Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-21):
Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to increase the overall marks. To score high you need to practice more and more standard questions daily. “Practice does not make perfect, Only Perfect Practice makes perfect”.
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Seven participants V, P, W, H, S, R and T from seven different cities, viz Tokyo, Sydney, Paris, Toronto, NewYork, Cape Town and London, but not necessarily in the same order, participate in a dance competition. All of them perform seven different dance styles, viz Flamenco, Tango, Contra, Ballet, Jazz, Folk and Swing, but not necessarily in the same order. The one who performs Contra does not belong to NewYork. P is from Paris and does not perform Ballet. The one who is from Toronto performs Flamenco. The one who is from Sydney performs neither Ballet nor Jazz. V is from London. S is from Tokyo and performs Folk dance. W performs Swing but he is neither from Cape Town nor from New York. H performs Tango and T performs Contra.
1.Who performs Ballet? 2.Which of the following combinations is correct?
2). Answer: C)
3. P performs which of the following dance styles?3).Answer is: C)
4.Who is from Sydney?4). Answer is: B)
5.R is from which city?5).
Answer is: D)
Directions (Q. 06-10): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow. Twelve friends are sitting in two squares. One square is inside another. P, Q, R, S, T and V are in the outer square facing inward. A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in the inner square facing outward. They all are sitting in such a way that in each square four persons are sitting in the middle of the sides and two persons are sitting on diagonally opposite corners. Each friend in the inner square is facing another friend of the outer square. There are exactly two persons sitting between P and T. E sits second to the left of A. R is on the immediate left of the one who is facing A. Neither E nor A faces either T or P. S is facing F and Q is not opposite R in the outer square. T is not sitting adjacent to S. B is not facing P. Between B and D there are as many persons as between R and V. Answer is: D)
6. Who is sitting opposite B?
7. V is facing which of the following persons?
Answer is: A)
8.Who is sitting on the immediate left of R?Answer is: A)
8). Answer is: C)
9. Four of the five are alike in a certain manner. Select the one which is not similar to the other four.9).
Answer is: E)
10. Who is sitting second to the left of D?Answer is: E)
Answer is: A)
Directions (11-15): Study the following carefully and answer the questions given below.Answer is: A)
There are eight family members J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q sitting around a circular table for lunch. All of them work in a different companies, viz Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T and S but not necessarily in the same order. Q works in Company Z and is brother of K. L sits second to the right of O’s wife, who works neither in Company V nor in Company Z. Both the immediate neighbours of L are females. N’s son sits second to the left of Q and on the immediate right of the person who works in Company U. Q is not an immediate neighbour of O’s wife. N’s son works in Company T. Only one person sits between P and Q. O’s sister N sits on the immediate right of her father, who works in Company Y. P is mother of K. Only one person sits between O’s father and J. J sits on the immediate left of the person who works in Company X. Only one person sits between O and K. K sits second to the left of the person who works in Company S. K is father of M and is not an immediate neighbour of J.
11.Who among the following works in Company S?
12.Who among the following is the son of N?
12). Answer is: D)
13. The person who works in Company W is sitting between who among the following?13). Answer is: A)
14.What is the relation between O and M?14). Answer is: c)
15. N works with which of the following companies?15). Answer: A)
Directions (Q. 16-20): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.A word-and-number arrangement machine, when given an input line of words and numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and its rearrangement:
Input: show 18 floor were out 23 15 19
Step I: 23 show 18 floor out 15 19 were
Step II: 23 19 18 floor out 15 show were
Step III: 23 19 18 15 floor out show were
Step III is the last step of the above input. As per the rules in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the step for the input given below:
Input: rat 77 35 name date 79 jet calm 38 75 vote on
16. Which of the following steps would be the last step but one?
16). In the rearrangement the numbers are arranged in descending order from left to right and the words are arranged in reverse alphabetical order from right to left in each step.
Input: rat 77 35 name date 79 jet calm 38 75 vote on
Step I. 79 rat 77 35 name date jet calm 38 75 on vote
Step II. 79 77 35 name date jet calm 38 75 on rat vote
Step III. 79 77 75 35 date jet calm 38 name on rat vote
Step IV. 79 77 75 38 35 date calm jet name on rat vote
Step V. 79 77 75 38 35 calm date jet name on rat vote
Answer: B)
17.What will be the position of ‘name’ in Step IV?
Input: rat 77 35 name date 79 jet calm 38 75 vote on
Step I. 79 rat 77 35 name date jet calm 38 75 on vote
Step II. 79 77 35 name date jet calm 38 75 on rat vote
Step III. 79 77 75 35 date jet calm 38 name on rat vote
Step IV. 79 77 75 38 35 date calm jet name on rat vote
Step V. 79 77 75 38 35 calm date jet name on rat vote
Answer: B)
17). Answer: D)
18.How many words/numbers are there between ‘35’ and ‘38’ in Step III in the above input?18). Answer: C)
19.Which of the following steps will be the last step for the following input?Input: ‘29 fund 35 cute 30 duty eve rice 31 44’
19).Answer: A)
Input: 29 fund 35 cute 30 duty eve rice 31 44
Step I. 44 29 fund 35 cute 30 duty eve 31 rice
Input: 29 fund 35 cute 30 duty eve rice 31 44
Step I. 44 29 fund 35 cute 30 duty eve 31 rice
20. If ‘45 38 23 34 put black side the’ is the second step of an input, then which of the following is definitely the input?
20). Answer: D)
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