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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 14th November 2018. Happy reading :)
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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Four corners: on the Quad's agenda"
- Agenda - a plan or aim that is kept secret
- Quad - four
- Quadrilateral - involving four members / sides
- Accurately - in a way that is correct or true in every detail
- Bill as - to advertise or describe someone or something in a particular way, especially in order to make them sound interesting or important
- Democracy - a country that has democracy (a system of government in which people vote in elections to choose the people who will govern them)
- Objective - something that you plan to achieve, especially in business or work
- Ensure - to make certain that something happens or is done
- Prosperous - rich and successful
- Infrastructure - the set of systems within a place or organization that affect how well it operates, for example the telephone and transport systems in a country
- Humanitarian - relating to efforts to help people who are living in very bad conditions and are suffering because of a war, flood, earthquake etc
- Disaster - something very bad that happens and causes a lot of damage or kills a lot of people
- Province - one of many areas into which some countries are divided
- Unveil - to announce something officially that was previously a secret
- Maritime - involving ships or the business of moving people and goods in ships
- Collapse - to suddenly fail or stop existing
- Sideline - a situation in which you watch something that is happening but are not involved in it or cannot influence it
- Comprehensive - including many details or aspects of something
- Summit - a meeting or series of meetings between leaders of two or more countries
- Informal - relaxed and friendly
- Overlap - if two or more activities, subjects, or periods of time overlap, they have some parts that are the same
- Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
- Potential - someone's or something's ability to develop, achieve, or succeed
- Strategic - carefully planned in order to achieve a particular goal, especially in war, business, or politics
- Tsunami - a very large wave or series of waves caused when something such as an earthquake moves a large quantity of water in the sea
- Coordinate - to organize the different parts of a job or plan so that the people involved work together effectively
- Revive - to become, or to make something become, active, successful, or popular again
- Inroads - direct and noticeable effects on something
- Denial - a statement that something is not true or did not happen
- Encompass - to include a lot of people or things
- Bookends - a pair of objects that you put at each end of a row of books to stop them from falling over
- Concurrence - agreement between people
- Treaty - an official written agreement between two or more countries
- Alliance - an arrangement between two or more people, groups, or countries by which they agree to work together to achieve something
- Elude - if something such as success eludes you, you do not manage to achieve it
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Changing trends?: on the global petroleum market"
- Ally - a country that makes an agreement with another country that they will work together to help each other, especially in a war
- Fickle - likely to change suddenly and without warning
- Counter - an action that you take in order to oppose or stop something or reduce its negative effect
- Producer - a person or company that grows food or makes goods to be sold
- Consumer - someone who buys and uses goods and services
- Discomfort - a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally, or something that causes this
- Barrel - sa unit for measuring crude oil
- Benchmark - an amount, level, standard etc that you can use for judging how good or bad other things are
- Crude - not exact or accurate, but often good enough for a particular purpose
- Cartel - a group of people or companies who all agree to sell something at the same price so that they can all make profits without competing with one another
- Ramp up - a large increase in activity or in the level of something
- Apprehension - a feeling of worry or fear that something bad might happen
- In the wake of - happening after an event or as a result of it
- Sanction - an official order to stop communication, trade, etc with a country that has broken international law
- Impose - to introduce something such as a new law or new system, and force people to accept it
- Waiver - an official statement or document that says a right, claim, or law can be officially ignored or given up
- Import - to buy a product from another country and bring it to your country
- Crucial - something that is crucial is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result of something
- Losing streak - a series of wins/losses following one after another in a game or sport
- Perhaps - used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true
- Owing to - because of something
- Significantly - by a large amount, or in a way that is easily noticeable
- Downtrend - a general reduction in the level or amount of something, especially economic activity
- Investor - a person who puts money into something in order to make a profit or get an advantage
- Jittery - feeling nervous and upset, and sometimes being unable to keep still because of this
- For instance - for example
- Negate - to make something have no effect
- Bullish - a bullish market is one in which the prices of shares are rising
- Predict - to say what you think will happen in the future
- Shale - a type of smooth dark rock that breaks into thin layers
- Non-committal - not saying what you think or what you plan to do
- Slowdown - a period when there is less activity
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