A Unique way to learn Vocab: Good sense triumphs on the GST

August 8, 2016    

A very good morning to all,…

Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation.

Article : Good sense triumphs on the GST

Source : The Hindu Article

Daily Wordlist

Eleven years after it was first mooted (रखा) in Parliament, the Rajya Sabha has finally adopted a goods and services tax. After the mere formality of its passage in the Lok Sabha for an approval of the amendments made, it will have to be considered and approved by a majority of State Assemblies before it can be sent to the President for assent (अनुमति). For now, Parliament’s stamp is historic as the proposed tax will alter the powers of taxation that States enjoyed under the Constitution and usher in a uniform consumption-based tax structure across the land for almost all goods and services. Only potable alcohol is proposed to be excluded from the GST’s ambit (सीमा), according to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, with petroleum products set to be pegged (आंकी) at a zero per cent rate till such time as the proposed GST Council reaches an agreement with the States and the Centre on an acceptable framework for taxation. That the two main players — the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Congress — were able to narrow their differences restores a degree of faith in the capacity of the political class to put the nation above petty self-serving interests. While it is a pity that consensus (आम सहमति) took so long to forge, both parties deserve a measure of credit for seeing the legislation through. The BJP for being accommodative in the face of reservations about specific provisions, which was accompanied by a much-needed change in tack in dealing with the Opposition. And the Congress, which became increasingly isolated on the issue and risked appearing cussedly obstructionist (ओब्स्टराकथियनिस्ट), for overcoming its desire to pay the BJP back in its own coin.

The GST will usher in a nationwide common market and subsume (किसी नियम के अंतर्गत करना) a multiplicity of Central and State taxes; but this is still some time and several smaller challenges away. Indeed, the Centre, the States, the yet-to-be-created GST Council and the vendor tasked with creating the IT backbone for the administration of the new tax regime have a clear challenge if they are to meet the April 1, 2017 deadline. Among the tasks ahead is the drafting of the specific Central and State GST laws that will again need to be passed in Parliament and State legislatures. Vital decisions, such as the setting of a proposed revenue-neutral standard rate, remain; these can have far-reaching cost and price implications for producers and consumers. These would also have revenue ramifications (असर) for governments. And while the Centre may be tempted (परीक्षा) to opt to speed up matters by moving the GST legislations as Money Bills to bypass any debate over specific provisions in the Rajya Sabha, it would be well-advised to avoid that path to see that the spirit of hard-won consensus is not frittered away in another round of political one-upmanship.

Meaning of the words highlighted in the article

1. Mooted (verb) – raise (a question or topic) for discussion; suggest (an idea or possibility)

Synonyms – broach, submit

Antonyms – close, finish

Ex: A college had been mooted in 1816, but the intended tutor died suddenly, and the matter was for the time dropped.

2. Assent(noun)– the expression of approval or agreement

Synonyms – consent, accession

Antonyms – dissent, rejection

Ex: William refused his assent, and in August suddenly invaded Belgium.

3. Ambit(noun)– the scope, extent, or bounds of something

Synonyms – boundary, compass

Ex: You assume that life that you want or dream about is somewhere in the ambit of future or it was in the past.

4. Pegged (adjective) – North American term for pegtop

Synonyms – fasten, secure

Antonyms – detach, loose

Ex: Howie visited a suburban home in Orange County, Indiana and pegged the date by an open newspaper.

5. Consensus (noun) – a general agreement

Synonyms – accord, harmony

Antonyms – refusal, discord

Ex: It is not strange that there is a growing consensus of opinion that Paul is the author.

6. Obstructionist (noun) – One who systematically blocks or interrupts a process, especially one who attempts to impede passage of legislation by the use of delaying tactics, such as a filibuster

Synonyms – eristic, stonewaller

Ex: He’d been remarkably ruthless about relieving the most obstructionist of those subordinates, too, despite the near certainty of bitter future feuds with their powerful families or patrons.

7. Subsume (verb) – include or absorb (something) in something else

Synonyms – classify, contain

Antonyms – exclude

Ex: develop subsume their relationships with men and children and are not individual.

8. Ramifications (noun) – a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event

Synonyms –complication, sequel

Antonyms – juncture, source

Ex: The physical ramifications of not feeding for over thirty hours commanded attention.

9. Tempted (verb) –entice or try to entice (someone) to do something that they find attractive but know to be wrong or unwise

Synonyms –allured, charmed

Antonyms – indifferent, unwilling

Ex: She was tempted to try, but both he and Sarah would probably be watching.

Word of the Day


Meaning (English) – the cultivation of flowers

Meaning (Hindi) – फूलों की खेती

Synonyms – agriculture, farming

Example – After tourism, floriculture was the country’s second largest foreign exchange earner in 2007.

उदाहरण –पर्यटन के बाद, वर्ष 2007 के दौरान पुष्पकृषि के माध्यम से देश द्वारा दूसरे स्थान पर अधिकतम विदेशी मुद्रा अर्जित की गई।

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A Unique way to learn Vocab: Good sense triumphs on the GST 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 8, 2016 A very good morning to all,… Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight...

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