IBPS SO Syllabus For HR Officer Scale-I 2018-19

October 31, 2018    

IBPS SO HR Officer Scale-I Syllabus

IBPS released the official notification for recruitment of Specialist Officers, you all would have already started to get yourself ready to appear in the examination that is to be conducted on 29th and 30th of December. The bank officially doesn't release an official syllabus for the exam but we can conjecture by the questions asked in the previous years that the syllabus is really vast. It is geared towards testing an aspirant’s versatility to solve complex questions in the most prolific manner.

Here is the syllabus for Professional Knowledge Test of IBPS SO HR Officer Scale-I Exam by Adda247 to get you acquainted with the pattern of IBPS SO HR Officer Exam 2018. It incorporates all the important topics that one needs to prepare for professional knowledge section of the exam.

Human Resources Management (HRM)- Meaning, Nature and Scope, Difference between HRM and Personnel Management, HRM functions and objectives, Personnel Management functions, Structure of Personnel Department, Line and staff, Job Analysis, Manpower Planning, New Challenges, Recruitment and Selection, Placement and induction. Wage and Salary Administration, Job evaluation.

Human Resource Development- HRD concept, Importance, evolution, Functions, Organisation of HRD function. Performance Appraisal, Training & Development, Quality of work life, Quality circles.

Organizational Behaviour- Concept of Organisational Behaviour, Importance, Evaluation, Role, Group Dynamics, Motivation Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Morale, Fatigue & Monotony, Organisational Change.

Job Analysis – Job Description, Job Specification. The systematic approach to recruitment: recruitment policy, recruitment procedures, recruitment methods, and evaluation. The systematic approach to selection: the selection procedure, the design of application form, selection methods, the offer of employment, and evaluation of the process.

Training and Development: Purpose, Methods, and issues of training and management development programmes. Training: Concept, Role, Need and Importance of Training, Types of Training, Understanding Process of Learning, Developing an Integrated Approach to Learning in Training Programme. Training Need Assessment.

Performance Appraisal: Definition, Purpose of appraisal, Procedures, and Techniques including 360-degree Performance Appraisal, Job Evaluation. Compensation Administration: Nature and Objectives of compensation, components of pay structure in India.

Discipline and Grievance Procedures: Definition, Disciplinary Procedure, Grievance Handling Procedure. Industrial Relations: Nature, importance, and approaches of Industrial Relations. Promotion, Transfer, and Separation: Promotion – purpose, principles, and types; Transfer – reason, principles and types; Separation – lay-off, resignation, dismissal, retrenchment, Voluntary Retirement Scheme.

Personality: Meaning & Concept, Personality Patterns, Symbols of Self, Moulding the Personality Pattern, Persistence & Change. Personality & Personal Effectiveness: Psychometric Theories – Cattle and Big Five, Psychodynamic Theories - Carl Jung and MBTI, Transactional Analysis, Johari – Window, Personal Effectiveness.

Overview of Industrial RelationsConcept of Industrial Relations; Nature of Industrial Relations; Objectives of IR; Evolution of IR in India, Workers participation in Management, employee discipline, Industrial Labour Organisation.

Trade Union Act :Trade union Act 1926,Industrial Employment Act 1946,Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Minimum wages Act 1948,Payment of wages Act 1936,Equal remuneration Act 1976,Payment of Bonus Act,1965, Technological Change in IR-Employment issues, Management Strategy, Trade Union Response, Human Resource Management and IR- Management Approaches, Integrative Approaches to HRM; International Dimensions of IR.

Labour Legislations: Industrial Dispute Act, Factories Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act,1923. Important Provisions of Employees’ State Insurance Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Employees Provident Fund Act.Maternity Benefit Act 1961.

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IBPS SO Syllabus For HR Officer Scale-I 2018-19 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 31, 2018 IBPS SO HR Officer Scale-I Syllabus IBPS released the official notification for recruitment of Specialist Officers, you all would ...

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