English Comprehensive Quiz For SSC CGL And SSC CPO Exam 2018: 14 December

December 14, 2018    


SSC CGL And SSC CPO 2018 Exams are the latest opportunities to serve in a govt job and to live in clover. The Commission has released the newly revised Exam Calendar for SSC Exams conducting this year. SSC CGL & SSC CPO 2018 Exam dates haven't been decided yet but are to be conducted soon in upcoming next two months. Utilize the remaining time to be on the upswing by following SSC CGL Study Plan on SSC ADDA and team. Download our celebrated app ADDA247 to outsmart others. Our Revised Study Plan is all set to deliver the quizzes and notes on each four subjects asked in SSC CGL Tier-1 Examination. 

Be a part of this revised study plan, visit SSCADDA website regularly to add up each day effort in your practice. SSC CGL and CPO Exam dates can surprise you anytime soon. It is time to knuckle down to get your dream job, Today, in this English quiz we are providing 15 English Comprehensive Questions with detailed solutions. Attempt this quiz and prepare yourself flawlessly. We wish you good luck for the upcoming Exams.

Direction (1-2): In the following questions, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

Q1. The single room tenement was bare and both (A)/ he and his wife lain out their only clean sheet, provided (B)/ my uncle a pillow and brought him fresh coffee. (C)/ No Error (D)
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
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S1. Ans.(b)
Sol.  Replace ‘lain out’ with ‘laid out’.
Lay is the present tense of a verb whose basic meaning is ‘place something in a more or less horizontal position’, with the past tense and participle laid.  Lay is also the past tense of the verb lie (‘assume a horizontal or resting position’); while lain is the past participle.
Lay out: Arrange in a certain way, so as to spread or space apart. And its past participle form ‘laid out’ is correct to use in the given context.
For e.g. She opened her suitcase and laid her clothes out on the bed.

Q2. The station master of the station, which was all of one (A)/ platform, noticed my uncle was tired and perhaps also sensed that  (B)/ my uncle was unaccustomed to wait on a platform. (C)/ No Error (D)
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
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S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. Replace ‘unaccustomed to wait’ with ‘unaccustomed to waiting’. As a gerund form of verb i.e. V1 + ing is used after ‘unaccustomed to’.

Directions (3-4): In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filed in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer.

Q3. Many of these locations are still _________ in intrigue, with their goings-on staying behind closed doors.
(a) shrieked
(b) debatable
(c) parched
(d) shrouded
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S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. Shriek: utter a high-pitched piercing sound or words, especially as an expression of terror, pain, or excitement.
Shroud: cover or envelop so as to conceal from view.
Hence only option D fits in the context.

Q4. Still a ____________ of spots across the globe are entirely forbidden to outside travelers.
(a) cast
(b) bloat
(c) slew
(d) stench
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S4. Ans.(c)
Sol. Slew: a large amount or number.
Stench: a strong and very unpleasant smell.
Hence option C is the correct option.

Directions (5-6): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

Q5.  Make a dent in
(a) To accept something exactly the way it appears to be
(b) To make noticeable progress in a task
(c) To use vigorous action to bring something into a proper specified state
(d) To declare or issue a challenge
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S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. Option B is the correct meaning.

Q6. Over the hill
(a) To extract, remove, or take someone from something
(b) To collect information
(c) Too old to be of much value
(d) To be oblivious of something important
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S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option C is the correct meaning.

Directions:(7-8): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.

Q7. Part- song for several voices without instrumental accompaniment
(a) Ostler
(b) Madrigal
(c) Quill
(d) Reticule
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S7. Ans.(b)

Q8. A person held in custody.
(a) Deist
(b) Delittante
(c) Detenu
(d) Decalogue
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S8. Ans.(c)

Directions (9-10): In the following questions, four words are given out of which one word is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.

(a) Doyen
(b) Devieous
(c) Dissentomb
(d) Deflacation
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S9. Ans.(a)
Sol. Option A is correctly spelt.

(a) Grovell
(b) Pervisive
(c) Hermetic
(d) Utterence
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S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option C is correctly spelt.

Directions (11-15): A passage is given with five questions following it. Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.

Corruption is not a uniquely Indian phenomenon. It is witnessed all over the world in developing as well as developed countries. It has spread its tentacles in every sphere of life, namely business administration, politics, officialdom, and services. In fact, there is hardly any sector which can be characterized for not being infected with the vices of corruption. Corruption is rampant in every segment and every section of society, barring the social status attached to it. Nobody can be considered free from corruption from a high-ranking officer.

To root out the evil of corruption from society, we need to make a comprehensive code of conduct for politicians, legislatures, bureaucrats, and such code should be strictly enforced. Judiciary should be given more independence and initiatives on issues related to corruption. Special courts should be set-up to take up such issues and speedy trial is to be promoted. Law and order machinery should be allowed to work without political interference. NGOs and media should come forward to create awareness against corruption in society and educate people to combat this evil. Only then we would be able to save our system from being collapsed.

Q11. According to the passage where does corruption has spread its tentacles?               
(a) officialdom
(b) politics
(c) business administration
(d) All of these       
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S11. Ans.(d)

Q12. What kind of status is being barred by the corruption?                 
(a) social
(b) economic
(c) mental
(d) physical
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S12. Ans.(a)

Q13. According to the passage, who is free from corruption?               
(a) high ranking officers
(b) politicians
(c) bureaucrats
(d) None of these
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S13. Ans.(d)

Q14. Which of the following measure is not mentioned in the passage to root out the evil of corruption from society?
(a) private sector should create awareness against corruption
(b) media should come forward to create awareness and educate people to combat this evil
(c) judiciary to be given more independence and initiative in relation to corruption
(d) comprehensive code of conduct for politicians, legislature and bureaucrats
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S14. Ans.(a)

Q15. According to the passage, which of the following is INCORRECT?                 
(a) corruption is prevalent only in developing countries
(b) corruption is rampant in every segment and section of society
(c) to combat corruption, law and order should be allowed to work without political interference
(d) corruption is not a uniquely Indian phenomena
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S15. Ans.(a)

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- https://www.sscadda.com/2018/12/english-comprehensive-quiz-for-ssc-cgl-2018-exam.html
English Comprehensive Quiz For SSC CGL And SSC CPO Exam 2018: 14 December 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 14, 2018   SSC CGL And SSC CPO 2018 Exams are the latest opportunities to serve in a govt job and to live in clover. The Commission h...

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