1. The agitation by 1)/ municipal employees is 2)/ snowballing under 3)/ a crisis for the city. 4)/ No error 5)
2. The entire engineering 1)/ departments of the two corporations 2)/ will also be 3)/ on an indefinite strike from today. 4)/ No error 5)
3. The day is not father 1)/ when parents in the city 2)/ may have to send their children 3)/ abroad even for nursery education. 4)/ No error 5)
4. After the incident, they 1)/ contact him and offered him 2)/ a cash reward in exchange 3)/ for spotting the error. 4)/ No error 5)
5. The follow-up surveys 1)/ are the only depended source of information 2)/ on the unorganised sector 3)/ of non- agricultural production for the preparation of the national accounts. 4)/ No error 5)
6. The major portion of 1)/ the Indian subcontinent was 2)/ in British rule 3)/ from 1857 to 1947. 4)/ No error 5)
7. He met the commissioners 1)/ of the three corporations 2)/ and sought its support 3)/ for the drive. 4)/ No error 5)
8. To identify such a defaulters, 1)/ the department tracks 2)/ data of 3)/ bank statements, 4)/ No error 5)
9. This is one of the 1)/ many bizarre anomaly 2) noticed in the first semester results and confirmed 3)/ by the university's exam branch officials. 4)/ No error 5)
10. Teachers who figured 1)/ this out believe the problem 2)/ may extended to 3)/ other subjects. 4)/ No error 5)
Error Spotting Rules with Examples : Download PDF
Answer :1. 3; Replace 'under' with 'into'
2. 2; 'department' instead of 'departments' (With the use of 'entire' noun will be considered singular.)
3. 1; Replace 'father' with 'far'
4. 3; Replace 'contact' with 'contracted'
5. 2; Replace 'depended on' with 'dependable'
6. 3; replace 'in' with 'under'
7. 3; Replace 'its' with 'their'
8. 1; Omit 'a'
9. 2; Replace 'anomaly' with 'anomalies
10. 3; Replace 'extended' with 'extend'

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