Daily Vocabulary for Bank Exams: 27th February 2019

February 27, 2019    


Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. In the recently concluded Banking Exams, we witnessed that a major part of the exam was based on vocabulary. Many questions were vocab based and we can expect the same in the upcoming exams. It becomes very important to learn ample amount of words for the upcoming Government Job Exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List . Here is a list of words from daily Editorials. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list.

1. SWINDLE (Verb) : ठगी
Meaning: obtain (money) fraudulently.
Synonyms: bilk, con, deceive, defraud, fleece
Antonyms: help, give
Example: You have to be careful when buying products on the internet, as some sellers may try to swindle you into paying more money than the product is worth.

2. CAHOOT (Noun) : सम्मिलित होना
Meaning: colluding or conspiring together secretly.
Synonyms: alliance, collusion, allied, conniving
Example: Jack and Barry were in cahoots when they conspired to shoot up the mall.

3.  FLEECE (Verb) : धन हथियाना
Meaning: obtain a great deal of money from (someone), typically by overcharging or swindling them.
Synonyms: swindle, cheat, defraud, deceive, trick,
Antonyms: give, offer
Example: Joining arms, they set out to fleece their latest victims.

4.  PROMULGATE (Verb) : घोषणा करना
Meaning: promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).
Synonyms:  publicize, spread, communicate, propagate, disseminate,
Antonyms: collect, conceal, hide, repress
Example: Counties, townships, and municipalities may also promulgate local ordinances.

5. CAPITULATE (Verb) : हथियार डाल देना
Meaning: cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; yield.
Synonyms: surrender, succumb, relent, accede
Antonyms: resist
Example: Eventually it will have to capitulate if it wants to join.

6. ACTUATE (Verb) : उकसाना
Meaning: cause (someone) to act in a particular way; motivate.
Synonyms: motivate, stimulate, move, drive, rouse
Antonyms: deaden, depress, dissuade, discourage
Example: To actuate the marathon, the race supervisor will fire the starting gun.

7.  MILITATE (Verb) : मैराथन को शुरू करना
Meaning: To actuate the marathon, the race supervisor will fire the starting gun.
Synonyms: resist, hinder, discourage, oppose, counter,
Antonyms: reinforce
Example: In business, the demand will usually militate the product’s price.

8. DIMINUTION (Noun) : अवनति
Meaning: a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something.
Synonyms: curtailment,  contraction, constriction, restriction, limitation
Antonyms: increase, expansion, growth
Example:  The diminution of cafeteria monitors has resulted in an increase in food fights at the high school.

9. ABERRATION (Noun) : विपथन
Meaning: a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one.
Synonyms: anomaly, deviation, divergence, abnormality, irregularity, variation,
Antonyms: normality, usualness, conformity. regularity
Example: A person with one blue eye and one green eye is said to have a genetic aberration.

10. SINUOUS (Adjective) : लहरदार
Meaning: having many curves and turns.
Synonyms: winding, serpentine, curling, undulating
Antonyms: straight
Example: It took the artist four years to create the sinuous sculpture made of hand twisted pieces of wire.

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Daily Vocabulary for Bank Exams: 27th February 2019 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 27, 2019 Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive...

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