Important Indian Railway Quiz

January 28, 2016    

1.8 men can complete a piece of work in 12 days, how many addition men will be required to complete double to work in 6 days.
a) 32
b) 34
C) 36
D) 38

2. P and Q can complete a piece of work in 12 and 15 days respectively. If they work for a day alternately, starting with P, in how many days will the work be completed?
a) 13(1/4)days
b) 13(3/4)days
c) 14(1/4)days
d) 13 days

3.A and B undertake to do a piece of work for Rs. 100. A can do it in 5 days and B can do it in 10 days. With the help of C, they finish it in 2 days. How much should C be paid for his contribution?
a) Rs. 40
b) Rs. 20
c) Rs. 60
d) Rs. 30

4.The cost of 8 ink pens and 12 ball pens is Rs.82. What would be the cost of 36 ink pens and 54 ball pens?
a) Rs.366
b) Rs.365
c) Rs.369
d) Rs.364

5.On a sum of money, simple interest for 2 years is Rs 660 and compound interest is Rs 696.30, the rate of interest being the same in both cases.
(a) 5 %                                      
(b) 12%
(c) 10%                                      
(d) 11%

6.BDF : HIL : : MOQ : ……….
a) XVT
b) TVX
c) VTX
d) STW

7.LOGIC : BHFNK : : CLERK : ………….

8.XTOK : SPLI : : OKMP : …………..

9.HINDU : XCQAV : : KINGS : …………..

10.GERM : MERG : : STAR : …………….

11.Which one of the following is not an ASEAN member?
a) Cambodia
b) China
c) Laos
d) Philipines

12.In which one of the following provinces was a Congress ministry not formed under the Act of 1935?
a) Bihar
b) Madras
c) Orissa
d) Punjab

13.Who among the following invented Laser?
a) Theodore Maiman
b) Denis Papin
c) William Morton
d) Francis Crick

14.Which one of the following territories was not affected by the Revolt of 1857?
a) Jhansi
b) Chittor
c) Jagdishpur
d) Lucknow

15.What was Komagata Maru?
a) A political party based in Taiwan
b) Peasant Communist leader of China
c) A naval ship on voyage from to Canada during freedom struggle
d) Mao Tung birth place

Answers Will Be provided Soon...!!!!
Important Indian Railway Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 28, 2016 1.8 men can complete a piece of work in 12 days, how many addition men will be required to complete double to work in 6 days. a) 32 b) 34 ...

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