As the IBPS RRB PO and Clerk, the exam is scheduled to be held on 22nd and 29th Of September, 2019 and it is the time deviate all your attention towards both these exams if you are sure of selection in the Prelims. As you all know, sailing through IBPS RRB exam will help you serve in the regional rural banks. Over the past many years, no changes have been observed in the exam pattern of the IBPS RRB PO/Clerk exam. You can check IBPS RRB PO Detailed analysis and IBPS RRB Clerk analysis for the reference. Now the prelim exam is over, and you need a study plan to kick start off your preparation. Adda247 has kept the study plan on the top of the list, that you will need to manage your daily schedule. Quizzes will be provided based on the study plan so that you can prepare yourself for a particular topic in advance. Keep a check on all the subjects like quantitative aptitude, English language, General Awareness, Computer, and Hindi language.
IBPS RRB PO/Clerk Main Exam pattern
This is the foremost thing to be known before appearing for any exam. One should be aware of the exam pattern that is going to be followed in that particular exam. Having a deep knowledge of the syllabus and exam pattern is a must. Here is the detailed exam pattern for IBPS RRB PO/Clerk that will help you to ace in this exam.
S. No. | Name of the Test | The medium of the exam | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1. | Reasoning Ability | Hindi/English | 40 | 50 | Composite time of 120 minutes |
2. | Numerical Ability | Hindi/English | 40 | 50 | |
3. | General Awareness | Hindi/English | 40 | 40 | |
4.a | English Language | English | 40 | 40 | |
4.b | Hindi Language | Hindi | 40 | 40 | |
5. | Computer Knowledge | Hindi/English | 40 | 20 | |
Total | 200 | 200 |
Note: There is a negative marking for every wrong answer in both Preliminary and Main Examination for which there is a penalty of ¼ or 0.25 of the marks assigned to the particular question.
IBPS RRB Syllabus 2019:
After having a deep knowledge of how the exam will be asked, how many questions would be there, what will be the marking against each question, the candidate must be familiar with the Syllabus that is going to be asked in the exam. Knowledge os detailed syllabus of all the sections is a must to start your preparation. Check the topics for IBPS RRB mains 2019.
Reasoning Ability:
- Puzzles
- Seating Arrangements
- Direction Sense
- Blood Relation
- Syllogism
- Order and Ranking
- Coding-Decoding
- Machine Input-Output
- Inequalities
- Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series
- Data Sufficiency
- Logical Reasoning (Passage Inference, Statement and Assumption, Statement & Conclusion, Argument, and Cause & Effect)
- Data Interpretation (Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular, Caselet, Radar/Web, Pie Chart)
- Inequalities (Quadratic Equations)
- Number Series
- Approximation and Simplification
- Data Sufficiency
- Miscellaneous Arithmetic Problems (HCF and LCM, Profit and Loss, SI & CI, Problem on Ages, Work and Time, Speed Distance and Time, Probability, Mensuration, Permutation and Combination, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Problems on Boats and Stream, Problems on Trains, Mixture and Allegation, Pipes and Cisterns).
- Reading Comprehension
- Cloze Test
- Fillers
- Sentence Errors
- Vocabulary based questions
- Sentence Improvement
- Jumbled Paragraph
- Word Usage
- Phrase/Connectors
- Paragraph related question (Para connectors, para completion, para restatement, paragraph inference, para fillers)
- विपरीतार्थक शब्द
- पर्यायवाची शब्द
- मुहावरे तथा लोकोक्तियां
- गुढार्थी (क्लोज टाइप) प्रकार का गद्यांश
- वाक्यक्रम व्यवस्थापन
- वाक्यों में त्रुटियाँ
- वाक्यों में रिक्त-स्थानों की पूर्ति
- वर्तनी अशुद्धियाँ
- वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
- अपठित गद्यांश
- Banking and Insurance Awareness
- Financial Awareness
- Govt. Schemes and Policies
- Current Affairs
- Static Awareness
- History and Generation of Computers
- Introduction to Computer Organisation
- Computer Memory
- Computer Hardware and I/O Devices
- Computer Software
- Computer Languages
- Operating System
- Computer Network
- Internet
- MS Office Suit and Shortcut keys
- Basics of DBMS
- Number System and Conversions
- Computer and Network Security
Study plan for IBPS RRB PO/Clerk, stay tuned on this page for regular updates and study material.
The subjects we will focus on:
- Quantitative aptitude
- English/Hindi language
- General awareness
- Computer
Date | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability | General Awareness |
1st September | Practice Set | Practice Set | Quiz-14 |
2nd September | Bar DI, Miscellaneous, Quadratic Equations | Square Puzzle, Coding-decoding, Miscellaneous | Quiz-15 |
3rd September | SI and CI, Missing Number Series | Floor Puzzle, Direction, Logical | Quiz-16 |
4th September | Pie DI, Time and Work, Simplification | Circular Puzzle, Blood Relation, Input-output | Quiz-17 |
5th September | Boat and Stream, Mixed DI, Quadratic Equations | Month based Puzzle, Data Sufficiency, Miscellaneous | Quiz-18 |
6th September | Probability, Line DI, Wrong Number Series | Linear Puzzle, Coding-decoding, short Puzzle | Quiz-19 |
7th September | Practice Set | Practice Set | Quiz-20 |
8th September | Practice Set | Practice Set | Quiz-21 |
9th September | Mensuration 3D, Approximation, Miscellaneous | Floor Puzzle, Coding-decoding, Direction | Quiz-22 |
10th September | Quantity Comparison, Average, Ages, Table DI | Circular puzzle, Triangular Puzzle, Miscellaneous | Quiz-23 |
11th September | Time and Distance, Pipe and Cistern, Quadratic Equations | Box puzzle, Input-output, Logical, Miscellaneous | Quiz-24 |
12th September | Profit and Loss, Bar DI, Data Sufficiency | Linear Puzzle, Data Sufficiency, Blood Relation | Quiz-25 |
13th September | Time, Speed Distance, Partnership, Caselet DI | Mix Puzzle, Syllogism, Short Puzzle | Quiz-26 |
14th September | Practice Set | Practice Set | Quiz-27 |
15th September | Practice Set | Practice Set | Quiz-28 |
16th September | Permutation and Combination, Miscellaneous, Missing Number Series | Designation based Puzzle, Coding-Decoding, Miscellaneous | Quiz-29 |
17th September | Mixture and Allegation, Missing DI, SI and CI | Circular Puzzle, Blood Relation, Logical | Quiz-30 |
18th September | Problem on Trains, Miscellaneous, Pie Chart DI | Linear Puzzle, Input-Output, Direction | Quiz-31 |
19th September | Time and Work, Mensuration 2D, Quadratic Equations | Floor Puzzle, Data Sufficiency, Miscellaneous | Quiz-32 |
20th September | Quantity Comparison, Miscellaneous DI, Wrong Number Series | Month Based puzzle, Short Puzzle, Miscellaneous | Quiz-33 |
21st September | Practice Set | Practice Set | Quiz-34 |
22nd September | Practice Set | Practice Set | Quiz-35 |
23rd September | Data Sufficiency, Boat and Stream, Simplification | Box Puzzle, Coding-Decoding, Miscellaneous | Quiz-36 |
24th September | Caselet DI, Partnership, Profit and Loss | Square Puzzle, Input-output, Direction | Quiz-37 |
25th September | Mixed DI, Miscellaneous, Ratio and Proportion | Linear Puzzle, Data Sufficiency, Logical | Quiz-38 |
26th September | Mixture and Allegation, Bar Graph DI, Approximation | Mix Puzzle, Blood relation, Miscellanoues | Quiz-39 |
27th September | Probability, Permutation and Combination, Missing Number Series | Floor Puzzle, Blood relation, Short Puzzle. | Quiz-40 |
28th September | Practice Set | Practice Set | Quiz-41 |
Date | English | Hindi | Computer |
1st September | Practice Set | Practice Set | |
2nd September | Sentence Connectors | हिंदी भाषा प्रश्नावली | Miscellaneous |
3rd September | Conjunctions, Para-jumble | operating system | |
4th September | Idioms and phrasal verb filler | MS-Office | |
5th September | Cloze test, Word usage | Hardware/Software | |
6th September | Error detection, Double fillers | Networking/ Security | |
7th September | Inferences, Synonyms and Antonyms | Practice Set | |
8th September | Starters, Phrase replacement | Practice Set | |
9th September | Reading comprehension, Misspelled | Memory/ MS-Office | |
10th September | Phrase meaning sentences, Word swap | Database | |
11th September | Cloze test (word replacement), Words Rearrangement | Hardware/Software | |
12th September | Coherent Paragraph, Column based error (word) | Miscellaneous | |
13th September | Column based error, Sentence Completion | Internet/ Security | |
14th September | Para-jumble, Double sentence-single blank filler | Practice Set | |
15th September | Vocabulary, Words Rearrangement | Practice Set | |
16th September | Reading comprehension, Idiom meanings | MS-Office | |
17th September | Column based sentences, Sentence based error | Hardware/Software | |
18th September | Cloze test (phrase-based), Error correction | Operating System | |
19th September | Practice set | Networking | |
20th September | Practice set | Database | |
21st September | Practice set | Practice Set | |
22nd September | Conjunctions, Word swap | Practice Set | |
23rd September | Phrasal verb filler, Word usage | MS-office | |
24th September | Starters, Paragraph completion | Computer Basics | |
25th September | Error correction, | Hardware/ Software | |
26th September | Practice set | Miscellaneous | |
27th September | Practice set | Networking/ Database | |
28th September | Practice set | Practice Set |

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