A very good morning to all,…
Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation. From now on we are going to provide the link of the article. You can go through the article by clicking on the link. Below here you will get the 10 important words from the article which will help you to excel in the exam.
Article : Shifting the GST goalpost
Click here to read article from THE HINDU
Meaning of the words highlighted in the article
1. Steering (noun) (स्टीयरिंग) – the action of steering a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft
Synonyms – conduct, govern
Antonyms – abandon, obey
Ex: It is a good place for learner drivers to practise their steering.
2. Regime (noun) (शासन)– a government, especially an authoritarian one
Synonyms – administration, establishment
Ex: The football player’s nutritional regime requires him to eat several large servings of proteins each day.
3. Modalities (noun) (रूपात्मकता)– modal quality
Synonyms – method, procedure
Ex: Sarah has had so much success with her teaching modality that other teachers often ask her about the process.
4. Codified (verb) (संहिताबद्ध)– arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code
Synonyms – catalogue, condense
Antonyms – disperse, expand
Ex: They can never be codified into any narrow pattern or formula.
5. Unanimously (adverb) (सर्वसम्मति से) – without opposition, with the agreement of all people involved
Synonyms – consistently, collectively
Antonyms – differently, opposite
Ex: The unanimous consent of all the shareholders was required to approve the merger.
6. Thresholds (noun) (थ्रेसहोल्ड)– the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested
Synonyms – brink, verge
Antonyms – completion, conclusion
Ex: Nothing happens until the signal passes the threshold.
7. Unravelled (verb) (सुलझाया) – undo (twisted, knitted, or woven threads)
Synonyms – resolve, untangle
Antonyms – question, wonder
Ex: The weather seemed to be easing as the road unravelled before him, indeed it was now becoming a very pleasant December day.
8. Exemptions (noun) (छूट) – the action of freeing or state of being free from an obligation or liability imposed on others
Synonyms – discharge, absolution
Antonyms – liability, responsibility
Ex: One easy way to understand how bad the bill is can be determined by the exemptions granted.
9. Perspective (noun) (परिप्रेक्ष्य) – the art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other
Synonyms – prospect, proportion
Ex: When you look at the painting, you are viewing the artist’s perspective of the world.
10. Convergence (noun) (अभिसरण) – the process or state of converging
Synonyms – concurrence, merging
Ex: It will focus on economic integration and convergence.
Word of the Day
Meaning (English) – respond physiologically or behaviourally to a change in a single environmental factor
Meaning (Hindi) – जलवायु का अभ्यस्त बनाना
Synonyms – conform, accommodate
Antonyms – soften
Example – The Korbels did not have much time to pull their lives together and acclimate themselves to English culture.
उदाहरण – कोरबेल्स परिवार को समय ही नहीं मिला कि वे अपने जीवन पर थोड़ा नियंत्रण करें और अंग्रेज़ी संस्कृति से अपने आप को अनुकूल कर पाएं।
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