Dear Readers, Here we have given the Current Affairs GK questions based on the previous days Daily Current Affairs updates. Candidates those who are preparing for IBPS PO/Clerk exam and all other Banking exams can use these questions.
Answer: a)
Explanation: Railways Minister Suresh PrabhakarPrabhu flagged off the newly manufactured ‘Guard Van of Goods (Freight) Train’, in New Delhi. The newly manufactured ‘Guard Van of Goods Train’ is equipped with the Solar powered Light for the first time.
Answer: a)
Explanation: Government has integrated 250 mandis in ten States with the electronic national agriculture market (e-NAM) in the first phase. Addressing media in New Delhi, Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh said, government has exceeded the target of linking 200 mandis by the end of last month. He said, the highest of 67 mandis in Uttar Pradesh have been brought under the e-NAM portal followed by 44 in Telengana, 40 in Gujarat, 36 in Haryana and 20 in Madhya Pradesh. Mr Singh also said, government has approved proposals of 14 states for integrating around 400 mandis under the portal.
Answer: b)
Explanation: Manipur-based theatre legend HeisnamKanhailal passed away on 6 October 2016 following a brief illness in Imphal. He was 75. Kanhailal had contributed to the field of experimental theatre for more than 40 years.
Answer: c)
Explanation: Theme of World Post Day 2016- Innovation, Integration and Inclusion
Answer: d)
Explanation: Justice Pradip Kumar Mohanty was today appointed as the acting chief justice of the Jharkhand High Court even as seven new additional judges were appointed to the Madhya Pradesh High Court. Justice Mohanty will assume charge tomorrow as incumbent Justice Virendra Singh retires today as the chief justice.
Answer: d)
Explanation: Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos won 2016 Nobel Peace Prize. Santos won Nobel for his efforts to end five-decades-long civil war in Colombia. Harvard-educated Santos was behind some of FARC's biggest military setbacks.
Answer: c)
Explanation: Indian shooter JituRai on 6 October 2016 clinched a silver medal in the 50-meter pistol event of the ISSF World Cup Final at Bologna, Italy.Jitu, ranked 7 in the event, finished second in the qualifying round with a cumulative score of 568 to make it to the finals behind Ukraine's OlehOmelchuk and then narrowly lost out to China's Wei Pang in the final to settle for silver.
Answer: a)
Explanation: Indian shooter JituRai on 6 October 2016 clinched a silver medal in the 50-meter pistol event of the ISSF World Cup Final at Bologna, Italy.Jitu, ranked 7 in the event, finished second in the qualifying round with a cumulative score of 568 to make it to the finals behind Ukraine's OlehOmelchuk and then narrowly lost out to China's Wei Pang in the final to settle for silver.
Answer: b)
Explanation: Rajasthan Chief Minister VasundharaRaje on Thursday flagged off an all-woman police patrol team in Udaipur. The police patrol wing, which has a blue uniform, is equipped with pistols and beacons. Raje said, "The public, especially young girls... will feel more secure if they find women cops patrolling the city," adding that similar teams will be established in other cities.
Answer: a)
Explanation: President Pranab Mukherjee on 6 October 2016 inaugurated the first edition of the World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS) in New Delhi.The theme for the summit is Beyond 2015: People, Planet and Progress. The summit is being organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).
Answer: b)
Explanation: Union Minister for Human Resource Development PrakashJavadekar has inaugurated ShatabdiKrishiBhawan and a Green Building in Banaras Hindu University.The ShatabdiKrishiBhawan under the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU has been so named to commemorate the Centenary year of University.
Answer: a)
Explanation: The RBI released the operating guidelines for Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks. RBI has prescribed for both categories of banks the following: • Minimum Capital: 15 per cent • Common Equity Tier: 1-6 per cent • Additional Tier: 1-1.5 per cent • Minimum Tier 1 and Tier 2 Capital: 7.5 per cent each • Capital Conservation Buffer: 7.5 per cent The exposure in this regard to an individual scheduled commercial bank shall not be more than five per cent of the total outside liabilities of the Payment Banks
Answer: d)
Explanation: The Union Cabinet gave its approval to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and African Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) for capacity building programmes in the field of rural development. The MoU is being signed under which capacity building programmes for AARDO member countries for the triennium 2015 – 2017.The AARDO is an autonomous inter-Governmental organization with its headquarters in New Delhi. It was established in 1962.
Answer: c)
Explanation: Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) announced on 6 October 2016 that the Terminal 3 of Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) achieved Platinum rating from Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).The plaque and certificate for the achievement was handed over by IGBC to Douglas Webster, COO-DIAL and Roy Sebastian, VP- Project and Engineering, during the 14th Green Building Congress, 2016 organized by IGBC in Mumbai.
Answer: e)
Explanation: The RBI released the operating guidelines for Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks. RBI has prescribed for both categories of banks the following: • Minimum Capital: 15 per cent • Common Equity Tier: 1-6 per cent • Additional Tier: 1-1.5 per cent • Minimum Tier 1 and Tier 2 Capital: 7.5 per cent each • Capital Conservation Buffer: 7.5 per cent The exposure in this regard to an individual scheduled commercial bank shall not be more than five per cent of the total outside liabilities of the Payment Banks.
1).In which city, Railways Minister has flagged off newly manufactured Guard Van of Goods (Freight) Train which is solar powered for the first time?
a) New Delhi
b) Mumbai
c) Kolkata
d) Chennai
e) Nagpur
Answer: a)
Explanation: Railways Minister Suresh PrabhakarPrabhu flagged off the newly manufactured ‘Guard Van of Goods (Freight) Train’, in New Delhi. The newly manufactured ‘Guard Van of Goods Train’ is equipped with the Solar powered Light for the first time.
2).In how many states, the government has integrated 250 mandis in the first phase of e-NAM?
Answer: a)
Explanation: Government has integrated 250 mandis in ten States with the electronic national agriculture market (e-NAM) in the first phase. Addressing media in New Delhi, Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh said, government has exceeded the target of linking 200 mandis by the end of last month. He said, the highest of 67 mandis in Uttar Pradesh have been brought under the e-NAM portal followed by 44 in Telengana, 40 in Gujarat, 36 in Haryana and 20 in Madhya Pradesh. Mr Singh also said, government has approved proposals of 14 states for integrating around 400 mandis under the portal.
3).Name the person Manipur-based theatre legend who died recently?
a) Ravi Chaturvedi
b) HeisnamKanhailal
c) Arab battachariya
d) Hasimkanhailal
e) Ravi kumar
Answer: b)
Explanation: Manipur-based theatre legend HeisnamKanhailal passed away on 6 October 2016 following a brief illness in Imphal. He was 75. Kanhailal had contributed to the field of experimental theatre for more than 40 years.
4).What is the theme of World Post Day 2016?
a) Innovation, Integration and Internal
b) The Post Delivering for People and Businesses Daily
c) Innovation, Integration and Inclusion
d) Innovative integration and invention
e) The Post, an invaluable public service
Answer: c)
Explanation: Theme of World Post Day 2016- Innovation, Integration and Inclusion
5).Who was appointed as acting Chief Justice of Jharkhand High Court recently?
a) Anithagopalan
b) GopalSubramaniam
c) Madan B Lokur
d) Pradip Kumar Mohanty
e) Virendra Singh
Answer: d)
Explanation: Justice Pradip Kumar Mohanty was today appointed as the acting chief justice of the Jharkhand High Court even as seven new additional judges were appointed to the Madhya Pradesh High Court. Justice Mohanty will assume charge tomorrow as incumbent Justice Virendra Singh retires today as the chief justice.
6).Who won the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize?
a) Jean-Pierre Sauvage
b) Sir James Fraser Stoddart
c) Bernard L Feringa
d) Juan Manuel Santos
e) ApurviChandela
Answer: d)
Explanation: Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos won 2016 Nobel Peace Prize. Santos won Nobel for his efforts to end five-decades-long civil war in Colombia. Harvard-educated Santos was behind some of FARC's biggest military setbacks.
7).Name the Indian shooter who clinched a silver medal in the 50 meter pistol event of the ISSF World Cup Final at Bologna, Italy?
a) ApurviChandela
b) GaganNarang
c) JituRai
d) Sanjeev Rajput
e) Virendra Singh
Answer: c)
Explanation: Indian shooter JituRai on 6 October 2016 clinched a silver medal in the 50-meter pistol event of the ISSF World Cup Final at Bologna, Italy.Jitu, ranked 7 in the event, finished second in the qualifying round with a cumulative score of 568 to make it to the finals behind Ukraine's OlehOmelchuk and then narrowly lost out to China's Wei Pang in the final to settle for silver.
8).Name the person, who was honored with the 2016 Sustainable Development Leadership Award?
a) PawanChamling
b) PemaKhandu
c) SarbanandaSonowal
d) Virbhadra Singh
e) Siddaramaiah
Answer: a)
Explanation: Indian shooter JituRai on 6 October 2016 clinched a silver medal in the 50-meter pistol event of the ISSF World Cup Final at Bologna, Italy.Jitu, ranked 7 in the event, finished second in the qualifying round with a cumulative score of 568 to make it to the finals behind Ukraine's OlehOmelchuk and then narrowly lost out to China's Wei Pang in the final to settle for silver.
9).Which of the following district in India gets all-woman police patrol team?
a) Jaipur
b) Udaipur
c) Delhi
d) Mumbai
e) Chennai
Answer: b)
Explanation: Rajasthan Chief Minister VasundharaRaje on Thursday flagged off an all-woman police patrol team in Udaipur. The police patrol wing, which has a blue uniform, is equipped with pistols and beacons. Raje said, "The public, especially young girls... will feel more secure if they find women cops patrolling the city," adding that similar teams will be established in other cities.
10).President Pranab Mukherjee on 6 October 2016 inaugurated the first edition of the World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS) in _______?
a) New Delhi
b) Mumbai
c) Triuvanainthapuram
d) Chennai
e) Hyderabad
Answer: a)
Explanation: President Pranab Mukherjee on 6 October 2016 inaugurated the first edition of the World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS) in New Delhi.The theme for the summit is Beyond 2015: People, Planet and Progress. The summit is being organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).
11).Union Minister for Human Resource Development PrakashJavadekar has inaugurated ShatabdiKrishiBhawan and a Green Building in which of the following university?
a) Tezpur University, Tezpur
b) Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
c) Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
d) Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
e) Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Answer: b)
Explanation: Union Minister for Human Resource Development PrakashJavadekar has inaugurated ShatabdiKrishiBhawan and a Green Building in Banaras Hindu University.The ShatabdiKrishiBhawan under the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU has been so named to commemorate the Centenary year of University.
Answer: b)
Explanation: Union Minister for Human Resource Development PrakashJavadekar has inaugurated ShatabdiKrishiBhawan and a Green Building in Banaras Hindu University.The ShatabdiKrishiBhawan under the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU has been so named to commemorate the Centenary year of University.
12).What is the Minimum Capitalfor Payment Banks and Small Finance Banksunder The RBI released the operating guidelines for Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks?
a) 15 per cent
b) 16 per cent
c) 17 per cent
d) 12 per cent
e) 13 per cent
Answer: a)
Explanation: The RBI released the operating guidelines for Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks. RBI has prescribed for both categories of banks the following: • Minimum Capital: 15 per cent • Common Equity Tier: 1-6 per cent • Additional Tier: 1-1.5 per cent • Minimum Tier 1 and Tier 2 Capital: 7.5 per cent each • Capital Conservation Buffer: 7.5 per cent The exposure in this regard to an individual scheduled commercial bank shall not be more than five per cent of the total outside liabilities of the Payment Banks
13).The Union Cabinet gave its approval to sign MoU between India and AARDO for capacity building programmes in the field of rural development, what is the full form of AARDO?
a) African Austria Rural Development Organization
b) Austria Asian Rural Development Organization
c) Australia Asian Rural Development Organization
d) African Asian Rural Development Organization
e) Asian Asian Rural Development Organization
Answer: d)
Explanation: The Union Cabinet gave its approval to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and African Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) for capacity building programmes in the field of rural development. The MoU is being signed under which capacity building programmes for AARDO member countries for the triennium 2015 – 2017.The AARDO is an autonomous inter-Governmental organization with its headquarters in New Delhi. It was established in 1962.
14).Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) announced that the Terminal 3 of which of the following airport achieved Platinum rating from Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)?
a) Terminal 1
b) Terminal 2
c) Terminal 3
d) Terminal 4
e) Terminal 5
Answer: c)
Explanation: Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) announced on 6 October 2016 that the Terminal 3 of Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) achieved Platinum rating from Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).The plaque and certificate for the achievement was handed over by IGBC to Douglas Webster, COO-DIAL and Roy Sebastian, VP- Project and Engineering, during the 14th Green Building Congress, 2016 organized by IGBC in Mumbai.
15).What is theCapital Conservation Bufferfor Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks under RBI released the operating guidelines for Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks?
c) 7.3%
Answer: e)
Explanation: The RBI released the operating guidelines for Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks. RBI has prescribed for both categories of banks the following: • Minimum Capital: 15 per cent • Common Equity Tier: 1-6 per cent • Additional Tier: 1-1.5 per cent • Minimum Tier 1 and Tier 2 Capital: 7.5 per cent each • Capital Conservation Buffer: 7.5 per cent The exposure in this regard to an individual scheduled commercial bank shall not be more than five per cent of the total outside liabilities of the Payment Banks.
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