Reasoning Ability For CWE-Clerks-V- Preliminary Examination

November 16, 2015    

Reasoning Ability For CWE-Clerks-V- Preliminary Examination

Q.1-5. Following questions are based on the six three-digit numbers given below. 

115 625 203 211 304 179

Q.1. What will be the resultant if the first digit of the highest number is divided by the first digit of the second lowest number ? 

(1) 4 (2) 1 (3) 3 (4) 2 (5) 6

Q.2. If all the digits in each of the numbers are arranged in ascending order within the numbers, which of the following will become the third highest number in the new arrangement of numbers?

(1) 203 (2) 211 (3) 304 (4) 115 (5) 625

Q.3. If the positions of the first and the second digits of each of the numbers are interchanged, what will be the sum of all the digits of the lowest number thus formed?

(1) 8 (2) 12 (3) 10 (4) 11 (5) 5

Q.4. If the positions of the first and the third digits of each of the numbers are interchanged, which of the following will be the last digit of the highest number? 

(1) 9 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) 5 (5) 4

Q.5. If all the numbers are arranged in descending order from left to right, what will be the addition of the numbers which are third from the left and second from the right ends? 

(1) 390 (2) 453 (3) 523 (4) 289 (5) 348

Q.6-10. In a certain code language some words are written in coded form which are given below: 

‘Which Life Is Better’ is written as ‘mz mr ml mf’.

‘Tough Job Carrier Better’ is written as ‘mv mz mk my’.

‘Relax Job Is Future’ is written as ‘mg mr mk mt’ 

‘True Carrier Is Future’ is written as ‘mr mn mt mv’

‘Relax Life Tough Mind’ is written as ‘mf my mg mw’

Q.6. What is the code for ‘Job’?

(1) mg (2) mt (3) mk (4) mw (5) mf

Q.7. What is the code for ‘Is’?

(1) ml (2) mr (3) my (4) mf (5) mz

Q.8. What is the code for ‘Relax’?

(1) mr (2) mk (3) mg (4) mt (5) mv

Q.9. 'mn mk mr mz’ stand for-

(1) Better Relax Job Is 

(2) Carrier Future True Job 

(3) Tough Future Job Is 

(4) True Job Is Better 

(5) Life Job Better Is

Q.10. 'mw ml’ stand for-

(1) Carrier Which (2) Mind Which (3) Job Mind (4) True Mind (5) Life Which


Q.1. (5) Q.2.(4) Q.3.(5) Q.4.(3) Q.5.(1) Q.6. (3) Q.7. (2) Q.8. (3) Q.9. (4) Q.10. (2)

Reasoning Ability For CWE-Clerks-V- Preliminary Examination 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 16, 2015 Reasoning Ability For CWE-Clerks-V- Preliminary Examination Q.1-5.  Following questions are based on the six three-digit numbers given be...

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