Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Reading Comprehension)

February 17, 2017    

Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Reading Comprehension) Set-68:
Dear Readers, we have given here the English Practice Questions for upcoming  Exams 2017. Candidates can use this material for their preparations.
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-10)Read the following passage carefully and answer questions given below it. Certain words / phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
India has come a long way since the Bengal Famine of 1943. The food situation in India, once characterised by chronic shortages and the spectre of famines, has changed dramatically over the years. From being the biggest recipient of PL-480 during the 1950s and 1960s in India today is relatively self sufficient in food grain at the given at he given level of incomes and prices; in fact, it has, marginal surpluses. The General Agreement Tariffs and Trade (GATT) has been signed, with India as one of the signatories, under which all countries will have to gradually open up their agricultural sectors. It is, therefore, neither feasible nor desirable to keep India's food grain sector insulated from world markets, In fact, this is an appropriate opportunity for India to integrate its agriculture with global agriculture and make use of private trade (both domestic and foreign) as an important instrument for efficiently allocating her resources as well as providing food security to her people at the lowest economic cost. The time to change gears in food policy has come.
Food security means the physical and economic access to food. Since food grains have the largest share in the food basket of the poor in a developing country like India, it is the availability of food grains that lies at the heart of the concept  of food security. The first step in this direction, therefore, is to make food grains physically available to the people. This can be done by augmenting production, or through imports and transportation of grain to people wherever they are.
There are several ways of achieving these targets, One, to rely on private entrepreneurship by letting the individual farmers produce, traders trade/import and make it available to consumer far and wide; or the Government may directly intervence in the production and or the trade process. In the former case, the Government follows policies that provide appropriate market signals while in the latter, it acts as producer, importer and trader itself. Indian policy-makers have followed a mix of both these options. For production they have relied on the farmers while the Government has retained Control over imports. For distribution, it has created public agencies to do the job along with private trade, thus creating a dual marketing structure.
Providing economic access to food is the second part of the concept or food security. This can he best obtained by adopting a cost effective technology in production so that real prices of food grains come down and more people have access to it. In case it still fails ho reach the larger sections of the population, the Government can directly subsidise food for the poor, launch a drive to augment their incomes, or try a combination of the two strategies. India has followed both these policies.
1).If the private agencies are entrusted the work of making food grains available to people, what facilitative role government should undertake?
a)   Nationalise all distribution system
b)   Take those decisions that give appropriate message to the market
c)   Should undertake responsibilities of production and distribution
d)   Make efforts to increase the income of the framers
e)   None of the above
2).Which of the following forms the most essential part of the concept of food security in India?
a)   Availability of effective technology of food production to poor farmers
b)   Availability of all food items in the market for urban poor
c)   Easy access of food grains to the working sections at affordable price
d)   Providing subsidy on all food items for rural poor
e)   None of the above
3).According to the author, why is it necessary to make available food security to people?
a)   To sustain economic growth
b)   As per PL-480 guideline
c)   To enable us to export food grains
d)   Not given in the passage
e)   None of the above
4).Which one of the following views regarding GATT does the author support?
a)   India should seize the chance and make efforts to fulfil its objectives.
b)   India should not have signed it to insulate our food grain sector
c)   India should hand over issue of food security to only private sector
d)   India should have signed GATT excluding the agricultural sector
e)   None of the above
5). "India has come a long way...”  means
a)   Many years have passed after the Bengal famine
b)   The food position is now largely improved
c)   India now handles such problems under PL480
d)   India has advanced in science and technology
e)   India is no more isolated from the world
Directions (Q. Nos. 6-8):Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word given in bold as used in the passage.
a)   Acute
b)   Fleeting
c)   Irregular
d)   Temporary
e)   Recurring
a)   Demanding
b)   Permitting
c)   Disallowing
d)   Refusing
e)   Rejecting
a)   Isolate
b)   Analyse
c)   Distinguish
d)   Mark
e)   Distribute
Directions (Q. Nos. 9 and 10):Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word or group of words given in bold as used in the passage.
9). Launch
a)   Review
b)   Begin
c)   Propel
d)   Push
e)   Force
10). Relied
a)   Emphasised
b)   Depended
c)   Convinced
d)   Followed
e)   Referred
Answer Key:
1).b   2).c   3).d   4).e    5).b    6).d    7).c    8).a    9).b    10).b

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Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Reading Comprehension) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 17, 2017 Practice English Questions for  Upcoming Exams 2017  ( Reading Comprehension ) Set-68: Dear Readers, we have given here the English Pract...

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