Success Story: Shivaji Mahendra, SBI PO, UIIC AO 2016

October 12, 2016    

Hello friends,

I am Shivaji Mahendra and would like to share my success story today. This Story is a little bit different.

Exams Given:- 

  • Syndicate Bank PO – PGDBF Program (Got final call letter; Declined to join)
  • SBI Junior Associate (Prelims: 92.25; Mains: Result awaited)
  • UIIC AO (Selected)
  • SBI PO (Selected)
  • RBI Grade-1 (Did not clear Phase 2)

For any aspirant, this is an impressive list. I admit, this is a great list. I started preparing in January only and got three job offers in such a small span of time. Maybe I’m lucky, or maybe intelligent. But if you talk with my friends about this, They’re all like.

Success Story

Name – Shivaji Mahendra

Final Selection: SBI PO, UIIC AO 2016


Hard work prevails

So let’s track this from the very beginning, my 10th standard. I was way too intelligent back then. I got decent marks, and highest of all in Mathematics. Like any other matriculate, I had almost no other option than to join Non-meds. I opted PCM in my 11th and outshone others. I was a Hindi-medium student till 10th, and changed it to English in 11th, but I faced almost no problem while doing so. I was always good in English. In my English-teacher’s words, my writings were “Seizure” to one’s attention. Basically I was in love with language. And that really made my life.

When I got selected in AIEEE, I was too happy. So the moment I entered my college, I started making friends. I used to spend all my day with my friends. And when they were studying, I had many other friends to spend time with. I didn’t give a damn about study. I still had that aura over me. And with this bulk of friends, I hardly had any time to study.

Gradually I started losing interest in studies. During exams, I never started preparing before 12 midnight for any exam. And I failed. I failed repeatedly. I failed in many exams. But I remained unaffected. Because at that point, failing, not-studying and not-caring had become a part of me. So I enjoyed my failures.

I was good in extracurricular activities. Soon I was famous for my writings, especially in Hindi. I became a part of many clubs, societies and magazines back then. That led me to a whole-new creative phase of mine. I was overwhelmed by the respect I got from juniors. And too much happiness I experienced during cultural-fests.

But all this didn’t last long. I was never serious about my college studies. And that reflected in my DMCs, which came very late than others’. In my final year, when people were busy getting placed, I was waiting for the detention orders due to poor attendance. But still I was careless. Thanks to my infamy, I started taking pride in all this as well. And one day, the scribbling day, my classes ended. Well, I was having backlogs then so i was not exactly leaving college, But my friends were. They were having mixed emotions, and I was just enjoying their emotions. Because I had none for me.

Then I was at home. Everything was horrible to me. I had no degree. I wasted my four years, just in having fun. Luckily I had only four backlogs to clear in one year. I started studying hard. These subjects were all Greek to me. I somehow crammed all and puked in exams. After spending this extra year, I cleared these exams. I remember how I used to wake up in the middle of the night after having nightmares about backlogs.

But this was not done yet. After having rest for a month or two. My father proposed to enroll me for IES coaching. I basically had no aim, so I said yes to it. During my Engineering, I started preparing for many different career options, viz. IAS, RAS, Hindi writer, Translator etc. but I had no sense of responsibility, so all ended in smoke. My dad spent around 100k to get me a decent Engineering coaching in Jaipur, but like you know, an irresponsible person like me can do no good. I had a habit of bunking classes in my college. The only difference my “bunking” had that it used to last for months. And after a short span of regular classes in Jaipur, I started my “bunking”. I started spending too much money, because this time, I had to buy new friends. Yes! It is almost impossible to distract a person who is preparing for IES. So I had to spend my money to get some friendly time in return.

One day, I spent my entire monthly funds in just a couple of hours. I think this was the first time when I was worried. Because I had no real friend this time. And all the bought ones were again busy in their preparation. I began to think. This aimless life started giving me goosebumps. I started sobbing, then crying, all alone. The more I thought, the more I wept. I deleted my facebook, switched-off my phone and cried for hours. This numb-me lasted 2-3 days. Then I called my father to tell everything. I don’t know from where my dad gets so much courage to bear all my evil-doings. He brought me home after many failed attempts to continue my IES coaching. This time I was broken. My careless attitude was hampered. For the first time, I had no facebook account, no friends to talk to. I spent my 2-3 months in Library. I used to read there. I started taking part in the events of Library. For the first time in my life, I worked. I arranged books in order, arranged chairs during events, served water and snacks, and did everything my Librarian-sir told me to do.

Then, after having my mind in order, I started my coaching for Banks. I remember the date correctly, it was 26th December 2015. I was shattered before all this, so I left no loophole this time. I enjoyed my 12-15 hours study. I started preparing everything with the creativity I was born with. Frankly saying, Preparing for banks was the best thing I did with my creativity.

While watching any movie (once in a week), I started pausing it to check meaning of new words. I arranged everything in my mind, that’s why I never maintained any proper notes. I played with the course curriculum, and believe me, I outperformed all other aspirants by a great margin. Within 4-5 months, I got that first awesome news, “Selected in Syndicate Bank as PO.” I was so happy that I literally flooded my eyes with tears this time. For all these years, many companies rejected me. It was first time for me, when I rejected a job offer. And now after SBI PO and UIIC AO, I’m getting options for job. 

It’s neither Luck or Intelligence. It’s Hard-work that prevails over your hardship.


Shivaji Mahendra

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Success Story: Shivaji Mahendra, SBI PO, UIIC AO 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 12, 2016 Hello friends, I am  Shivaji Mahendra  and would like to share my success story today. This Story is a little bit different. Exams Given:-...

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