Last Minutes Tips & Stratgies for SBI PO Pre 2016 (9 & 10 July)

July 8, 2016    

Dear Aspirants,

We are providing you Last Minutes Tips & Stratgies for SBI PO Pre 2016 (9 & 10 July) Exam which is going to be held on 9 and 10th July 2016.

Based on the analysis of  2nd and 3rd  we are providing you Last Minute Tips. Since at this moment all the students are done with their preparation and just a final touch is needed to brush up your Preparation.

Last Minutes Tips & Stratgies for SBI PO (9 & 10 July)

Pattern of the Exam

Note: There is a negative mark for each wrong answer in the online test.

Key points to focus on, to do well in the exam

1. Speed & Accuracy –  

  • Speed and accuracy is an important factor in this exam. To do well in Quantitative aptitude and Reasoning section focus on speed and accuracy.
  • To increase speed, solve easier questions first and mark the tough ones for the left time at the last.
  • Spending too much time on a single question will tend to reduce your speed, so if you are not able to solve it within 1 minute then move on.


  • The second one is time management. Proper utilization of the time is very important. Time management accompanied with Question selection is crucial for success in SBI PO Pre 2016 exam. You are not bound to solve all questions.
  • Always try to find out questions which are less time consuming in each section.  Make sure that you do not get stuck on any question and avoid spending too much time on a single question.

Section Wise Tips based on 2nd & 3rd July


This section consist of 35 questions from various topics like puzzles (seating arrangement, linear seating arrangement, floor based), Inequality, Blood Relation, Ranking & Direction puzzle.


The level of Reasoning questions are tough and due to this reason it takes too much to solve each questions, specially puzzles and seating arrangement.

Try to practise as many puzzle as you can.

Solve Inequality, Blood Relation, Ranking & Direction puzzle in the beginning and then move on to Seating Arrangement and Puzzles.

Solve the puzzle which is easier as comparable to the other one at the beginning.

Do not consume to much time on a single question.

Try to consume max. 1 min to analyze the question whether it will consume to much time or not.

Expected Difficulty Level: Moderate to Tough

Topic wise Preference

  • First Attempt: , Inequality, Coding Decoding, Ranking & Direction puzzle
  • Time consuming: Seating Arrangement, Puzzle


This section has 30 questions. The paper generally include questions on Reading Comprehension, Cloze test, Fill in the blanks / Sentence correction, Spotting the errors and Sentence rearrangement.

In the reading comprehension section there are also questions on synonyms and antonyms.

Since this is a bit confusing section, a careful approach is required while attempting question.

Expected Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate

Topic wise Preference

  • First Attempt: Spotting Error, Fill in the blanks / Sentence Improvement, Cloze Test
  • Time consuming: Reading Comprehension, Para Jumble


It has 35 questions from diverse topics like Data Interpretation,, Number Series,and Some Miscellaneous questions. The miscellaneous questions have questions from profit and loss, age, average, simple and compound interest, boat and stream, time and work, area.

Expected Difficulty Level: Moderate

This section requires a lot of practice. And while performing this section one has to be very attentive and present minded. A good practice at this section can make one score good with accuracy.

Topic wise Preference

  • First Attempt: Simplification / Approximation, Quadratic Equation, Number Series
  • Time consuming: Data Interpretation, Miscellaneous Questions

Miscellaneous questions includes – Profit Loss, Average, Simple & Compound Interest, Age, Ratio & Proportion, Time and Speed

Note: The level of the miscellaneous questions will be of moderate level.

Time Management


Overall Expected Difficulty Level is Moderate

Do’s and don’ts while the exam:

  • Do not devote so much time to a single question.
  • Do not lose your calm.
  • Do not be in a hurry while doing a question
  • Do not guess the answer.
  • Do attempt the questions left in the remaining time.
  • Do read all the questions properly.
  • Do relax and stay calm.
  • Do attempt only those questions you are sure of.

Remember accuracy & time management is the key to get through this exam!


Team GradeUp..!!

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Last Minutes Tips & Stratgies for SBI PO Pre 2016 (9 & 10 July) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 8, 2016 Dear Aspirants, We are providing you  Last Minutes Tips & Stratgies for SBI PO Pre 2016 (9 & 10 July) Exa m   which is going to be ...

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