Dear Readers, we have given here the English Practice Questions for upcoming Exams 2017. Candidates can use this material for their preparations.

Directions (Q. 1-5):Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
(A) Most subscribers have struggled with — and complained bitterly about— 'call drops'.
(B) India is also the second largest in terms of Internet users, whose numbers stand at 277 million behind China and ahead of the US.
(C) India is one of the fastest growing smartphone markets in the Asia—Pacific region, with nearly 104 million smartphones sold in 2015.
(D) However, the quality of its telecom services leaves much to be desired.
(E) As a result, calls drop all the time inside high - rises, on highways, in trains and on metros, either because the limited spectrum available with carriers does not allow them to beam signals over long distances or tall building or because the increase in data use by consumers shrinks the capacity of telecom towers, affecting voice services.
(F) This is because Indian telcos, while making merry on the stupendous growth in the number of subscribers, have not made commensurate investments in beefing up critical infrastructure such as spectrum and towers.
1).Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
2).Which of the following should be theSECOND sentence after rearrangement?
3).Which of the following should be theTHIRD sentence after rearrangement?
4).Which of the following should be theFOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
5).Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?
Directions (Q. 6-10):Rearrange the following seven sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) and (C) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
(A) But then, jewellery demand hasn't shown a material recovery even after the strike was called off and a good monsoon has already propped up rural demand for consumer goods.
(B) Some gold industry watchers clearly believe that Indian jewellery buying in recent months has been hit by one-off factors and expect a sharp recovery.
(C) Two, falling inflation and vastly better banking penetration are also nudging savers from physical to financial assets.
(D) For one, there's the centre's concerted crackdown on black money, which deters attempts by the wealthy to funnel unaccounted money into gold and jewellery. (E) They cite the six-week jewellers' strike in March -April, high trade inventories, weak rural incomes and the 20 per cent spike in gold price as reasons for muted demand.
(F) However, there could also be structural factors at play in depressing gold demand.
(G) It therefore remains to be seen if consumers resume their gold purchases in the upcoming festive and wedding season.
6).Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
7).Which of the following should be theSECOND sentence after rearrangement?
8).Which of the following should be theTHIRD sentence after rearrangement?
9).Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
10).Which of the following should be the LAST (SEVENTH) sentence after rearrangement?
1) c 2) c 3) e 4) b 5) d 6) b 7) d 8) c 9) b 10) d
Directions (Q. 1-5): CBDAFE
Directions (Q. 6-10): BEAGFDC
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