SBI PO Main is considered to be the toughest exam in the banking sector as the competition is increasing in leaps and bounds every year. It has become difficult for the aspirants to secure a seat for them. SBI PO Main is scheduled to be held on 20th July. Students might be having nightmares about the difficulty level of the exam. SBI PO always sets a new trend of which Exam held in 2017 was the perfect example of it. Four important sections are asked in the Main examination i.e English language, Quantitative aptitude, Reasoning ability, and general awareness to test your mental ability, strength, speed, and accuracy. Due to sectional timing introduced by the organization in the past years, you all have a good opportunity to make the best of this time in the English section and score maximum. All you need to have the knowledge of important topics to be covered and the right strategy to be followed in the exam. You can score fairly well in this section if you have prepared it well.
Important topics for the English Language Section of SBI PO Main 2019 Exam.
Reading Comprehension:
The topics of RC may be based on banking, finance, and economy. Reading Comprehension is generally easy when compared to other questions asked in the English Language Section. The important point here is that it is lengthy and this is the reason why it should be attempted in the end. If you are good at reading and vocabulary you can start this section with this topic also.
Spotting Errors/Sentence Errors/Improvements:
This is the part which is related to grammar rules. If you have practiced the miscellaneous chapters well and if the rules stay fresh in your memory then, this is the section that should be attempted first. You need to pay special attention while doing questions based on errors as the errors that are very minute may go unnoticed and the candidate can mark the option 'No error' or 'No correction required.' So, be careful as marking the answers on random guessing may cost you lose your marks.
Para Jumbles:
The good thing about para jumbles is that you can manage to do the questions even if you are weak in English because it doesn't test your grammar or vocabulary. You just need to find the connection between two parts and mark the correct option keeping the time limit in mind. As option sometimes may confuse you with the order of the sentences.
It doesn't consume much of your time. It is one of the topics that you should start doing English Section with. You just have to choose the option that suits the blank in the best possible way.
Cloze test:
This is also a very important topic for English Section. This is also a scoring topic if you prepare it well. First, read the paragraph so that you can have an idea about the idea behind the topic.
Earlier starters were usually asked in the Mains examination, but now with the increasing competitiveness, simpler forms of starters are even asked during the prelims. These questions might consume more time and therefore it is suggested to attempt them ones the candidate is done with other questions in the prelims examination.
Usually a part of mains examination, inference questions might sometimes be confusing. You might be given an inference where you will need to justify it through several paragraph following the inferences or you might be given a paragraph and several choice of inference which could possible justify the information given in paragraph.
Coherent Paragraph:
Under these questions, the candidate will be given several statements which form a coherent paragraph. Along with it there will be a statement that will not fit in with other statements to form a logical sequence.
Column Based:
In the preliminary examination, the column match is usually based on forming a logical statement whereas for mains examination, column-based questions are either vocabulary based or are based on error correction.
A habit of reading an English Newspaper can actually do a good turn because it helps to build up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills. Rest depends on how hard you practice. The trick to scoring in the English section can vary from one person to another depending on his/her strengths and weaknesses. Now, you do not have enough time SBI PO Main 2019 is around the corner prepare yourself to face the music in the exam. Make the best of the time you are having now so that you do not have to regret later.
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