Geography Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018 Based on Adda247 Book: 31st October

October 31, 2018    

Dear aspirants,

With the passing months, exam preparation for govt. exams viz. SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC JE, SSC MTS and other prominent competitive exams is required to ace your performance in these sought after govt job. based exams. And to facilitate you with an extraordinary experience of learning via the best study content of ADDA247 Publication Books, we will be providing daily quizzes of all the four mandatory subjects let it be Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Reasoning and General Awareness right away from ADDA247 Publication Best Books For all SSC Exams to facilitate you with our Publication Books' efficiency encompassed with comprehensive study material subsumed with holistic notes, Practice Sets and Exercises. 

Starting from today, the quizzes on SSCADDA for all SSC Exams will be based on ADDA247 Publication Books to make you experience a beneficial journey which drum up your efforts, preparation strategy and time managing skills. GA holds its own importance in all SSC Exams considering the same, today's GA Quiz is all set to catalyze your preparation.

Q1. The largest herbarium of India is located at –
भारत का सबसे बड़ा वनस्पति संग्रहालय कहाँ स्थित है?
(a) Kolkata/ कोलकाता
(b) Lucknow/ लखनऊ
(c) Mumbai/ मुंबई
(d) Coimbatore/ कोयंबटूर
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Sol. The largest herbarium in India is Indian Botanical Garden, Kolkata. It consists of 1000000 number of specimens.

Q2. The transfer of minerals from top soil to subsoil through soil-water is called?
मिट्टी के पानी के माध्यम से शीर्ष मिट्टी से अवभूमि तक खनिजों का स्थानांतरण कहा जाता है?
(a) Percolation/ अन्तथ स्त्रवण
(b) Conduction/ प्रवाहकत्त्व
(c) Leaching/ लीचिंग
(d) Transpiration/ स्वेद
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Sol. The transfer of minerals from top soil to subsoil through soil-water is called leaching.

Q3. Molten rock below the surface of the earth is called __________.
पृथ्वी की सतह के नीचे पिघले हुए चट्टानों को __________ कहा जाता है.
(a) Basalt/ असिताश्म
(b) Laccolith/लाक्कोलिथ
(c) Lava/लावा
(d) Magma/मैग्मा
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Sol. Molten rock below the surface of the earth is called Magma.

Q4. Sariska and Ranthambore are the reserves for which of the following ?
सरिस्का और रणथंभौर निम्नलिखित में से किसका रिज़र्व है?
(a) Lion/ शेर
(b) Deer/हिरण
(c) Tiger/बाघ
(d) Bear/भालू
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Sol. Sariska National Park and Ranthambore National Park are situated in Rajasthan. Both of them are tiger reserves

Q5. The longest sea beach in India is –
भारत का सबसे लंबा समुद्री तट है-
(a) Chapora beach/ चापोरा समुद्र तट
(b) Diu beach/ दीव समुद्र तट
(c) Aksa beach/ अक्सा समुद्र तट
(d) Marina beach/ मरीना बीच
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Sol. Marina Beach in Chennai is the longest natural beach in India

Q6. Rainfall caused by intense evaporation in equatorial areas is called _____________.
भूमध्य रेखा क्षेत्रों में तीव्र वाष्पीकरण के कारण होने वाली वर्षा को _____________ कहा जाता है
(a) Orographic rainfall / भौगोलिक वर्षा
(b) Cyclonic rainfall/ चक्रवात वर्षा
(c) Frontal rainfall/ फ्रंटल वर्षा
(d)Convectional rainfall/ वाहनिक वर्षा
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Sol. Rainfall caused by intense evaporation in equatorial areas is called Conventional rainfall

Q7. The Andaman is separated from Nicobar by which water body?
अंडमान निकोबार से किस जलीय निकाय द्वारा अलग किया गया है?
(a) 11° channel / 11° चैनल
(b) 10° Channel / 10° चैनल
(c) Palk Strait / पाक जलडमरूमध्य
(d) Gulf of Mannar / मन्नार की खाड़ी
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Sol. The Ten Degree Channel is a channel that separates the Andaman and Nicobar in the Bay of Bengal.

Q8. The Ghatampur thermal power plant recently approved by Cabinet is to be setup in –
हाल ही में कैबिनेट द्वारा अनुमोदित घटमपुर थर्मल पावर प्लांट _______ में स्थापित किया जाना है -
(a) Rajasthan/ राजस्थान
(b) Uttar Pradesh/ उत्तर प्रदेश
(c) Karnataka/ कर्नाटक
(d) Madhya Pradesh/ मध्य प्रदेश
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Sol. Ghatampur Thermal Power Station is an upcoming coal-based thermal power plant located in Ghatampur in Kanpur district, Uttar Pradesh.

Q9. The layer where the decrease in temperature with increasing altitude is totally absent is –
वह परत जहां बढ़ती ऊंचाई के साथ तापमान में कमी पूरी तरह से अनुपस्थित है-
(a) Troposphere/ क्षोभ मंडल
(b) Ionosphere/ आयनमंडल
(c) Stratosphere/ स्ट्रैटोस्फियर
(d) Mesosphere/ मीसोस्फीयर
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Sol. The layer where the decrease in temperature with increasing altitude is totally absent is Stratosphere. Temperature rise as one move upward through the stratosphere.

Q10. What is Dakshin Gangotri?
दक्षिणी गंगोत्री क्या है?
(a) River valley in Andhra Pradesh/ आंध्र प्रदेश में नदी घाटी
(b) Unmanned station located in Antarctica/ अंटार्कटिका में स्थित मानव रहित स्टेशन
(c) Second source of River Ganga/ गंगा नदी का दूसरा स्रोत
(d) Island in the Indian Ocean/ हिंद महासागर में द्वीप
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Sol. Dakshin Gangotri was the first scientific base station of India situated in Antarctica, part of the Indian Antarctic Program. It is an unmanned station. Dakshin Gangotri was built in 1983 but was buried in ice and abandoned around 1991.

Q11. The ‘Narmada Water Dispute Tribunal' was constituted to resolve the water sharing between-
निम्निल्खित में से किसके मध्य पानी के साझाकरण को हल करने के लिए 'नर्मदा जल विवाद ट्रिब्यूनल' का गठन किया गया था?
(a) Gujarat and Rajasthan/गुजरात और राजस्थान
(b) Gujarat and Maharashtra/ गुजरात और महाराष्ट्र
(c) Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh/ गुजरात, महाराष्ट्र, राजस्थान और मध्य प्रदेश
(d) Gujarat and Daman and Diu/ गुजरात और दमन और दीव
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Sol. The ‘Narmada Water Dispute Tribunal' was constituted to resolve the water sharing between Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in 6th October 1969.

Q12. The beach sands of Kerala are rich in –
केरल के समुद्र तट रेत किसमें समृद्ध हैं?
(a) Calcium/ कैल्शियम
(b) Radium/ रेडियम
(c) Thorium/ थोरियम
(d) Manganese/ मैंगनीज
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Sol. The beach sands of Kerala are rich in Thorium.

Q13. The largest irrigation canal in India is ________.
भारत में सबसे बड़ा सिंचाई नहर ________ है.
(a) Yamuna canal/ यमुना नहर
(b) Indira Gandhi canal/ इंदिरा गांधी नहर
(c) Sirhind canal/ सरहिंद नहर
(d)Upper Bari Doab canal/ ऊपरी बारी डोब नहर
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Sol. The Indira Gandhi Canal is the longest canal in India and one of the largest irrigation project in the world. Indira Gandhi Canal is 649 km long and consists of Rajasthan feeder canal and Rajasthan main canal and runs through 167 km in Punjab and Haryana and remaining 492 km in Rajasthan.

Q14. A landscape which is caused due to the fissure in the earth along which one side has moved down with reference to the other is known as –
एक परिदृश्य जो पृथ्वी में फिशर के कारण होता है जिसमें एक पक्ष दूसरे के संदर्भ में नीचे चला जाता है-
(a) Rift Valley/ रिफ्ट वेली
(b) U Shaped Valley/ U आकार की घाटी
(c) V Shaped Valley/ V आकार की घाटी
(d) Hanging Valley/हैंगिंग वैली
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Sol. A landscape which is caused due to the fissure in the earth along which one side has moved down with reference to the other is known as Rift Valley.

Q15. Which of the following is the most important raw material for generation of power in India?
भारत में बिजली उत्पादन के लिए निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कच्ची सामग्री है?
(a) Mineral Oil/ खनिज तेल
(b) Natural Gas/ प्राकृतिक गैस
(c) Uranium/ यूरेनियम
(d) Coal / कोयला
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Sol. Coal is the most important raw material for generation of power in India.

Geography Questions for SSC & Railway Exam 2018 Based on Adda247 Book: 31st October 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 31, 2018 Dear aspirants, With the passing months, exam preparation for govt. exams viz. SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC JE,...

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