Reasoning Quiz for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL and Railways

March 14, 2016    

Dear Readers, We are providing you a quiz of Reasoning Quiz for SSC CPO, SSC CHSL, SSC CGL 2016 and Railways.

DIRECTIONS (Qs.1 to 5) : In each of the following questions, there are two words / set of letters / numbers to the left of the sign :: which are connected in some way. The same relationship obtains between the third words / set of letters / numbers and one of the four alternatives under it. Find the correct alternative in each question.
1. Saint : Meditation : : Scientist : ?
(a) Research 
(b) Knowledge
(c) Spiritual 
(d) Rational

2. King : Palace :: Eskimo : ?
(a) Caravan 
(b) Asylum
(c) Monastery
(d) Igloo

3. AFKP : DINS :: WBGL : ?
(a) ORUX 
(b) OSWA
(c) OTYD 
(d) OQSU


5. 18 : 5 :: 12 : ?
(a) 4 
(b) 10
(c) 3 
(d) 6

Directions (6-7) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangements and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

(1) BE                    
(2) CG
(3) GA                    
(4) DH
(5) AF

(1) B                      
(2) F
(3) G                      
(4) A
(5) D

Directions (Q.8–9): In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumption numbered I and II. (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted). You have to consider the statement and the following assumption and decide which of the assumption is implicit in the statement. Give answer

1. If only assumption I is implicit.
2. If only assumption II is implicit.
3. If either assumption I or assumption II is implicit.
4. If neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit.
5. If both assumption I and II are implicit.

8. Statement : A very large number of people stood in the queue for buying tickets for the rock concert to be made in the city next day.

I. No other rock concert is going to happen in next six months.
II. Majority of those who stood in the queue may be able to get ticket for the rock concert.

9. Statement : The highway police authority put up large board at regular interval prohibiting people to drink and drive.

I. Most of the motorists may drive vehicles within the law and prohibit from mixing drinking and driving together.
II. Majority generally ignore such cautions.

Directions(10): Each question consists of some statements followed by some conclusions.Consider the statements to be true even if they are in variance with the commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements and accordingly mark your answer :–

10.Statements : 
All table are copy. 
All copy are pen. 
All desk are pen. 

I. Some copy are desk. 
II. Some pen are table. 
III. All table are pen

(a) Only I follows  
(b) Only II follows 
(c) Only III follows  
(d) Only II and III follow 
(e) None of these

Answers will be provided soon

Reasoning Quiz for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL and Railways 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 14, 2016 Dear Readers, We are providing you a quiz of Reasoning Quiz for SSC CPO, SSC CHSL, SSC CGL 2016 and Railways. DIRECTIONS (Qs.1 to 5) : ...

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