Quant Quiz: LIC AAO, Syndicate PO, SO

January 28, 2016    

Directions (Q. 1-6): For the two given equations I and II.
Give answer:
(1) If p is greater than q.
(2) If p is smaller than q.
(3) If p is equal to q.
(4) If p is either equal to or greater than q.
(5) If p is either equal to or smaller than q.
I. 6p^2+5p+1=0
II. 20q^2+9q=-1

I. 3p^2+2p-1=0
II. 2q^2+7q+6=0
I. 3p^2+15p=-18 
II. q^2+7q+12=0
I. p=√4/√9
II. 9q^2-12q+4=0
I. p^2+13p+42=0
II. q^2=36
II. q=√100
Directions (Q. 7-10): Study  following graph carefully and answer the questions given below:
Income and Expenditure of various Companies during a year (Profit=Income-Expenditure)
7. What is the average income earned by all the companies together?
(1) Rs. 34,50,00,000/-
(2) Rs. 33,50,00,000/-
(3) Rs. 33,50,000/-
(4) Rs. 3,45,00,00/-
(5) None of these
8. Expenditure incurred by Company C is approximately what per cent to the expenditure incurred by company B?
9. What is the approximate difference between the percent profit earned by Company A and that by Company D?
10. What is the total expenditure incurred by all the companies together?
(1) Rs. 1,37,50,000/-
(2) Rs. 1,37,50,00,000/-
(3) Rs. 13,75,00,00,000/-
(4) Rs. 13,75,000/-
(5) None of these
Answers will be provided soon...

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Quant Quiz: LIC AAO, Syndicate PO, SO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 28, 2016 Directions (Q. 1-6): For the two given equations I and II. Give answer: (1) If p is greater than q. (2) If p is smaller than q. (3) If...

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