Question 1
A recent communique noted that China’s foreign minister told officials in Italy that Beijing intends to maintain and extend its open door policy to the west. The minister also said that China would continue with its programme of political and economic changes despite a recent campaign against Western ideas and foreign aids.
The writer of the communiqué above makes which of the following assumptions?
(a) China’s foreign minister asserts that internal change is a matter for only Chinese to decide.
(b) Internal political and economic changes will not be tolerated
(c) China’s external relations with the West will continue despite turmoil at home
(d) Internal changes in China will not follow Western models although foreign trade between them may continue.
(e)China’s foreign minister does not realize that an open-door policy and rejection of Western ideas are mutually exclusive.
(b) Internal political and economic changes will not be tolerated
(c) China’s external relations with the West will continue despite turmoil at home
(d) Internal changes in China will not follow Western models although foreign trade between them may continue.
(e)China’s foreign minister does not realize that an open-door policy and rejection of Western ideas are mutually exclusive.
Direction:The statement given below is followed by three assumptions. Read the statement carefully and consider the statement and assumptions, then decided which assumption(s) is/are implicit.
The central government has directed the state government to reduce the government expenditure in view of the serious resource crunch and it may not be able to sanction every additional grant to the states for the next six months.
I. The state government is totally dependent on the Central government for its expenditure.
II. The Central government has reviewed the expenditure account of the state government.
III. The state Government will abide by the directives.
(a) II and III are implicit
(b) All are implicit
(c) none is implicit
(d) only III is implicit
Direction: The statement given below is followed by three assumptions. Read the statement carefully and consider the statement and assumptions, then decided which assumption(s) is/are implicit.
“No democracy has paid a heavier price of adult franchise than India. Illiterate people, after being given the power of vote, have ushered in a kind off functional anarchy”. Excerpts from a speech.
I. Adult franchise is not a healthy thing for a democracy
II. Only illiterate people should be given the right to vote
III. There is functional anarchy in India.
(a) None is implicit
(b) Only I is implicit
(c) Only II is implicit
(d) Only III is implicit
(d) Only III is implicit
Every town with a pool hall has its share of unsavoury characters. This is because the pool hall attracts gamblers and all gamblers are unsavoury.
Which of the following, if true, cannot be inferred from the above?
Direction: In the question below is given a statement followed by three courses of action numbered I, II, lll. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.(a) All gamblers are unsavoury
(b) All pool halls attract gamblers
(c) Every town has unsavoury characters
(d) All gamblers are attracted by pool halls
(e) An explanation of what attracts gamblers
Many management institutes in the city have enrolled a large number of students for management courses, which are not recognised either by the local university or by the department or by the department of technical education.
Course of action
I. All these management institutes should immediately be derecognized by the university and the department of technical education.
II. All these management institutes should be asked to refund fees to all such students and enroll them only for recognised courses
III.All such students should be advised to switch over to the recognised courses in other institutes.
(a) only I follows
(b) only II follows
Direction: In the question below is given a statement followed by three courses of action numbered I, II, lll. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.Statement
It is suspected that one of the main reasons behind the Jammu bomb explosions on this republic day could be the compliance of some government officials.
Course of action
I. Government should ask all government officials to leave to go on leave until the truth is finally out.
II. The government should set up an enquiry commission to look into the matter.
III. security arrangements should be tightened in and around the area.
(a) Only I follows
(b) Only III follows
(c) I and II follows
(d) II and III follow
In 1989, Japanese economic growth is expected to increase 50 times more than that of the USA. Japanese economic policy ensures that faster growth is caused by greater investment in modern industrial plants, the initial investment,l eads to lower production costs, increased competitiveness, higher living standards and low inflation. The USA, on the other hand, is more concerned with curbing inflation and is pursuing a policy of is slow growth, thus preventing investment in the modernization of American industry.
Is paying ransom or agreeing to the conditions of kidnappers of political figures a proper course of action?
(II) Yes, Victims must be saved at any cost
(II) No, It encourages the kidnappers to continue with their sinister activities.
(a) may be inferred but not assumed, clearly he is asserting not assuming, similarly
(b) and
(b) and
(c) too can be inferred from the communiqué and sentence
(e) has no proof.
Only (d) summarises the minister’s assertion
Solution 2
a) The use of the word ‘totally’ makes the assumption doubtful. It is given that the central government has directed the state government to reduce its expenditure account and also the state government will abide by the directive.
So I statement is not implicit.
Only II and III are implicit.
Solution 3
The author is not against the adult franchise in general, he is only against if by illiterate people so I is not implicit.
Statement II is obviously implied and statement III is again implied.
Solution 4
(c) The savoury’s conclusion is that all towns have unsavoury characters is false. So conclusion (c) is wrong. A and b are stated in the passage. (d) and (e) can be deducted.
Solution 5
a) The prime and effective course of action is recognization of such institutes by the university. Hence, the course of action I is appropriate
Solution 6
II and III are logical steps, I is over reacting, you cannot suspend all the officials only because some of them are being suspected. Moreover, asking all the officials to go on leave would mean a total breakdown in the government machinery. So (d)is the right answer.Solution 7
d) in order to shift the blame for reduction in the annual rate of growth of sales output away form Joe’s new regime, we must find another reason for the lack of sales, (d) provides us with this alternative.
Solution 8
a) The correct response to this question is a statement that focuses upon an unforeseen casual outcome. what option (a) asserts is that you can pour the money into the system, and you can train students in maths and science, but they will not go into teaching. Thus. Your plan will not achieve the desired levels.
Solution 9
b) The statement in choice (a) cannot be inferred or concluded because we cannot conclude that slow growth can prevent inflation. the statement in choice (d) is partially correct a since increased productivity has lowered the rate of inflation in Japan.
However,this had been coupled with lowering of production costs. So statement (d) is insufficient by itself. Choice (E) is correct interpretation of the US economic policy, but it is not a proven statement. Choice (b) is the correct choice.
Solution 10
Option (e), Both are strong as one has positive feature and other is negative.

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