Computer Awareness Daily Glossary

July 18, 2016    

Computer Awareness Daily Glossary
Computer Awareness Daily Glossary:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the list of important Computer Awareness Glossary, Candidates those who are preparing for the upcoming Banking exams can use this.
Terabyte: Approximately one trillion bytes; precisely 240 or 1,099,511,627,776 bytes. See: kilobyte, megabyte,gigabyte.
Terminal: A device, usually equipped with a CRT display and keyboard, used to send and receive informationto and from a computer via a communication channel.
Test: An activity in which a system or component is executed under specified conditions, the results areobserved or recorded and an evaluation is made of some aspect of the system or component.
Test case: Documentation specifying inputs, predicted results, and a set of execution conditions for a test item.
Testing: The process of operating a system or component under specified conditions, observing or recordingthe results, and making an evaluation of some aspect of the system or component.
Touch screen: A touch sensitive display screen that uses a clear panel over or on the screen surface. The panelis a matrix of cells, an input device that transmits pressure information to the software.

Traceability: The degree to which a relationship can be established between two or more products of thedevelopment process, especially products having a predecessor-successor or master-subordinate relationshipto one another; e.g., the degree to which the requirements and design of a given software component match.
Trojan horse: A method of attacking a computer system, typically by providing a useful program which
contains code intended to compromise a computer system by secretly providing for unauthorized access, theunauthorized collection of privileged system or user data, the unauthorized reading or altering of files, theperformance of unintended and unexpected functions, or the malicious destruction of software and hardware.
Truth table: (1) (ISO) An operation table for a logic operation. (2) A table that describes a logic functionby listing all possible combinations of input values, and indicating, for each combination, the output value.
Twisted pair: A pair of thin-diameter insulated wires commonly used in telephone wiring. The wires aretwisted around each other to minimize interference from other twisted pairs in the cable. Twisted pairs haveless bandwidth than coaxial cable or optical fiber. Abbreviated UTP for Unshielded Twisted Pair.
Unix: UNIX is a family of OSes, each being made by a different company or organization but all offering avery similar look and feel.
Upload: The process of transferring information from one computer to another, generally from a client to aserver. For example, you upload a file from your computer to a server or the internet.
USB: Acronym for Universal Serial Bus. This is a style of port connection that is used by many peripheraldevices such as Palm Pilots, phones, scanners, printers etc. This type of connection is much faster than moretraditional kinds of connections such as serial and parallel ports.
URL: Acronym for Universal Resource LocatorThe specific path to a World Wide Web file, including
filename and extension.
UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a device that allows yourcomputer to keep running for at least a short time when the primary power source is lost.
Unit: (1) A separately testable element specified in the design of a computer software element. (2) A logicallyseparable part of a computer program. Syn: component, module.
Usability: The ease with which a user can learn to operate, prepare inputs for, and interpret outputs of asystem or component.

User: Any person, organization, or functional unit that uses the services of an information processing system.


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Computer Awareness Daily Glossary 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 18, 2016 Computer Awareness Daily Glossary : Dear Readers, Here we have given the list of important Computer Awareness Glossary, Candidates those ...

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