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Hi Friends, I am Kani. Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 11th March 2016. Happy Reading :)
Topic 1 : "A flight shows up the system"
Topic 2 : "Action plan to fix public sector banks"
- Departure - the action of leaving
- Plea - an urgent and emotional request (to court)
- Consortium - an association of several companies
- Defunct - no longer existing or functioning
- Glaringly - used to say that something bad is very common
- Loophole - a small mistake in an agreement or law that gives someone the chance to avoid having to do something
- Prevails - to be common among a group of people or area
- Baron - an important or powerful person in a specified business or industry
- Subsequently - after a particular thing has happened (afterwards)
- Restrain - prevent (someone or something) from doing something / keep under control or within limits
- Evading - to avoid or escape from someone or something
- Right under the nose of - to be in a place that you can clearly see
- Enforcement - to make people obey a law
- Adverse - unfavourable
- Despite - without being affected by / in spite of
- Singled out - to choose one person or thing from a group for special attention (criticism / praise)
- Vital - absolutely necessary / essential
- Bona fides - a person's honesty and sincerity of intention
- Credibility - the fact that someone can be believed or trusted
- Brazen - obvious (without any attempt to be hidden)
- Flaunting - to show something you are proud of in order to get admiration
- Flamboyance - very confident in behaviour
- Reputation - the opinion that people in general have about someone or something
- Circumstances - a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
- Adversity - a difficult or unpleasant situation
- Perceived - to come to an opinion about something
- Flouting - to intentionally not obey a rule, law
Topic 2 : "Action plan to fix public sector banks"
- Bloated - excessive in size or amount
- Provision - a statement within an agreement or a law that a particular thing must happen or be done
- Legacy - an amount of money or property left to someone in a will
- Clean slate - a state in which you are starting an activity or process again, not considering what has happened in the past at all
- Caused a scare - cause great fear or nervousness
- Given - knowing about or considering a particular thing
- Grim - worrying, without hope
- Legitimate - reasonable and acceptable
- Infusion - the act of adding one thing to another to make it stronger or better
- Inadequate - lacking the quality or quantity required (insufficient)
- Asserting - to behave in a way that expresses your confidence
- Indicate - point out / show
- Arise - to happen
- Subset - a part of a larger group of related things (not the main thing)
- Consequence - result / effect
- Malaise - a general feeling of discomfort
- Inefficiency - a situation in which someone or something fails to use resources
- Context - the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it
- Significant - sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention / noteworthy
- Empower - give (someone) the authority or power to do something
- Arm’s-length relationship - a relationship lacking friendliness
- Delink - break the connection between two things
- Accountability - responsibility
- Foster - encourage the development of something
- Privilege - an opportunity to do something special
- Autonomous - independent and having the power to make your own decisions
- Sustainable - able to continue over a period of time
- Holistic approach - dealing with or treating the whole of something
- Stake - a share or a financial involvement in business
- Spur - to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster
- Bankruptcy - when you unable to pay your debts, the law of court sells your property to pay your debts
- Overdue - not done or happening when expected or when needed
- Pursue - to try to do something / achieve something
- Purposefully - showing that you know what you want to do
- Stingy - unwilling to spend money
- Tacit - understood without being expressed directly
- Commendable - deserving praise
- Concerted - planned / coordinated
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