IBPS RRB Exam Pattern 2019 for Prelims Exam | RRB PO & Office Assistant

June 18, 2019    

After the release of official notification by the IBPS for the regional rural banks, students must be looking for the relevant data including the exam pattern for the preparation of IBPS RRB 2019, so that they can prepare in the best way possible. Adda247, this time is sharing the exam pattern for all the different posts for which students will be giving examinations. You can look for all the other concerned details in the post of  IBPS RRB 2019 FAQ.  The portal for APPLY ONLINE is also open you can apply and get all the details from the Bankersadda's post.

With the announcement, it's time to recapitulate all the figures and facts for the preliminary examination including the study material for the subjects that are Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning as there is no English section in the prelims. All the different posts and cadre have some minor changes in the exam pattern for which students should familiarize themselves before they start revising for the same. We are sharing the IBPS RRB PO and IBPS RRB Clerk exam pattern along with the pattern for all the other cadre. Let's have a look at the exam pattern for the posts of Officer Scale I as well as Office Assitant for this year. 

Exam Pattern of  IBPS RRB 2019

Preliminary Examination (objective)
  • Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

Sr. no Name of Tests Medium of
No. of Qs Maximum
1 Reasoning Hindi/English 40 40 Composite time of
45 minutes
2 Numerical Ability Hindi/English 40 40
80 80
  • Officer Scale-I
Sr. no Name of Tests Medium of
No. of Qs Maximum
1 Reasoning Hindi/English 40 40 Composite time of
45 minutes
2 Numerical Ability Hindi/English 40 40
80 80

Main Examination (objective)
  • Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

Name of Tests Medium of
No. of
1 Reasoning Hindi/English 40 50 Composite Time
    of 2 hours
2 Computer Knowledge Hindi/English 40 20
3 General Awareness Hindi/English 40 40
4a* English Language English 40 40
4b* Hindi Language Hindi 40 40
5 Numerical Ability Hindi/English 40 50
Total 200 200

  • Officer Scale-I

Name of Tests Medium of
No. of
1. Reasoning Hindi/English 40 50 Composite Time
of 2 hours
2. Computer Knowledge Hindi/English 40 20
3. General Awareness Hindi/English 40 40
4 a• English Language English 40 40
4 b• Hindi Language Hindi 40 40
5 Quantitative Aptitude Hindi/English 40 50
Total 200 200

Single level Examination (objective)
  • Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer)
Name of Tests Medium of
No. of
1. Reasoning Hindi/English 40 50 Composite Time
of 2 hours
2. Computer Knowledge Hindi/English 40 20
3. General Awareness Hindi/English 40 40
4 a• English Language English 40 40
4 b• Hindi Language Hindi 40 40
5 Quantitative Aptitude Hindi/English 40 50
200 200

  • Officer Scale-II (Specialist Cadre)
Name of Tests Medium of
No. of
1. Professional Knowledge Hindi/English 40 40 Composite Time
of 2 hours
2. Reasoning Hindi/English 40 40
3. Financial Awareness Hindi/English 40 40
4 a• English Language English 40 20
4 b• Hindi Language Hindi 40 20
5 Computer Knowledge Hindi/English 40 20
6 Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation Hindi/English 40 40
240 200

  • Officer Scale- III 
Name of Tests Medium of
No. of
1. Reasoning Hindi/English 40 50 Composite Time
of 2 hours
2. Computer Knowledge Hindi/English 40 20
3. Financial Awareness Hindi/English 40 40
4 a• English Language English 40 40
4 b• Hindi Language Hindi 40 40
5 Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation Hindi/English 40 50
200 200


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IBPS RRB Exam Pattern 2019 for Prelims Exam | RRB PO & Office Assistant 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 18, 2019 After the release of official notification by the IBPS for the regional rural banks, students must be looking for the relevant data inc...

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