Daily Vocabulary: 3rd September 2019

September 3, 2019    

To strengthen the crust and core of your English language what you need is new and effective words added to your dictionary every day. This is a tedious task if you sit with the dictionary every day. Adda247 brings to you a compact way of learning constantly and efficiently. This is today's Vocabulary for the aspirants who are preparing for the various banking examinations. SBI Clerk, LIC ADOIBPS RRB, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk are some of the upcoming examinations which can be prepared with the aid of daily Vocabulary. Vocab will help you excel not just in the examinations but will help you sail through the Interview round of the examinations you are preparing for. The words you choose will accelerate you in the correct path towards success and we hope that this article serves the purpose. Here is the vocabulary for 3rd September 2019.


BEWAIL (verb) : शोक मनाना
Meaning: express great regret, sadness, or disappointment about (something).
Synonyms: bemoan, deplore, lament, mourn.
Antonyms: cheer, laugh, smile, rejoice.
Usage: He invariably spends more time bewailing his predicament than trying to fix it.

SMATTERING (noun) : कुछ
Meaning: a small number
Synonyms: couple, few, handful, sprinkle.
Antonyms: horde, legion, loads, multitude.
Usage:   He spoke a smattering of words she didn’t understand.

SORDID (adjective) : घिनौना
Meaning: dirty or squalid.
Synonym: filthy, muddy, grubby, shabby.
Antonym: immaculate, spotless, stainless, unsullied.
Usage:  He managed to rise above the sordid streets upon which he grew up

MEDDLE (verb) : हस्तक्षेप करना
Meaning: interfere in something that is not one’s concern.
Synonyms: interlope, intrude, poke, pry.
Antonyms: shun, disregard, neglect, overlook.
Usage: The government should never meddle with religious affairs.

 BUCOLIC (adjective) : ग्राम्य
Meaning: relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life.
Synonyms: rustic, rural, pastoral, country
Antonyms: urban
Usage:  Even though I was born in the city, I still prefer the quiet of a small bucolic village any day.

IRE (Noun) : गुस्सा
Meaning: anger.
Synonyms: anger, rage, fury, wrath
Antonyms: calmness, comfort, delight
Usage: The doctor’s rude behavior triggered the patient’s ire.

WRETCHED(Adjective) : मनहूस
Meaning: unpleasant or of low quality
Synonyms: abject, deplorable
Antonyms: blessed, bright
Usage:  The people live in wretched conditions, with no running water.

DERISIVE(Adjective) : व्यंग्यात्मक
Meaning: mocking and ridiculing
Synonyms: cheeky, scornful
Antonyms: polite, respectful
Usage:  The bully let out a derisive laugh when mocking his classmate’s nerdy glasses.

INDIGENOUS (Adjective) : स्वदेशी
Meaning: naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place
Synonyms: domestic, endemic
Antonyms: alien, foreign
Usage: The Navajos are among the indigenous people of North America.

Preparing for banking exams? Having difficulty in the English section? Check out the video and master the section.

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- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/09/daily-vocabulary-3rd-september-2019.html
Daily Vocabulary: 3rd September 2019 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 3, 2019 To strengthen the crust and core of your English language what you need is new and effective words added to your dictionary every day. Thi...

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