The Theory of Everything: Brahmaputra River

September 26, 2016    

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Here we are with our new initiative The Theory of Everything which will enlighten you about interesting facts which will surely help you to excel in General Awareness Section for all Banking and Insurance Exams. Banking Exams are enlarging their syllabus for General Awareness section day by day. So in order to cope with the new pattern and to master in this section we need to widen our scope of information.

The Theory of Everything Brahmaputra River

Brahmaputra River

  • The Brahmaputra (Son of Brahama) also known as Trans-Boundary river, rises in Tibet east of Mansarowar Lake very close to the sources of the Indus and the Sutlej.
  • It is slightly longer than the Indus, and most of its course lies outside India.
  • It flows eastwards parallel to the Himalayas & on reaching the Namcha Barwa (7757 m), it takes a ‘U’ turn and enters India in Arunachal Pradesh through a gorge.


  • In Arunachal Pradesh, it is called the Dihang and it is joined by the Dibang, the Lohit, and many other tributaries to form the Brahmaputra in Assam.
  • Brahmaputra is known as the Tsang Po in Tibet and Jamuna in Bangladesh.
  • It is also called International River as it passes through 3 countries i.e. Tibet, India & Bangladesh.
  • World’s largest riverine was formed by Brahmaputra in Assam.

River Basin

1. The Brahmaputra basin drains 651,334 km2, Kanchenjunga (8,586 m) is the only peak above 8,000 m, hence is the highest point within the Brahmaputra basin.

2. It is a good example of a braided river and meanders quite a bit and frequently forms temporary sand bars.

3. The hydrology of the Brahmaputra River is signified with its rates of sediment discharge, the large and variable flows, along with its rapid channel aggradations and accelerated rates of basin denudation.

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4. The climate in Bhutan, located entirely in the Brahmaputra river basin, is cold in the north, with year-round snow on the main Himalayan summits, temperate in the inner Himalayan valleys of the southern and central regions, and humid and subtropical in the southern plains and foothills.

History of Brahmaputra River

The Tibetans believe that long before human occupation, the Chang Tan plateau was covered by the waters of a great lake. A Bodhisattva (an enlightened being) decided that the waters had to flow in order to help the people in the region. So, he cut an outlet through the Himalayas for the Tsangpo or ‘Great River’.

The mountains, gorges, and jungles through which the Tsangpo flows in Tibet are considered extremely holy. Ancient Tibetan scrolls written by sages, speak of sanctuaries or beyuls deep in the Himalayas. Here, ageing is slowed down and, animals and plants have miraculous powers. The Tibetans believe that in this area, perhaps through one of the waterfalls at the bottom of the world’s deepest gorge, is the doorway to paradise on Earth, Shangri-la.

Origin of Brahmaputra River

Brahmaputra River originates from the Himalaya, separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau.

Depth of Brahmaputra

The average depth of Brahmaputra is 124 feet (38 m) & maximum depth is 380 feet (120 m).

Length of Brahmaputra

The total length of Brahmaputra River is 2900 Km.

Brahmaputra Basin: 651,334 km2 (251,500 sq mi)

Drainage area: 712,035 km2

Ending & starting point of Brahmaputra

Brahmaputra River starts from the Himalayas in Tibet & finally falls in Bay of Bengal.

Tributaries of Brahmaputra

Left: Dibang River, Lohit River, Dhansiri River, Kolong River

Right: Kameng River, Manas River, Raidak River, Jaldhaka River, Teesta River, Subansiri River

Route of Brahmaputra River

Island on Brahmaputra

Majuli Island is the island on the Brahmaputra River. It is the largest river island in the world in Assam & also the first island in the district of the country. Its area is 1250 km2 with an elevation of 84m.

Bridges on Brahmaputra


1. Bogibeel Bridge: This is a steel bridge comprising of both rail & road bridge in Dibrugarh district in Assam & was inaugurated in 2002.

  • Length: 4940 m
  • Width: 125 m

2. Dhola-Sadiya Bridge: This is the longest bridge in India which connects the state of Assam & Arunachal Pradesh & is expected to be in operational from April 2017.

  • Length: 9.15 Km
  • Width: 12.9 m

3. Naranarayan Setu: This Bridge is the third bridge to be constructed over Brahmaputra River in Assam. It is a double deck Bridge with railway track in the lower deck & road on the upper deck. This bridge came in operational in 15th April 1998.

  • Length: 2284 m

Brahmaputra Delta

Brahmaputra River meets Ganga River in the south asia region in west Bengal where it is also known as the Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta, the Sunderbans Delta, or the Bengal Delta & is the largest delta in the world.

Railway Lines

  • Bogibeel Railway Bridge


  • Naranarayan Setu Railway Bridge

Dams on Brahmaputra

Zangmu Dam: Zangmu is a hydroelectric project which supports 510 MW power stations & has been fully operationalized from October, 2015. It is the gravity dam in the northwest of Gyaca in Tibet autonomous in China. It is 116 m tall, 389 m long & 76 m wide with the catchment area of 157,668 km2 & the active capacity of 86,600,000 m3 per day.


Inland Waterways Authority

The Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) came into existence on 27th October 1986 for development and regulation of inland waterways for shipping and navigation. The Authority primarily undertakes projects for development and maintenance of IWT infrastructure on national waterways through grant received from Ministry of Shipping.

The head office of the Authority is at Noida. The Authority also has its regional offices at Patna, Kolkata, Guwahati and Kochi and sub-offices at Allahabad, Varanasi, Bhaglapur, Farakka, Hemnagar, Dibrugarh (Assam), Kollam, Chennai, Bhubaneswar  and Vijayawada(A.P.). India has about 14,500 km of navigable waterways which comprise of rivers, canals, backwaters, creeks, etc.


Sadiya-Dhubri stretch of the Brahmaputra River (891 Km) declared as National Waterway in 1988 in the state of Assam with the cargo movement of 2 million tonnes.


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The Theory of Everything: Brahmaputra River 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 26, 2016 Dear Readers, Here we are with our new initiative The Theory of Everything which will enlighten you about interesting facts which will sure...

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