English Vocab from Hindustan Times Part-2

April 10, 2016    

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Hello everyone…. I am Meenakshi
Hope you Like it. Happy Reading :)

1. swear- promise, vow
eg- He swore vengeance against those who had killed his family.
2. Vengeance(noun) - revenge
eg- He swore vengeance against those who had killed his family.
3. Relatively(adverb) - in relation or comparision
eg- Vijay was played by the then relatively unknown Amitabh Bachchan.
4. Spill over(idiom) - to reach or influence a larger area
eg- the angry young Indian has spilled over from fiction to real life.
5. Fiction - something that is invented or untrue
sy- Narration, fantasy, illusion
eg- the angry young Indian has spilled over from fiction to real life.
6. Holler(verb) - give a loud shout or cry.
sy- shout,yell,cry
eg- "‘I can't get down,’ she hollered", He (and she) is there on primetime TV hollering because Pakistan has yet again shown its duplicitous face
7. Duplicitous(adj) - deceitful
eg- He (and she) is there on primetime TV hollering because Pakistan has yet again shown its duplicitous face
8. Kneecaps(verb/noun)- shoot (someone) in the knee or leg as a form of punishment.
eg- "petty crimes are punished by kneecapping" ,He is there on the streets busting kneecaps because a driver has brushed against his scooter.
9. Bust(verb) - break,fracture,shatter
eg- He is there on the streets busting kneecaps because a driver has brushed against his scooter.
10. brush (up) against s/o or s/t(idiom)-to touch someone or something lightly in passing.
eg- He is there on the streets busting kneecaps because a driver has brushed against his scooter.
11. Altercation(noun) - a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.
sy- argument,quarrel,fight,squabble,dispute
eg- He is there in his neighbour’s home, beating him to death after an altercation.
12.Sniff out - to detect through shrewdness or instinct, recognize or detect by or as if by smelling
eg- He is sniffing out lunch-boxes for a whiff of murderous beef
13. whiff(noun)- a smell that is only smelt briefly or faintly.
eg- He is sniffing out lunch-boxes for a whiff of murderous beef
14. Hoist(verb) - raise (something) by means of ropes and pulleys.
eg - hoist the tricolour
15. Expectancy(noun) - the state of thinking or hoping that something, especially something good, will happen.
16. Ratchet s/t up/down - to ​increase/​reduce something over a ​period of ​time:
eg- The ​debate should ​ratchet up ​awareness of the ​problem among ​members of the ​general ​public,
Emotions are ratcheted up in an already emotionally overwrought environment.
17. Overwrought(adj)- in a state of nervous excitement or anxiety.
sy- tense,nervous, frenzied,frantic
eg - emotions are ratcheted up in an already emotionally overwrought environment.
18. Appease(verb)-assuage or satisfy (a demand or a feeling),pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.
sy- placate,satisfy,fulfil
eg- "amendments have been added to appease local pressure groups"
19. Appeasement(noun)- the action or process of appeasing.
eg- The angry Hindu nationalist is protesting what he sees as years of Congress ‘appeasement’ of minorities.
20. Ambivalence(noun) - the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or
sy- uncertainity,doubt, hesitation
eg- Certainly, the Congress didn’t do anyone any favours by its ambivalence on the Bharat mata issue in Maharashtra
21. Pertinent(adj) - relevant or applicable to a particular matter
sy- relevant, apposite,applicable,appropriate,suitable
eg- "she asked me a lot of very pertinent questions", But it’s also pertinent to point out that the diversion of the national debate to patriotism also saves the ruling BJP government from having to answer inconvenient questions on development and growth.
22. Dismantle(verb)- disassemble, deconstruct
eg- "the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap"
23. Backlash(noun) - a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social or
political development.
eg- the slow and necessary dismantling of the old order is leading to what activists call backlash violence
24. Manifest(adj,verb) - lear or obvious to the eye or mind,demostrate or display
eg- This is most visibly manifest with the rising aspirations of women.
25. Cauldron(noun)-(i)a large metal pot with a lid and handle, used for cooking over an open fire.
(ii)a situation characterized by instability and strong emotions.
eg-"a cauldron of repressed anger", India’s educated youth is either unemployable or competing in a shrinking cauldron for jobs that are too scarce.
E-mail- snazzy.meenakshi@gmail.com
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English Vocab from Hindustan Times Part-2 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 10, 2016 sponsored links Hello everyone…. I am Meenakshi Hope you Like it. Happy Reading :) 1. swear- promise, vow eg- He swore vengeance aga...

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