Quiz Magic On Modern History

January 28, 2016    


As you know the  level of question is getting higher by  each passing exam we are here with the new concept  called "QUIZ MAGIC", these quizzes will help you to learn 20 more new concepts  when you find their solutions.

1.Consider the following statements 
1) Limited territorial and social base
2) Lack of co-ordination and a central leadership
3) Lack of coherent ideology and a political purpose.
Which of the above statement is cause for the failure of 1857 revolt?
a)1 only
b)2, 3 only
c)1, 3 only
d)1, 2, 3 only

2.consider the following statements
1) Complete destruction of traditional economic Fabric.
2) British land and revenue policies.
3) System of law and order administration.
4) Numerous Famines from 1770-1857.
Which of the above statement is cause for the failure of 1857 revolt?
a)1, 2 only
b)1, 2, 3
c)2, 3, 4
d)1, 2, 3, 4

3.How British interfered with religions affairs of India?
1) Abolition of custom of Sati
2) Legalization of widow remarriage
3) Opening of Western education to girls
Select the correct code given below:
a)1 only
b)1,3 only
c)2,3 only
d)1,2,3 only

4.Consider the following statements about changes in local bodies after 1857 revolt 
1) Members are elected one
2) local bodies are instrument to extract tax from people
3) Strict control over local body activities by government
Select the correct code given below,
a)1 only
b)2,3 only
c)1,3 only

5.Which of the following gains were not attained by British in Burma’s War.
a) A compensation of one crone rupees
b) Ceding of Burma’s coastal areas of Arakan and tenesserin.
c) Commercial treaty with British from Burma.
d) Burma can retain Assam, Cachar and Jaintia.

6.Consider the following statements:
1) Co-operative attitude towards Educated Indians
2) Policy of divide and rule
3) Labour legislation
4) Restriction on the press
Which of the above statement was not the policy of British India?
a)1 only
b)2,3,4 only
d)2,3 only

7.With reference to Indian freedom struggle, Usha Mehta is well-known for: 
a)Running the secret Congress Radio in the wake of Quit India Movement
b) Participating in the Second Round Table Conference
c) Leading a contingent of Indian National Army
d) Assisting in the formation of Interim Government under Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

8.What was the reason for Mahatma Gandhi to organize a satyagraha on behalf of the peasants of Kheda?
1.The Administration did not suspend the land revenue collection in spite of a drought.
2.The Administration proposed to introduce Permanent Settlement in Gujarat.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2

9.The most effective contribution made by Dadabhai Naoroji to the cause of Indian National Movement was that he
1. exposed the economic exploitation of India by the British
2. interpreted the ancient Indian texts and restored the self-confidence of Indians
3. stressed the need for eradication of all the social evils before anything else
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3

10.Which of the following parties were established by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar?
1.The Peasants and Workers Party of India
2.All India Scheduled Castes Federation
3.The Independent Labour Party
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3

1. Ans D
2. Ans D
3. Ans D
4. Ans B
5. Ans D
6. Ans A
7. Ans A
8. Ans A
9. Ans A
10.Ans B

Quiz Magic On Modern History 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 28, 2016 DEAR READER'S As you know the  level of question is getting higher by  each passing exam  we are here with the new concept  called ...

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