1. Having the same capacity 9 taps fill up a water tank in 20 min. How many taps of the same capacity required to fill up the same water tank in 15 min?
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 15
(d) 18
2. A water tank has two pipes. The empty tank is filled in 12 min by the 1st and the, full tank is emptied by the 2nd in 20 min. The time required to fill ½ full tank when both pipes are in action, is
(a) 16 min
(b) 15 min
(c) 20 min
(d) 30 min
3. A tank can be filled by pipe A in 2 h and pipe B in 6 h. At 10 am pipe A was opened. At what time will the tank be filled if pipe B is opened at 11 am?
(a) 12 :45 am
(b) 5 pm
(c) 11 : 45 am
(d) 12 pm
4. An empty tank can be filled by pipe A in 4 h and by pipe B in 6 h. If the two pipes are opened for 1 h each alternately with first opening pipe A, then the tank will be filled in
(a) 1 3/4 h
(b) 2 3/5 h
(c) 4 2/3 h
(d) 5 1/2 h
5. Two pipes P and Q can fill a cistern in 12 and 15 min, respectively. If both are opened together and at the end of 3 min the first is closed. How much longer Q will the cistern take extra time to fill ?
(a) 8 1/4 min
(b) 8 3/4 min
(c) 5 min
(d) 8 1/2 min
6. A tank can be filled by two pipes in 20 min and 30 min, respectively. When the tank was empty the two pipes were opened. After some time, the first pipe was stopped and the tank was filled in 18 min. After how much time of the start was the first pipe stopped?
(a) 5 min
(b) 8 min
(c) 10 min
(d) 12 min
7. On pipe fills a water tank three times faster than another pipe. If the two pipes together can fill the empty tank in 36 min, then how much time will the slower pipe alone take to fill the tank?
(a) 1 h 21 min
(b) 1 h 48 min
(c) 2 h
(d) 2 h 24 min
8. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 36 min and 45min, respectively. Another pipe C and empty the tank in 30 min. First A and B are opened. After 7 min, C is also opened. The tank is filled up in
(a) 39 min
(b) 46 min
(c) 40 min
(d) 45 min
9. A swimming pool has 3 drain pipes. The first two pipes A and B, operating simultaneously can empty the pool in half the time that C, the 3rd pipe, alone takes to empty it. Pipe A, working alone, takes half the time taken by pipe B. Together they take 6 h 40 min to empty the pool. Time taken by pipe A to empty the pool, in hours, is
(a) 15
(b) 10
(c) 30
(d) 7
10. A tank has a leak which would empty the completely filled tank in 10 h. If the tank is full of water and a tap is opened which admits 4 L of water per minutes in the tank, the leak takes 15 h to empty the tank. How many litres of water does the tank hold?
(a) 2400
(b) 4500
(c) 1200
(d) 7200
Answers will be published Soon....!!!!
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