G. S. Quiz for SSC CHSL 2015

October 13, 2015    

01. Peeling  of onions  causes  tears  as onions release
(A)  Sulphonic acid  
(B) Sulfenic acid
(C)  Amino acid      
(D) Carbolic acid

02. Green house effect is enhanced in the environment due to
(A) Carbon monoxide 
(B) Carbon dioxide
(C) Oxygen
(D) None of the above

03. Which one of the following nutritional elements is not essential for the formation and strengthening of bones and teeth?
(A) Calcium 
(B) Phosphorus
(C) Fluorine 
(D) Iodine

04. The common name of the chemical compound ‘Cholecalciferol’ is
(A) Bone Calcium 
(B) Vitamin D 
(C) Vitamin B 
(D) Vitamin C

05. Which one of the following polymers is used for making bullet-proof windows ?
(A) Polycarbonates 
(B) Polyurethanes 
(C) Polystyrene 
(D) Polyamides

06. The original name of Changez (Genghis) Khan was
(A) Khasul Khan 
(B) Yesugai 
(C) Temuchin (Tenurjin)
(D) Ogadi

07. Pheromones are generally produced by
(A) Snakes 
(B) Birds
(C) Bats 
(D) Insects

08. Which   one   of  the   following   can provide both power and manures ?
(A) Nuclear plants 
(B) Thermal plants
(C) Biogas plants 
(D) Hydroelectric plants

09. Oncogenes are associated with
(A) Tuberculosis 
(B) Hepatitis 
(C) Cancer 
(D) Typhoid

10.  What was the fissionable material used in the bombs dropped at Nagasaki (Japan) in the year 1945?
(A) Sodium 
(B) Potassium
(C) Plutonium 
(D) Uranium

Answers will be updated soon....
G. S. Quiz for SSC CHSL 2015 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 13, 2015 01. Peeling  of onions  causes  tears  as onions release (A)  Sulphonic acid   (B) Sulfenic acid (C)  Amino acid       (D) Carbolic acid...

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