December 20, 2016    

Hello, Greetings of the day!!
Dear Students, As we've all seen the drastic change in the pattern of Questions asked in English Section, Gone are the days when we used to predict types and no. of questions asked in the clerk and PO exam..but now every single day Questions are changing. IBPS is surprising all of us by asking CAT Exam pattern Questions. 
So now we've decided to help and guide all of you to Sail through these unpredictable Bank Exams. 
Every day,  we'll provide Quizzes based on the new pattern and some other new type of Questions that also might be asked in the upcoming exams. The best thing you can do is to be well prepared and familiar with all possible type of questions. We'll also post the tricks and approach to nail unexpected pattern questions. 
Directions (1-15): In the following, there are sentences or parts of sentences labeled A, B, C, D and E etc. Choose your answer the fragment that carries an error. Ignore punctuation errors, if any.
Q1. A. In these blogs, I’ve laughed, spit out my coffee,
B. cursed, cried, learned invaluable lessons
C. about work and motherhood, and fell in love
D. with hundreds of people
E. I’ve never met.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) only C
(d) both A and  B
(e) A, B and D

Q2. A. Thanks you all for conducting a landmark experiment -
B. sharing what really goes on
C. inside our heads when it comes
D. to balancing (and unbalancing) working,
E. raising kids, and living our lives.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  B
(d) only C
(e) only E
Q3. A. And its equally important to spread the news about companies that treat working parents
B. with fairness and respect, so that we all can try to work at these companies,
C. and send a message to others treating working parents
D. justly is a valuable employee recruitment and
E. retention advantage.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both E and  B
(d) only C
(e) E, B and D

Q4. A. As a kid, my father used to take me to a joint
B. called Roosters that served two eggs,
C. two pancakes, two strips of bacon, two pieces of toast
D. and all the butter patties and coffee
E. one could consume for $2.22.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both E and  B
(d) only C
(e) E, B and D
Q5. A. Over the course of more than 500 columns and 100,000 comments,
B. I’ve learned a lot about how deeply we all care
C. about juggling work and family,
D. but I’ve never learned what
E. any of you looks like.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  B
(d) only C
(e) only E
Q6. A. I’ve been in Delhi for four days now
B. and so far the stay had been uneventful,
C. barring a stray incident
D. where I walked into a lamppost and then walked around Connaught Place
E. with a bloody nose.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  B
(d) only D
(e) A, B and E
Q7. A. To be a citizen is to possess the rights
B. enshrined in our constitution,
C. and equally, the obligation of duty.
D. When one citizen upholds an individual right for another,
E. he enacts his duty to himself.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  B
(d) only D
(e) A, B and E
Q8. A. The analyses of data collected shows no evidence
B. that the vaccine increased the risk
C. of any serious complications,
D. according to the federal
E. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both E and  B
(d) only C
(e) E, B and D
Q9. A. This study takes its place alongside earlier research showing
B. that kids who are allowed to serve their own food
C. take smaller portions than they would typically be served
D. and ate 25 percentage less, and that kids tend to eat more
E. when the portions on their plates have been double.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  B
(d) only D
(e) A, B and E
Q10. A. A growing body of evidence is supporting the “use-it-or-lose-it” hypothesis of aging well.
B. It says staying mentally active helps keep the brain spry.
C. So far, research has focuses on reading,
D. crossword puzzles,
E. and learning languages.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  B
(d) only D
(e) A, B and E
Q11. A. In a sense we are being pushed back
B. to a 1984 – like scenario
C. when scare - mongering
D. became the base
E. for vote-gathering.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  B
(d) only D
(e) A, B and E
Q12. A. Sachin is the one who has the maximum number of runs
B. in ODI and also in Test cricket
C. and he has scored the highest
D. numbers of centuries in both
E. types of the game.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  B
(d) only D
(e) A, B and E
Q13. A. Sixty years is too small a period to acquire new civilizational traits
B. and to mould our DNA. When that happens, we will automatically
C. realize the importance of the rule of law, the true meaning of freedom and democracy
D. and then we will behave like citizens who will not allow anyone
E. to see their votes, and MPs will not be on sold.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  B
(d) only C
(e) only E
Q14. A. The problem with the mainstream Indian Left
B. is that though they are honest and committed bunch of politicians but are
C. unwilling to look inward, to find out what is wrong
D. with Marxism in theory
E. and in practice.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  E
(d) only C
(e) A, E and D
Q15. A. Mao knew that communism in its classical form
B. will not gel into agrarian Chinese society.
C. Hence he redefined Marxism so that it would be
D. in sync with local needs and
E. practices it in a way that suited China.
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A and  E
(d) only C
(e) A, E and D


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ERROR DETECTION QUIZ BASED ON NEW PATTERN FOR IBPS CLERK, PO AND OTHER EXAMS 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 20, 2016 Hello, Greetings of the day!! Dear Students, As we've all seen the drastic change in the pattern of Questions asked in English Sectio...

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