The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL Exam 2017

June 17, 2017    

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL /MTS /CPO Exam

Dear Students, SSC CGL 2017 Exam will be conducted from 1st August to 20 August 2017. For vocabulary related questions, you need to read a lot and memorize the words so that you can answer all the questions based on vocab. Your reading habit can make all the difference. If you are not able to read a newspaper for SSC Exam, here we are providing vocab words based on the Hindu newspaper editorial. 

1.Remittance (noun)
Meaning: a sum of money sent in payment or as a gift.
Synonyms: payment, settlement, money, fee.
Example: “The small account shall be opened only at core banking solution-linked banking company branches or in a branch where it is possible to manually monitor and ensure that foreign remittances are not credited to a small account and that the stipulated limits on monthly and annual aggregate of transactions and balance in such accounts are not breached, before a transaction is allowed to take place,” the notification said. 

2.Epidemic (noun)
Meaning: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
Synonyms: outbreak, plague, scourge, infestation;
Example: The viral of farm loan waivers is acquiring epidemic proportions. In some ways it is a competitive race to the bottom.

3.Linchpin (noun)
Meaning: a person or thing vital to an enterprise or organization.
Example: Following the 14th Finance Commission recommendations, the total State expenditure (as a percentage of GSDP) is higher than even the Centre’s. State finances have increasingly become a crucial lynchpin of India’s fiscal framework.

4.Plausible (adjective)
Meaning: (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.
Synonyms: credible, reasonable, believable, likely, feasible, probable, tenable, possible, conceivable, imaginable, within the bounds of possibility, convincing, persuasive, cogent.
Example: Debt is considered sustainable if debt-GDP ratio is stable or on a declining path. This is a necessary condition for solvency of any government’s finances. While debt ratios for the Central government are projected to decline under plausible assumptions, the behaviour of the States is strikingly different. 

5.Implication (noun)
Meaning: the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.
Synonyms: suggestion, inference, insinuation, innuendo, hint, intimation, imputation, indication.
Example: Reliance Industries’  and BP’s joint investment of ₹40,000 crore in the KG D6 gas block has important implications for the oil, gas and renewable energy sectors in terms of technological development, supply line infrastructure and pricing policy. 

6.Promulgate (verb)
Meaning: promote or make widely known (an idea or cause)
synonyms: make known, make public, publicize, spread, communicate, propagate, disseminate, circulate, broadcast, promote, announce, proclaim.

Example: Under the new Constitution promulgated in 2015, seven provinces have been created and significant decentralisation of powers has taken place.

7.Inflationary (adjective)
Meaning: characterized by or tending to cause monetary inflation.

Example: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has categorically said  States must generate their own resources to fund such largesse, and the Reserve Bank of India has warned of inflationary risks from fiscal slippages caused by large farm loan waivers. 

8.Renaissance (noun)
Meaning: the revival of European art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th–16th centuries.a revival of or renewed interest in something.
Example: The fine balance struck by India and the U.S. culminated in the Agenda 21, raising hopes 
for a renaissance in the areas of both environment and development.

9.Mitigation (noun)
Meaning: the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
Synonyms: alleviation, reduction, diminution, lessening, easing, weakening, lightening.
Example: The Accord deals with the global commitments of countries regarding emissions, mitigation, adaptation and financing from 2020. The allegation that China, Russia and India are only contributing to pollution and not to climate change fund has no basis whatsoever.

10.Commensurate (adjective)
Meaning: corresponding in size or degree; in proportion.
Synonyms: equivalent, equal, corresponding, correspondent, comparable, proportionate.
Example: The advantage that the U.S. and other developed countries have gained from the Paris Accord is that all economies, including China and India, are being made to take action on climate change without any commensurate guarantees from the former on funding and transfer of technology.

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 17, 2017 Dear Students,  SSC CGL 2017 Exam  will be conducted from 1st August to 20 August 2017. For  vocabulary related questions,  you need to r...

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