Important committee
1. Committee set for deep sea fishing policy- Meena kumari
AK Bhargava committee: to look into the issues of "Net neutrality".
Dhirendra Swarup committee – to begin the preparatory work for Financial Redress Agency (FRA) that was recommended by the Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission (FSLRC)
2. Committee set for Green laws & conservation of environment- T.S.R. Subramaniam
TSR Subramanian committee to draft New Education Policy
3. Committee set for implementation of technology in swacth Bharat abhiyaan- R.A. MASHELKAR
4. Committee set for NPS Guidelines - G.N. BAJPAI
5. Committee set for Makin banks and non banks- GOPAL KRISHNA Pannel
6. Committee set for checking financial architecture of Msme's- K.V. KAMATH
7. Committee set for to prevent bankruptcy of sme's- T.K. Vishawnanthan
8. Committee set for review to implement IT act 66A- TK vishawnanthan
Nichket Mor :For payment banks
Usha tharot: Small banks
9.Committee set for sustainable devellopment - JAI RAM RAMESH committee
10. Committee set for ban on dance bars in pub and restaurant- Justice C.S. Dharma Adhikari pannel
11.Committee set for reconstruction of railway- bibek Debroy
12. Committee set for governance of banking board of india- P.J. Patnayak
13. Committee set for reensuring the NBFC as Bussiness correspondant- Nachiket Mor.
14. Committee set for clarification of definition of FDI &FII - ARVIND MAYARAM
15. Committee set for data and information management in RBI -DEEPAK MOHANTY
16. Committee set for black money investigation - Justice M.B.Shah
17. Committee set for
2006 Meerut fire tragedy- Justice S.B. SINHA pannel
18. Committee set for gas pricing formula- Suresh prabhu
19. Review status of UGC - HARI GUPTA
20. Committee set for expenditure management commission - BIMAL JALAN
21.Committee set for removal of obslete laws from constitution - RAMANUJAM committee
22. Committee set for formation of Capital of Andhra pradesh - SIVARAM KRISHNA
23. Committee set for forensic investigation of NSEL Scandal - V.V. DAGGA PANNEL.
Ajay Shankar committee: to suggest simplified compliance for establishing new industries.
Bhupendra Yadav committee – to head panel on the Goods and Services Tax, GST bill
24. Committee set for unclaimed PPF and Post office saving -H.R.KHAN Pannel
25. Committee set for regulation of deemed university - H. DEVRAJ
26. Committee set for guildeline of expenditure and ads of government schmes - N.R.k Madhwa Memon committee
The Concept of ‘Universal Banking’ was implemented in India on the recommendations of:
HR Khan Committee
e foundation for induction of computer technology in the Indian banking system was laid with the recommendations of which of the following committee:
Rangarajan Committee
NHB bank on C Raja rangan committee
Which among the following committee is related with the issues and concerns in the Non-banking financial Companies (NBFCs) sector?
Usha Thorat Comiittee
In the context of the 12th five year plan, Planning Commission has set up committee to recommend detail mythology for identification of BPL families in Urban areas(in Manipur)
S.R. Hashim Committee
committee on Streamlining Short-term Co-operative Structure in India?
Prakash Bakshi
Who among the following heads the RBI Working group on boosting Export Finance?
G Padmanabhan
Who among the following is appointed by the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as the Chairman of the committee on General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR)
Parthasarathi Shome
Who among the following is the head of the committee formed by SEBI to frame a single set of guidelines for all types of foreign investors?
K.M. Chandrashekhar
Who among the following is the head of the one-man inquire committee appointed by the government to inquire into reports on the US lobbying activities of Wal-Mart for access to India market?
V.N. Khare
Which among the following committee has looked inot the maladies affecting the proper functioning of the publ.ic distribution systems (PDS) in India
Wadhwa Committee
27.Committee set for function of PPP Module- Ajay Shankar committee.
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