Dear Readers,
DRDO Recruitment 2018 | 494 Vacancies
Dear aspirants,DRDO has a career opportunity to offer those who are in the search of a secure and reliable job post. Online application Filling Procedure for recruitment to the post of Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ (STA ‘B’) through DRDO Entry Test-2018 in various subjects/disciplines for 494 vacancies has been started from 4 August 2018 and last date to apply for the same is 29 August 2018. The examination dates are yet to be notified by the organization.
The date, time & venue for the examination will be informed via admit cards issued within 2 weeks prior to the exam.
Mode of examination will be CBT (Computer Based Test) in 2 Tiers. To familiarize with CBT process, candidates are advised to go through the mock test available on website, 02 weeks prior to examination.
AGE LIMIT AS ON CRUCIAL DATE OF ELIGIBILITY (29 August 2018): Candidate must be between 18 and 28 Years of age (relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/ESM/PWD etc. as per Govt. of India rules)
CBT Fot Tier-1 is for Screening and covers 5 Sections viz. Quantitative ability/aptitude,General intelligence & Reasoning ability, General awareness, English language (basic knowledge) and General science where 150 Objective Type Questions will be asked for 150 Maximum Marks with 120 minutes of Time Duration. CBT for tier-2 (Provisional Selection) will conjoin Test specific to subject of post-code.
As there are numerous doubts in the mind of aspirants applying for DRDO 2018 Exam, following key points by ADDA247 are summarized to do away your confusion regarding Educational Qualification Requirement for DRDO STA ‘B’ post.
1. Candidates holding Bachelor’s degree in science or Three years Diploma in engineering or technology or computer science, or allied subjects in the required discipline are eligible for the said exam.
2. Candidates must have acquired the EQR as on crucial date of eligibility i.e. 29th August 2018 for the posts they are applying. Those awaiting results of the final examination as on crucial date of eligibility for the prescribed qualification are not eligible and hence should not apply.
3. Education Qualification Requirement (EQR): EQR as per section-1 should be from recognized institutions and approved by suitable bodies like UGC/AICTE/State/Central education board or similar appropriate statutory authority.
4. B.Sc. candidates must have read the required subject for at least 02 years in the course of B.Sc. programme.
5. Candidates possessing higher qualification, viz., M.Sc. or B.Tech. or B.E. or Ph.D. degree etc., as on crucial date of eligibility, shall not be considered eligible for the recruitment. Mere fulfilment of the minimum eligibility does not entitle any candidate to claim his/her candidature for selection to any post.
APPLICATION FOR MULTIPLE POSTS: Candidates applying for more than one post code should submit their application, complete in all respects, separately.
Tier-I examination: Candidates, who have applied for more than one post code, should be aware that centre for each examination may be different, and examination may be on the same day/shift. If the examinations are in two different shifts on the same day, it will be the
candidate’s responsibility to reach the allocated centre.
If the examination for two post codes applied by candidate is in the same shift, he/she will be able to appear in the examination of one post code as per his/her own choice.
Tier-II examination: It is to be noted that Tier-II examination will be in one shift in parallel for all post codes, so candidate will get opportunity to appear in the examination of only one post code as per his/her own choice.
Precautions to be taken regarding the exam:
(i) Signatures of the candidates on all documents should be identical and must be in running hand writing and not in block/capital or disjointed letters. Signatures in different style or language at the time of CBT and document verification etc. may result in cancellation of candidature.
(ii) All candidates must apply online through the link available on CEPTAM notice board ( Applications received by any other mode will be summarily rejected.
Note: There will be no provision of re-evaluation/re-checking of answers given by candidates in CBT.
- Marks will be normalized in Tier-I & Tier-II examination
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