SBI Clerk 2019 Prelims Exam is scheduled to be held on 22nd, 23rd of this month. SBI Clerk is considered to be the most sought after exam among students due to its lucrative benefits. There is going to be a cut-throat competition this time for SBI Clerk 2019 Prelims Exam. Those who are going to appear for the first day first shift must be feeling bag on their nerves about the level of difficulty, types of question. But as the SBI PO Pre was of easy to a moderate level, you all need not be puzzled about the difficulty level as it is going to be of easy to moderate level. We all put strenuous effort to sail through an exam. To help you in this bankersdda will be providing memory based papers for those who will be appearing to other shifts of SBI Clerk, to ease your journey and to make you familiar with the exam pattern, and changes if any.
So, we will provide a detailed analysis of SBI Clerk Prelims 2019 on Adda247 YouTube Channel and bankersadda page to all our hard-working students.
What can you expect from this analysis?
- Detailed analysis of all the sections.
- Number of safe attempts
- Types of questions like puzzle and DI
- Level of difficulty of each section
- Changes introduce if any.
We will really appreciate your efforts if you help us to get the real insight into the exam.
- Mail us at to share the types of questions.
- You can also call us at -
So watch this space on 22nd June 2019 for SBI Clerk Prelims Shift 1 Exam Analysis
The pain you feel today is the strength you will feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered, there is an opportunity for growth.

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