English Questions For NABARD Exam 2017

July 4, 2017    

Dear Students,
English Questions For NABARD Exam 2017

English Section is a topic that is feared by most of the candidates appearing in the NABARD and other bank exams. Though the sheer number of concepts and rules may seem intimidating at first, with discipline and the right approach, it is not difficult to master these concepts and their application to questions. Through such English Quizzes, we will provide you all types of high-level questions to ace the paragraph summary questions and jumbled paragraph questions, new pattern English section of banking and insurance exams. In this quiz, you can attempt cloze test and sentence completion questions for NABARD and IBPS exams we have also provided study notes of English Language.

Direction (1-5): In each of the following questions a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a blank. Select the best out of the five answer choices given, to make the passage complete and coherent.

Q1. Acacia tree came to the country from the Indian sub-continent and flourished thanks to its properties that are perfectly adapted to an arid environment. Its deep roots allow it to draw water from 60 metres underground, ___________ creating a natural barrier against erosion. 
(a)that gives the secondary benefits of limiting irrigation or
(b) which also provide the secondary benefit of limiting irrigation and
(c)limited irrigation is the benefit of limiting secondary
(d)which also provided  the secondary benefit that limited irrigation and
(e)limiting irrigation will be provided by secondary  benefit though

Q2.  Greece does not have enough income to pay its bills. Since the financial crisis began, its economy has shrunk by more than any other rich country’s. Between 2008 and 2014 nominal GDP, a rough proxy for an economy’s capacity to repay debts, fell by 22%, ____________.
(a)more than other European is valid
(b)most valid European and much more
(c)invalid European and more
(d)much more than any other European invalid.
(e)most of the Europeans that is invalid

Q3. Anyone who has ever had even a quick glance through Instagram will know that just as doughnuts and cupcakes are pet favourites of the food world, _____________.
(a)succulents had the pet project of lifestyle instagrammer
(b) succulents  have being the pet projects of lifestyle instagrammer
(c) succulents are the pet project of lifestyle Instagrammer.
(d)succulents had been the projects of lifestyle nstagrammer.
(e)succulents is the pet projects of lifestyle instagrammer.

Q4.Bony old man Arumugam is a recent YouTube sensation. His cookery show Village Food Factory is keenly watched by millions. ___________the food is tasted with exaggerated relish in front of the camera by Arumugam himself
(a)cooking style and its procedure of grabbing attention
(b)it is calling for attention for their cooking style or the way
(c)it is grabbing attention of their simply cooked style and the way
(d)by the way  their cooking is very simple
(e) It is grabbing attention for its simple cooking style and the way

Q5.Every country that follows GST experienced a hike in inflation when they first introduced it. They countered the inflation by keeping tabs on prices and________ .
(a)  initiating anti-profiteering measures at the retail level to protect consumers from price swindling
(b)protect consumers from price swindling initiate anti-profiteering measures  initiated
(c)initiate anti-profiteering measures of the retailing level to protect consumers of price swindling
(d)to protract consumers from price swindling anti-profiteering measures  are initiated
(e)anti- profiteering measures at the retail  level is protecting consumers from swindling of price.

Directions (6-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed in the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Falling commodity prices, especially of crude oil, have been instrumental in (6) ______up India’s macro-economic fundamentals over the past few years. From $110.82 a barrel in January 2014, crude oil prices (7)_______ just as the Narendra  Modi-led NDA government came to power. This was instrumental in (8) _________ a lid on inflation during two drought years, and also helped contain the (9)________account deficit and shore up government revenues.
This decline in international oil prices led to a fiscal (10)__________, with an astute government (11)__________ taxes and not fully passing on the gains from lower prices to consumers. As a result, while consumer end prices did (12)____________, the extent of the decline was much lower than at the wholesale level.
This, coupled with range-bound gold prices , (13)_______ a sharp fall in two of India’s principal imports. As a consequence, the country’s current account deficit declined to more manageable (14)_________, a far cry from 2013, when India, along with Turkey, Brazil, South Africa, and Indonesia,  earned the moniker of fragile five, (15)_________ to weak macro-economic fundamentals.

(d)Act up
(e)none of these

(c)brought back
(e)none of these

(e)none of these

(e)none of these

(e)none of these

(e)none of these

(e)none of these

(a)laid to
(b)laid by
(c)lay by
(d)led to
(e)none of these

(e)none of these

(e)none of these

Answers will be updated soon....
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English Questions For NABARD Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 4, 2017 Dear Students, English Section is a topic that is feared by most of the candidates appearing in the NABARD and other bank exams. Though...

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