80 Days Study Plan For IBPS Clerk 2017

September 14, 2017    

80 Days Study Plan For IBPS Clerk 2017
Dear Students, as the notification of IBPS Clerk 2017 is already out and the registrations too have started for the same. And you all must have already started to prepare yourself for the Examination. The preliminary examination is going to be held in December, it's high time to put the pedal to the metal, batten down the hatches and get yourself ready for IBPS Clerk Examination. You still have much of time, a total of 80 days to prepare for the preliminary examination. Follow the plan being provided by bankersadda, you will definitely be holding all the aces and would do great at RRB Clerk Examination.
How to prepare for IBPS Clerk 2017 in 80 days: The three main subjects that you need to be excellent at are Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and English Language.

Quantitative Aptitude

All that you need to do to score well in quantitative aptitude section is practice. Master yourself at the basic concepts and follow them well, as for banking exams basic concepts will come in handy rather than tricks. Choose the questions wisely and try not to get stuck on a particular question or topic for too long. Try focussing on attempting the maximum number of questions keeping in mind the accuracy with which you attempt the paper.
Reasoning can be a difficult section for most of the aspirants and it is important to solve the questions and at the same time, keep a watch on the time that is passing by. We've seen in the recent Banking Exams that this section was quite challenging and time taking for students. Continuous practice will help you deal with this section too as the solution hits the mind quickly. To ace the grade in reasoning, all you need to do is to practice and only practice. After all, practice makes a man perfect.
English Language

If you are good at vocab and reading then try to make your grip stronger on the reading comprehension and Cloze Test and then do the other miscellaneous topics like Error Detection, Para Jumbles, Phrase Replacement, Double Fillers, etc. But if you are good at grammar, do the miscellaneous topics first and Reading Comprehension in the end. The important topics for cloze test are subject verb agreement, preposition, and verbs. These topics may help you some other questions too that will be based on grammar. So make sure that you have these topics on your finger tips when you are to attempt the examination.

So, here is the 80 days plan for IBPS Clerk 2017 that you have to follow from today onwards, i.e. 14th of September.
80 Days Study Plan For IBPS Clerk 2017

14th Sept
Blood Relation
Jumbled Paragraph(Odd one out)
15th Sept
Blood Relation
Jumbled Paragraph(Odd one out)
16th Sept
Quadratic Equation
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Fillers-New pattern
17th Sept
Test of the week
Test of the Week
Test of the week
18th Sept
Quadratic Equation
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Fillers-New pattern
19th Sept
Select Appropriate Word (four/five sentence)
20th Sept
Select Appropriate Word (four/five sentence)
21st Sept
Ratio and Proportion
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Cloze Test
22nd Sept
Ratio and Proportion
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Cloze Test
23rd Sept
Order, Raking and Direction
Vocabulary New pattern
24th Sept
Test of the week
Test of the week
Test of the week
25th Sept
Order, Raking and Direction
Vocabulary New pattern
26th Sept
Coding-Decoding (New Pattern)
Connectors word/phrase
27th Sept
Coding-Decoding (New Pattern)
Connectors word/phrase
28th Sept
Time, work and wages
Data Flow Diagram
Paragraph concluding Question
29th Sept
Time, work and wages
Data Flow Diagram
Paragraph concluding Question
30th Sept
Pipes and Cisterns
Alpha Numeric Symbol Sequence
Analogies (word pair relationship)
Test of the week
Test of the week
Test of the week
Pipes and Cisterns
Alpha Numeric Symbol Sequence
Analogies (word pair relationship)
Time and Distance
Syllogism (New Pattern)
Jumbled word-odd man out
Time and Distance
Syllogism (New Pattern)
Jumbled word-odd man out
Boats and Streams
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Questions on Writing Styles (Most concise manner)
Boats and Streams
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Questions on Writing Styles (Most concise manner)
Profit and Loss
Machine Input-Output
Profit and Loss
Machine Input-Output
Test of the week
Test of the week
Test of the week
Simple Interest
Blood Relation
Select grammatically correct sentence
Simple Interest
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Select grammatically correct sentence
Compound Interest
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Sentence Improvements
Compound Interest
Data Sufficiency
Sentence Improvements
Simple and Compound Interest
Data Sufficiency
Find the best restates sentence
Simple and Compound Interest
Logical Reasoning
Find the best restates sentence
Test of the week
Test of the week
Test of the week
Problems on ages
Logical Reasoning
Find the ODD sentence
Problems on ages
Find the ODD sentence
DI: Tabular
Find the most logical Complement
DI: Tabular
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Find the most logical Complement
DI: Pi chart
Logical Reasoning
Phrase/Word Replacement
DI: Pi chart
Data Flow Diagram
Phrase/Word Replacement
Test of the week
Test of the week
Test of the week
DI: Missing
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Paragraph Completion
DI: Missing
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Paragraph Completion
DI: Line Graph
Order, Raking and Direction
Reading Comprehension
DI: Line Graph
Data Sufficiency
Reading Comprehension

Number Series
Alpha Numeric Symbol Sequence
Word usage-1 (One common Word fill in the four sentence)
Number Series
Logical Reasoning
Word usage-1 (One common Word fill in the four sentence)
Test of the week
Test of the week
Test of the week
DI: Bar Graph
Coding-Decoding (New Pattern)
Word Usage-2 find the incorrect usage of the word
DI: Bar Graph
Logical Reasoning
Jumbled Paragraph (Odd one out)
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Jumbled Paragraph (Odd one out)
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Fillers-New pattern
Data Sufficiency
Fillers-New pattern
Syllogism (New Pattern)
Error Detection
Test of the week
Test of the week
Test of the week
Quadratic Equation
Order, Raking and Direction
Error Detection
Quadratic Equation
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Select Appropriate Word (four/five sentence)
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Select Appropriate Word (four/five sentence)
Order, Raking and Direction
Cloze Test
Number Series
Data Flow Diagram
Cloze Test
Number Series
Logical Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
Test of the week
Test of the week
Test of the week
DI: Line Graph
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Reading Comprehension
DI: Tabular
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Reading Comprehension
DI: Bar Graph
Alpha Numeric Symbol Sequence
Vocabulary New pattern
DI: Pi chart
Blood Relation
Word usage-1 (One common Word fill in the four sentence)
DI: Missing
Order, Raking and Direction
Word Usage-2 find the incorrect usage of the word
Time, work and wages
Revision of the week
Appropriate/Inappropriate word (single sentence)
Test of the week
Test of the week
Test of the week
Pipes and Cisterns
Logical Reasoning
Jumbled Paragraph (Odd one out)
Machine Input-Output
Fillers-New pattern
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Error Detection
Problem on Ages
Syllogism (New Pattern)
Select Appropriate Word (four/five sentence)
Alligation and Mixtures
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
Ratio and Proportion
Data Sufficiency
Fillers-New pattern
Test of the week
Test of the week
Cloze Test
DI: Practice Set-1
Practice Set-1
Practice Set-1
DI: Practice Set-2
Practice Set-2
Practice Set-2
Practice Set-3
Practice Set-3
Practice Set-3
Practice Set-4
Practice Set-4
Practice Set-4
Practice Set-5
Practice Set-5
Practice Set-5
Best Of Luck!!

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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/09/80-days-study-plan-for-ibps-clerk-2017.html
80 Days Study Plan For IBPS Clerk 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 14, 2017 Dear Students, as the notification of IBPS Clerk 2017 is already out and the registrations too have started for the same. And you all m...

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