IBPS has released its calendar for 2019 recruitment exam dates of IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS RRB PO, IBPS RRB Clerk & IBPS SO. It is the best time to start your preparation as you'll be having plenty of time to learn concepts, complete syllabus and practice till perfection to crack IBPS 2019 exams to get the government job you are aiming for. And for the perfect preparation, you'll need the best, latest and updated study and practice material. Adda247 brings to you latest video courses, test series and updated books for IBPS & RRB PO/Clerk 2019.

Here is Adda247 IBPS Prime Package with 270 + Total Tests, 120 Full-Length Mocks, 30 + Previous Years' Papers, 60 Section Wise Sets, and 60 Practice Sets which is available on Adda247 Online Store for ₹ 1499. Those who want the package only in Hindi medium can get the IBPS Prime Hindi Medium Package. With this package, discover where you stand and how much more you need to strive, because, in this fight for IBPS exams, it's like, shape up or ship out, and you are the one who has to decide if to withstand the competition or quit. If you are willing to bring the house down then subscribe to IBPS Prime Package while the going is good.

- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/01/ibps-study-material.html
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