IBPS Clerk 2015- Practice English Questions (Cloze Test)

December 15, 2015    

Dear IBPS Clerk 2015 Aspirants practice English questions set Cloze Test for  IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these Cloze Test and share time taken to solve these Cloze Test and share your attempt.

English Questions- phrase replacement

In English section for IBPS Clerk 2015- Comprehension, Cloze test, Fill in the Blanks , rearrangement, spotting errors play important role in preliminary exam.

Directions (Q. 1-10): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.

The social (1) of the Web lifestyle and work style are enormous. A lot of people (2) that computers and the Internet will depersonalize experience, creating a world that is less warm. But these are unfounded as we know that some people were (3) afraid that the telephone would reduce face-to-face contact and will (4) society to fall apart. But the (5) actually came true. Just as phone and e-mail have increased contact between people living in different communities and between people on the go, the PC and the Internet give us (6) way to communicate. They do not take any away. In reality, the ability to use the Internet to redefine (7) in our communities is strengthening personal and cultural (8). The Web lifestyle is about broadening (9), not narrowing them. Community building is going to be one of the biggest growth areas on the Web. It dramatically increases the number of communities you can bond to because of its ability to (10) groups of like-minded people independent of geography or time zones.

1) groups
2) needs
3) factor
4) teaching
5) implications

1) accept
2) dare
3) fear
4) teaching
5) reject

1) strongly
2) initially
3) always
4) reject
5) possibly

1) let
2) initially
3) develop
4) destroy
5) destroy

1) opposite
2) found
3) finding
4) different
5) negative

1) cheaper
2) economical
3) another
4) second
5) many

1) groups
2) ethics
3) culture
4) bonds
5) boundaries

1) distances
2) connections
3) differences
4) implications
5) suggestions

1) horizons
2) values
3) nations
4) means
5) status

1) reduce
2) focus
3) prepare
4) connect
5) develop

Directions (Q. 11-20): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. A man who stands (11) is friend in (12) is a true friend. Selfless love is the base of true friendship. True friends share each other’s joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure. They do not fall (13) in adversity. They have full confidence in each other. They never (14) each other. (15) makes friends, adversity tries them. A selfless friend is (16); a selfish friend is a curse. The first is an angel and the second is a devil. One makes your career while the other (17) it.
True friendship means great self-sacrifice on the part of both. A true friend (18) pleasure and convenience. He goes out of his way and faces difficulties in his way with joy and even with pride. Joy and sorrow, success and failure, good fortune and misfortune, are equally (19) by a pair of true friends. They (20) the burden of life equally for they feel that they sail in the same boat and that they have to sink and swim together.

1) to
2) with
3) for
4) by
5) of

1) adversity
2) commotion
3) change
4) happiness
5) growth

1) by
2) to
3) off
4) with
5) through

1) postulate
2) commit
3) danger
4) deplete
5) betray

1) Wealth
2) Prosperity
3) Man
4) Providence
5) Well-bring

1) boon
2) force
3) blessing
4) calamity
5) message

1) throws
2) develops
3) constructs
4) mars
5) lacks

1) foregoes
2) mitigates
3) evolves
4) appraises
5) prospers

1) built
2) pleased
3) admired
4) advocated
5) shared

1) expect
2) shoulder
3) dislike
4) propose
5) project

1. (5)
2. (3)
3. (2)
4. (4)
5. (1)
6. (3)
7. (4)
8. (2)
9. (1)
10. (5)
11. (4)
12. (1)
13. (3)
14. (5)
15. (2)
16. (1)
17. (4)
18. (5)
19. (5)
20. (2)

IBPS Clerk 2015- Practice English Questions (Cloze Test) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 15, 2015 Dear IBPS Clerk 2015 Aspirants practice English questions set Cloze Test for  IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these Cloze Test and share time ...

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