The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary for IB ACIO Exam 2017

September 14, 2017    

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL /MTS /CPO Exam

Dear students, English language is the flavor of the millennium. In every aspect of life, we need great English language skills to stand out and be a success in your chosen field. In your competitive Exams for govt. jobs, English section is the most challenging. The best way to improve your language skills is by Reading newspapers. We are providing 10 vocabulary words from The Hindu Newspaper Editorial. Read and learn.

1.Complicit (adjective)
Meaning: involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or morally wrong.
Synonyms: collusion, connivance, conspiracy
Example: Hegel suggests that poverty is a social phenomenon. One, society is complicit in the creation and recreation of poverty. Destitution, that is, is the outcome of a skewed economy. Two, poverty breeds unfortunate consequences, such as suffering, which seriously demoralises human beings. 

2.Pejorative (adjective)
Meaning: expressing contempt or disapproval.
Synonyms: disparaging, derogatory, denigratory, deprecatory, defamatory, slanderous, libellous, abusive, insulting, slighting, vituperative, disapproving, contemptuous.
Example: Starkly put, the presence of massive inequality reflects sharply and pejoratively on the kind of social relations that we find in India. Because these social relationships are indisputably unequal, they cannot but be entrenched in massive discrimination and exploitation.

3.Robust (adjective)
Meaning: strong and healthy; vigorous.
Synonyms: strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, powerful, powerfully built, solidly built, as strong as a horse/ox, muscular, sinewy, rugged, hardy, strapping, brawny, burly, husky.
Example: The principle of equal standing generates at least two robust principles of democratic morality. For one, equality is a relation that obtains between persons in respect of some fundamental characteristic that they share in common. Equality is, morally speaking, a default principle. 

4.Persuasion (noun)
Meaning: the action or process of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.
Synonyms: coaxing, persuading, coercion, inducement, convincing, blandishment, encouragement, urging, prompting, inveiglement, temptation, cajolery, enticement.
Example: The project requires the harnessing of creative imagination and courage on the one hand, and careful reasoning, persuasion, and dialogue on the other. The task also demands the investment of rather high degrees of energy and time. 

5.Abdabs (noun)
Meaning: nervous anxiety or irritation.
Example: A century ago, farmers in Bihar’s Champaran district were forced to set aside 15% of their land to cultivate indigo under the Tinkathia system. Once planted, the farmers were still subjected to a variety of extortionist cesses, or abwabs. They rose in revolt but were crushed by the East India Company until the arrival of a barrister from South Africa. Yet, a century after Mahatma Gandhi fought against the exploitation of farmers, India’s agrarian community still remains under siege.

6.Granular (adjective)
Meaning: resembling or consisting of small grains or particles.
Synonyms: powder, powdered, powdery, grainy, granulated, gritty, sandy.
Example: At a granular level, marginal farming in India is a highly complex and decision-intensive process. Farmers have to make a variety of decisions starting with the choice of crops (annual or short term) and their time of tillage.

7.Deleterious (adjective)
Meaning: causing harm or damage.
Synonyms: harmful, damaging, detrimental, injurious, inimical, hurtful, bad, adverse, disadvantageous, unfavourable, unfortunate, undesirable.
Example: The introduction of a nationwide agriculture loan waiver in 1990 had a deleterious impact on the provision of rural credit, providing a short-term palliative while breeding credit indiscipline among farmers and leading to a shortfall in rural credit growth.

8.Allusion (noun)
Meaning: an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.
Synonyms: reference to, mention of, comment on, remark about, citation of, quotation of, hint at, intimation of, suggestion of.
Example: The allusion in the latest treason charge is to Mr. Kem Sokha’s comments before an Australian audience some years ago, pointing to the level of desperation in the ruling dispensation. The current political turmoil in Cambodia reflects an ongoing shift in international influence in the decades following the genocide. 

9.Shroud (verb)
Meaning: wrap or dress (a body) in a shroud for burial., cover or envelop so as to conceal from view.
Synonyms: cover, envelop, veil, cloak, curtain, swathe, wrap, blanket, screen, cloud, mantle, conceal, hide, disguise, mask, obscure, surround, overlay, clothe. 
Example: There is a great deal of psychological warfare at work, with the battlefield shrouded in competing interests and with facts hard to discern through the smoke. Each of the main forces (the Syrian Army, the SDF, the Iranian militias, Hezbollah, the Free Syrian Army, the Turkish army and the U.S. military) claims to be at the forefront of the battle to defeat the IS. That has become the focus.

10.Coax (verb)
Meaning: persuade (someone) gradually or gently to do something.
Synonyms: persuade, wheedle, cajole, talk into something, get round, prevail on, beguile, flatter, seduce, lure, entice, tempt, inveigle, woo, manoeuvre.
Example: President Assad could have been coaxed to the table after these battlefield successes. He might very well have been in the mood for concessions from a position of strength. Just when Mr. de Mistura seemed prepared to hold preparatory talks with Damascus, other parts of the UN decided to increase the pressure on the Syrian government. 

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary for IB ACIO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 14, 2017 Dear students, English language is the flavor of the millennium. In every aspect of life, we need great English language skills to stand...

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