As the Prelims exam for ESIC UDC and stenographer is scheduled to be held on 14th July 2019. And to make your best in the exam eleventh Hour preparation is a must. A number of aspirants would be taking the test on the aforementioned date. So you are going to compete with the number of students to ensure your selection in the next phase. This is a very good opportunity to enter the insurance sector. If you have missed making your selection in the previous exam this is the best opportunity to be targetted. As the exam is around the corner now, you all might have done with your preparation and ADDA247 is here to help you with the last minute tips that will help you attempt your ESIC UDC and stenographer phase-1 2019paper in the best way.
Follow these simple Last Minute Tips for ESIC UDC and stenographer phase-1 2019 to face the music
1. Go through the whole syllabus and be sure of not missing even a single topic: Always keep a check if you have completed all your syllabus and nothing important is left out, that can cost you lose your marks in the exam.
2. Do not forget about the negative marking: Do not mark answers on random guessing just to increase your attempt. This can affect your accuracy and can make you lose your marks.
3. Take the mock test before appearing in the exam: Always analyze yourself before appearing in the exam. This will give you an idea about your weak and strong topics.
4. Give a quick revision to all the sections or subjects: Students usually revise the easy chapters and often missed to revise the difficult ones. Do not follow this criterion. Always find time to revise our whole syllabus focussing on key points to remember.
5. Make notes for formulas and other important details: While preparing for exams, one should always make notes for important formula so that you can revise it before appearing into the exam.
6. Revise your notes and important questions: Always revise the notes you have prepared so that you do not miss anything in the exam. This will stay fresh in your memory and you will do good in the exam.
7. Be prepared to face everything: Always prepare yourself for the worst. The exam will be not as per your expectation. So prepared accordingly.
8. Eat healthy food and have healthy Diet: Take only healthy diet before appearing in the exam. Remember that being confident but knowing slightly less can fetch you good marks than being nervous and knowing more.
9. Do not forget to have a healthy sleep: Don't try to pull an all-nighter before an exam. Do not spend your all night cramming the whole syllabus. Instead, sleep calmly and get up with a fresh and healthy mind to be all prepare for the exam.
Hope these simple tips and trick will help you in attempting your exam the right way. In case of any confusion or query, you can always write to us at

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