SSC CPO Study Plan
Practice | ||
Reasoning | Series and Mirror Image | Previous Years Papers | |
General Awareness | Biology | Current Affairs | |
Quantitative Aptitude | Profit and Loss, Discount and Simple Interest | Previous Years Papers | |
English Language | Error Detection and Synonyms | Previous Years Papers |
Remarks: When it comes to Quantitative Aptitude, Profit and Loss and Discount is always a discussed topic. In English Language Section and Reasoning,we have put same topics to learn in alternate weeks so as to have a revision of the same. After History, GS brings out the maximum number of questions. Go through previous years questions and the most repeated chapters in this section.
4th Week SSC CPO Study Plan
Practice | ||
Reasoning | Odd one out and Coding Decoding | Previous Years Papers | |
General Awareness | Polity | Current Affairs | |
Quantitative Aptitude | C.I, Speed and Distance,Time and Work | Previous Years Papers | |
English Language | Sentence Improvement and Antonyms | Previous Years Papers |
Remarks: Speed and Distance, Time and Work are not counted in the tougher section. Even simple formulae and short cuts will make your course smooth. Although we will advise you being prepare for the impedes. In Polity, a good knowledge of Constitution, Articles, Important dates and studying previous years questions will ease the load of cumbersome syllabus. Make time to read newspapers anyhow to be updated with current affairs and for a fluent recitation of words.
5th Week SSC CPO Study Plan
Practice | ||
Reasoning | Analogy and Venn Diagram | Previous Years Papers | |
General Awareness | Chemistry | Current Affairs | |
Quantitative Aptitude | Geometry, Trigonometry and Pipes & Cisterns | Previous Years Papers | |
English Language | Fill in the blanks and Idioms & Phrases | Previous Years Papers |
Give ample of time to Geometry and Trigonometry topics. The questions are usually tricky but solving process is easy only when you have a good practice. In Reasoning, Analogy and Venn Diagram are the important topics and demand knowledge of basic level. Many a time Reasoning Section covers General Knowledge in Analogy and Odd one out questions.
6th Week SSC CPO Study Plan
Practice | ||
Reasoning | Statement and Conclusions, Paper Folding Images | Previous Years Papers | |
General Awareness | Economics | Static GK | |
Quantitative Aptitude | Mensuration | Revision of previous topics | |
English Language | Phrase Substitution and Cloze Test Passage | Previous Years Papers |
Mensuration is all about formulae. Have a sharp remembrance of 2D and 3D figures formulae. Solve previous years questions so that you may come up with the variety of questions. In GA, Static GK is the most demanding these days. Read one liners. Important events, Name of books and authors, Sports Stadiums, Capital and Currencies, Prestigious Award winners etc are frequently asked.
7th Week SSC CPO Study Plan
Practice | ||
Reasoning | Analogy and Venn Diagram | Previous Years Papers | |
General Awareness | Physics | Static Gk | |
Quantitative Aptitude | Algebra and DI | Previous Years Papers | |
English Language | Fill in the blanks and Idioms and Phrases | Previous Years Papers |
Study all important identities and short cut tricks for Algebra. For English Section, Revise all the words you will read on daily basis, make the process of learning vocabulary easier through mnemonics.
8th Week SSC CPO Study Plan
Practice | ||
Reasoning | Directions, Blood Relations and Mathematical Operations | Previous Years Papers | |
General Awareness | Geography | Static Gk, Revision of previous Topics | |
Quantitative Aptitude | Revision of Previous Topics, Online Test Series | Previous Years Papers | |
English Language | Sentence Rearrangement, Phrase Replacement | Previous Years Papers |
While solving blood relations questions, think of yourself in the situation or a blood relation showing tree which will help to come out of the confusing nexus. On the course, start appearing for online tests, Mock tests to analyze your performance and have a data of your mistakes to avoid them in the real exam.
9th Week SSC CPO Study Plan
Practice | ||
Reasoning | Sequence(Acc. to Dictionary), Matrix | Previous Years Papers | |
General Awareness | Computer, Static Awareness | Previous Years Papers | |
Quantitative Aptitude | Revision of Previous Topics, Online Test Series | Previous Years Papers | |
English Language | Spelling Correction, Phrasal Verbs and Revision of Previous Topics | Previous Years Papers |
At SSC adda and ADDA 247 App , we are providing daily quizzes on all the important sections. Free Pdfs of crucial notes and previous years questions are in the store as well. On Sunday, make yourself available for All India Mock Test and come to know where you stand and where you need to improve more.
Tenth Week- Appear For Online Tests, Do Revision Work
It will be more beneficial if you start testing your performance through Online Mock Tests, Test Series and Sample Papers right from the fifth week in the end of the day and don’t forget including Revision work in your schedule depending on your convenience.
If a devoted aspirant follows this strategy on a stern basis, no one can stop you from achieving your dream job. Have a positive attitude, be the owner of your destiny. Bring out your best version to get what you will cherish forever in life and proud of.
All the very best for SSC CPO Examination!!
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