Important Practice English Questions on Sentence Rearrangement with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017

June 17, 2017    

Important Practice English Questions on Cloze Test with Detailed Explanation for SBI PO/RBI Grade B/NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017
Important Practice English Questions on Cloze Test with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Important Practice English Questions on cloze Test with Explanation for Upcoming IBPS PO/Clerk and All other Upcoming Competitive Exams 2017. Candidates those who are preparing for the examination can make use of it.

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Directions (Q. 1-10): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.
There was a time when banks were ineffective in loan recovery when we tell BBA words retail borrowers defaulted. The Indian legal system moves 1.(from/at/on/in)
a snail's pace. Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) intervention ensured banks had to stop using arm-twisting 2.(Plans/ways/tactics/assumptions) to collect retail debts. That is when the Credit Information Companies Regulation Act (CICRA) and the increasing effectiveness of the credit bureaus licensed under it came to the rescue and, today, intentional defaults for retail loans 3.(is/are/were/was) down to trickle. Thanks to credit bureaus, banks now have access to a consumer’s previous loan history and can deny credit to those who have defaulted. This denial of credit from the formal system is an effective tool to control intentional defaults. That's why the retail lending books of banks have not seen any 4.(important/sufficient/optimum/significant) defaults, despite the challenging economic scenario. That brings us to the subject of this article. The pendulum has perhaps swung away to the other extreme 5.(through/from/along/at)the time when banks were helpless spectators to a borrower defaulting, to the current scenario where a bank has the power to deny credit to the borrower if he defaults with them. While it is not my intention to bat for defaulters, people 6.(being/have been/been/be) wrongly branded as defaulters is a very serious issue, especially when where banks have this power completely in their hands.
There have been numerous cases where credit card companies debited annual fees (after promising free for life credit cards) or insurance premiums without their7.(customers’/customer/customer’s/consumer) permission. Earlier consumers dealt with it by simply not paying for such 8.(irrelevant/unjustified/inappropriate/unwanted) debits. Now, the reporting of these so called defaults has led to stoppage of availability of credit to them for home loans or car loans or credit cards. They now 9.(have/has/had/have been) to fight the bank at the banking ombudsman level or in consumer courts. How unjustified these charges are, can be 10.(gauged/estimate/see/decide) from the fact that most of these disputes bought before the ombudsman or consumer courts has been decided in favour of the consumer, as bank simply have no leg to stand on. Yet, that was not led to banks re-looking at the data supplied by them to credit bureaus earlier involuntarily changing it. The reason is simple. They get away by changing the data for only those consumers who choose to fight it out..

1).In the sentence, it is about speed (pace), with which ‘at’ is used. Answer: B
2).‘Tactics’ should be used here, as it shows the kind of strategies i.e., ‘arm-twisting’. Answer: C

3).The sentence is in present tense and plural form, hence, ‘are’ will be used. Answer: B

4).The word ‘significant’ is appropriate in use in this sentence. Answer: D
5).In following sentence, the prepositions ‘from and to’ should be used with each other, which connect the sentence and make sense. Answer: B

6).The sentence is in present continuous form, hence, ‘being’ is used. Answer: A

7).Here, plural form is used with the possession i.e., consumers’ permission. Answer: A
8).As per the content, ‘unjustified’ is the appropriate word to be used. Answer: B
9).Future tense and plural context- have Answer: A

10).Gauge means ‘to determine’ and goes with the tense in the sentence. Answer: A

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Important Practice English Questions on Sentence Rearrangement with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 17, 2017 Important Practice English Questions on Cloze Test with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017 : Dear Readers, Here w...

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