GA Notes:"Important Facts about Pallavas" For Railway & SSC Exams 2018-19

January 11, 2019    

Dear Students,

General awareness is an important section that can help you get the maximum time You need not perform complex calculation to settle for the correct option so, it is the best to be ready with the facts and figures in advance. For Railway Group-D Exam 2018, important awards, current affairs, history, geography, general science, economy and static GK is the main part.  To let you have an information about all important sections of GA, this post is to provide you with one of the important topics related to PALLAVAS. Grab the below given important points related to this particular topic. 


    • The Pallava state was divided into Kottams. The Kottam was administered by officers appointed by the king.
    • The king was at the centre of administration in which he was assisted by able ministers.
    • He provided land-grants to the temples known as Devadhana and also to the Brahmans known as Brahmadeya. The Brahmadeya and Devadhana lands were exempted from tax.
    • It was also the responsibility of the central government to provide irrigation facilities to the lands. The irrigation tanks at Mahendravadi and Mamandoor were dug during the reign of Mahendravarman I.
    • Traders and artisans such as carpenters, goldsmiths, washer-men, oil-pressers and weavers paid taxes to the government. 
    • The village assemblies called sabhas. They maintained records of all village lands, looked after local affairs and managed temples.

    Education and Literature:
    • The capital Kanchi was an ancient centre of learning. The Ghatika at Kanchi was popular and it attracted students from all parts of India and abroad.
    • Dharmapala, who later became the Head of the Nalanada University, belonged to Kanchi.
    • Bharavi, the great Sanskrit scholar lived in the time of Simhavishnu
    • Dandin, another Sanskrit writer adorned the court of Narasimhavarman II. 
    • Mahendravaraman I composed the Sanskrit play Mattavilasaprahasanam.
    • The Nayanmars and Alwars composed religious hymns in Tamil. The Devaram composed by Nayanmars and the Nalayradivyaprabandam composed by Alwars represent the religious literature of the Pallava period.
    • Perundevanar was patronized by Nandivarman II and he translated the Mahabharata as Bharathavenba in Tamil.

    Pallava Art and Architecture:
    • The Pallavas introduced the art of excavating temples from the rock. The Dravidian style of temple architecture began with the Pallava rule.
    • Mahendravarman I introduced the rock-cut temples, like Mandagappattu, Mahendravadi, Mamandur, Dalavanur, Tiruchirappalli, Vallam, Siyamangalam and Tirukalukkunram.
    • The second stage of Pallava architecture is represented by the monolithic rathas and Mandapas found at Mamallapuram.
    • Narasimhavarman I took the credit for these wonderful architectural monuments.
    • Rajasimha introduced the structural temples.
    • The Kailasanatha temple at Kanchi and the Shore temple at Mamallapuram remain the finest examples of the early structural temples of the Pallavas.
    • The Vaikundaperumal temple, Muktheeswara temple and Matagenswara temples at Kanchipuram belong to the last stage of architecture of Pallavas.
    • The ‘Open Art Gallery’ at Mamallapuram remains an important monument bearing the sculptural beauty of this period.
    • The Descent of the Ganges or the Penance of Arjuna is called a fresco painting in stone.
    • The Mamandur inscription contains a note on the notation of vocal music. 
    • The Kudumianmalai inscription referred to musical notes and instruments.
    • The Sittannavasal paintings belonged to this period. Dakshinchitra was compiled during the reign of Mahendravarman I, who had the title Chittirakkarapuli.

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    GA Notes:"Important Facts about Pallavas" For Railway & SSC Exams 2018-19 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 11, 2019 Dear Students, General awareness is an important section that can help you get the maximum time You need not perform complex...

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