Dear IBPS Clerk 2015 Aspirants practice Reasoning questions set of Mixed Questions upcoming IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these questions and share time taken to solve these questions.
In Reasoning section for IBPS Clerk 2015- Puzzles, syllogism, inequality play important role in preliminary exam.
Directions(1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight students of school. They study in standard VI, VII and VIII without more than three in any standard. Each of them have a favorite subject from physics, geography, English, Marathi, mathematics, chemistry, biology and economics but not necessarily in the same order.
D likes chemistry and studies in standard VIII with only H. B does not study in standard VII. E and A study in the same standard but not with B. C and F study in the same standard. Those who study in standard VI do not like mathematics or biology. F likes physics. The one who studies in standard VIII likes English. C does not like Geography. A’s favorite subject is Marathi and G does not like Biology.
1. Which subject does H like?
(1) English
(2) Marathi
(3) Chemistry
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
2. What is G’s favorite subject?
(1) Biology
(2) Physics
(3) Marathi
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
3. What is C’s favorite subject?
(1) Economics
(2) Biology
(3) English
(4) Geography
(5) Data inadequate
4. Which of the following combinations of student-standard. Subject is correct?
(1) C – VII – Economics
(2) D – VI – Chemistry
(3) G – VII – Physics
(4) B – VIII – Mathematics
(5) None is correct
5. Which of the following group of students study in VII standard?
(1) EAF
(2) EGC
(3) EAG
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
Directions—(6–10) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below—
C ? 1 K X 6 U 3 ★ 9 5 $ R + Z 4 @ G A T # E 7 S © 3
6. How many such prime numbers are there in the given arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a symbol and preceded by a consonant?
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three
7. If the places of the those symbols which are immediately followed by numbers are interchanged with those of the numbers in the given arrangement then which of the following will be the eleventh from the right end?
(1) G
(2) @
(3) 4
(4) Z
(5) None of these
8. Which of the following is the seventh letter to the left of ©?
(1) U
(2) Z
(3) G
(4) X
(5) None of these
9. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement?
1 6 X , 3 5 9, R 4 Z, ?
(1) @ T A
(2) 4 A G
(3) G E #
(4) G # T
(5) None of these
10. If the symbols and numbers are dropped from the given arrangement and then the letters are rearranged in alphabetical order which of the following will be the sixth from the left end ?
(1) C
(2) S
(3) Z
(4) A
(5) None of these
Directions(Q.11-15): In the following questions, the symbols @, #, %, $ and * are used with the following meaning as illustrated below.
‘A @ B’ means ‘A Is not smaller than B’
‘A # B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’
‘A % B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor greater than B’
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’
‘A * B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’
Give answer 1) : If only conclusion 1 is true
Give answer 2) : If only conclusion 2 is true
Give answer 3) : If either conclusion 1 or 2 is true
Give answer 4) : If neither conclusion 1 nor 2 is true
Give answer 5) : If both conclusions 1 and 2 are true
11. Statements: K%N, N$O, O*P, K$L, L*K
Conclusion : (i) K%O
(ii) O#K
12. Statements: C%D, E*F, A#B, D@E, B#C
Conclusion : (i) F#D
(ii) D@F
13. Statements: D@E, B#C, C%D, E*F, A#B
Conclusion : (i) A#E
(ii) D*B
14. Statements: X@Y, V$W, U*V, W*X, Y%Z
Conclusion : (i) Z$X
15. Statements: M%N, N$O, O*P, K$L, L*M
Conclusion : (i) P*K
(ii) P#K
Directions (16-20) : Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions -
A word-number arranging machine rearranges the input line of words and numbers following a specific rule.
An example of input and rearrangement is given below.
Input : jug eight take 31 68 73 if after 98 16 25 on
Step I : after jug eight take 31 68 73 if 98 25 on 16
Step II : after eight jug take 31 68 73 if 98 on 25 16
Step III : after eight if jug take 68 73 98 on 31 25 16
Step IV : after eight if jug on take 73 98 68 31 25 16
Step V : after eight if jug on take 98 73 68 31 25 16
Step-V is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input because the intended arrangement has been obtained. According to the rules followed in the above steps, find the appropriate step of the given input in each of the below given questions.
Input : sin girl 19 53 22 call art main 35 66 fill 93
16. Following output is of which step number ?
art call fill girl sin main 66 93 53 35 22 19
(1) II
(2) III
(3) V
(4) IV
(5) None of these
17. Which position will be of '53' in step-IV ?
(1)Second from right end
(2)Eighth from left end
(3)Fifth from right end
(4)Third from right end
(5)None of the above
18. Which of the following is fourth from left in step-III ?
(1) 53
(2) girl
(3) sin
(4) fill
(5) None of these
19. How many steps will complete this arrangement ?
(4)Cannot be determined
(5)None of the above
20. Which of the following is the final step of the above input ?
(1)art call fill girl main 93 sin 66 53 35 22 19
(2)art call girl fill main sin 93 66 53 35 22 19
(3)art call fill girl main sin 93 66 53 35 22 19
(4)art call fill girl main sin 93 66 53 35 22 19
(5)None of the above
1. (1) H likes English
2. (5) G’s fav subject is Mathematics
3. (1) C’s fav subject is Economics
4. (5) None is correct
5. (3) A, E and G study is standard VIII
Solutions (6-10):
6. (1)
There is no such combination.
7. (3)
8. (3)
The seventh letter to the left of © is R.
9. (4)
The movement is +2, +2 and -1.
10. (5)
The letter will be R.
11. (3)
12. (3)
13. (5)
14. (1)
15. (2)
16. (4)
17. (5)
18. (3)
19. (1)
In Reasoning section for IBPS Clerk 2015- Puzzles, syllogism, inequality play important role in preliminary exam.
Directions(1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight students of school. They study in standard VI, VII and VIII without more than three in any standard. Each of them have a favorite subject from physics, geography, English, Marathi, mathematics, chemistry, biology and economics but not necessarily in the same order.
D likes chemistry and studies in standard VIII with only H. B does not study in standard VII. E and A study in the same standard but not with B. C and F study in the same standard. Those who study in standard VI do not like mathematics or biology. F likes physics. The one who studies in standard VIII likes English. C does not like Geography. A’s favorite subject is Marathi and G does not like Biology.
1. Which subject does H like?
(1) English
(2) Marathi
(3) Chemistry
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
2. What is G’s favorite subject?
(1) Biology
(2) Physics
(3) Marathi
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
3. What is C’s favorite subject?
(1) Economics
(2) Biology
(3) English
(4) Geography
(5) Data inadequate
4. Which of the following combinations of student-standard. Subject is correct?
(1) C – VII – Economics
(2) D – VI – Chemistry
(3) G – VII – Physics
(4) B – VIII – Mathematics
(5) None is correct
5. Which of the following group of students study in VII standard?
(1) EAF
(2) EGC
(3) EAG
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
Directions—(6–10) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below—
C ? 1 K X 6 U 3 ★ 9 5 $ R + Z 4 @ G A T # E 7 S © 3
6. How many such prime numbers are there in the given arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a symbol and preceded by a consonant?
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three
7. If the places of the those symbols which are immediately followed by numbers are interchanged with those of the numbers in the given arrangement then which of the following will be the eleventh from the right end?
(1) G
(2) @
(3) 4
(4) Z
(5) None of these
8. Which of the following is the seventh letter to the left of ©?
(1) U
(2) Z
(3) G
(4) X
(5) None of these
9. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement?
1 6 X , 3 5 9, R 4 Z, ?
(1) @ T A
(2) 4 A G
(3) G E #
(4) G # T
(5) None of these
10. If the symbols and numbers are dropped from the given arrangement and then the letters are rearranged in alphabetical order which of the following will be the sixth from the left end ?
(1) C
(2) S
(3) Z
(4) A
(5) None of these
Directions(Q.11-15): In the following questions, the symbols @, #, %, $ and * are used with the following meaning as illustrated below.
‘A @ B’ means ‘A Is not smaller than B’
‘A # B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’
‘A % B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor greater than B’
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’
‘A * B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’
Give answer 1) : If only conclusion 1 is true
Give answer 2) : If only conclusion 2 is true
Give answer 3) : If either conclusion 1 or 2 is true
Give answer 4) : If neither conclusion 1 nor 2 is true
Give answer 5) : If both conclusions 1 and 2 are true
11. Statements: K%N, N$O, O*P, K$L, L*K
Conclusion : (i) K%O
(ii) O#K
12. Statements: C%D, E*F, A#B, D@E, B#C
Conclusion : (i) F#D
(ii) D@F
13. Statements: D@E, B#C, C%D, E*F, A#B
Conclusion : (i) A#E
(ii) D*B
14. Statements: X@Y, V$W, U*V, W*X, Y%Z
Conclusion : (i) Z$X
15. Statements: M%N, N$O, O*P, K$L, L*M
Conclusion : (i) P*K
(ii) P#K
Directions (16-20) : Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions -
A word-number arranging machine rearranges the input line of words and numbers following a specific rule.
An example of input and rearrangement is given below.
Input : jug eight take 31 68 73 if after 98 16 25 on
Step I : after jug eight take 31 68 73 if 98 25 on 16
Step II : after eight jug take 31 68 73 if 98 on 25 16
Step III : after eight if jug take 68 73 98 on 31 25 16
Step IV : after eight if jug on take 73 98 68 31 25 16
Step V : after eight if jug on take 98 73 68 31 25 16
Step-V is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input because the intended arrangement has been obtained. According to the rules followed in the above steps, find the appropriate step of the given input in each of the below given questions.
Input : sin girl 19 53 22 call art main 35 66 fill 93
16. Following output is of which step number ?
art call fill girl sin main 66 93 53 35 22 19
(1) II
(2) III
(3) V
(4) IV
(5) None of these
17. Which position will be of '53' in step-IV ?
(1)Second from right end
(2)Eighth from left end
(3)Fifth from right end
(4)Third from right end
(5)None of the above
18. Which of the following is fourth from left in step-III ?
(1) 53
(2) girl
(3) sin
(4) fill
(5) None of these
19. How many steps will complete this arrangement ?
(4)Cannot be determined
(5)None of the above
20. Which of the following is the final step of the above input ?
(1)art call fill girl main 93 sin 66 53 35 22 19
(2)art call girl fill main sin 93 66 53 35 22 19
(3)art call fill girl main sin 93 66 53 35 22 19
(4)art call fill girl main sin 93 66 53 35 22 19
(5)None of the above
1. (1) H likes English
2. (5) G’s fav subject is Mathematics
3. (1) C’s fav subject is Economics
4. (5) None is correct
5. (3) A, E and G study is standard VIII
Solutions (6-10):
6. (1)
There is no such combination.
7. (3)
8. (3)
The seventh letter to the left of © is R.
9. (4)
The movement is +2, +2 and -1.
10. (5)
The letter will be R.
11. (3)
12. (3)
13. (5)
14. (1)
15. (2)
16. (4)
17. (5)
18. (3)
19. (1)
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