Group Discussion Tips: SBI PO and BOB PO Exam 2018

September 10, 2018    

Dear Students, SBI brought out the results of this year's SBI PO Mains Examination yesterday. While some made it to the Personal Interview round, other had their chips in this cutthroat competition for a seat of Probationary Officer in the State Bank of India. Now that the results of SBI PO Mains and BOB PO PGDBF Examinations are already announced, the selected candidates would have started to prepare for their Personal Interview Round.  Out of the total candidates who got through the second phase of SBI PO Examination, only one-third will make it to the final selections. As there are only a limited number of seats, the competition is going to be real tough and one will have to break his back if she wants to bring it off.

This final phase of examination plays a great role in one's selection for the post of Probationary Officer in the largest Public Sector Bank of India. It accounts for a total of 50 marks viz. 30 marks for Personal Interview and 20 for the Group Discussion. How you take part in the Group Discussion can make a big difference in your final results, in a good way or in a bad way. So, here are the points that will help you perform to the best of your ability in the Group Discussion of SBI PO and BOB PO Exam 2018.

  • In a group discussion, one needs to be a good listener and be patient enough to listen to others attentively. You should make your point after letting the other complete his/hers'. 
  • Another important point is to make the right choice of words. Words that are neutral & don't hurt the sentiments of anyone should be used.
  • One should be assertive while participating in a discussion. This leaves a good impact on the jury & gives him a lead in the minds of other candidates.
  • One should be ready to face criticism from others. It should be countered politely if it is genuine & valid.
  • Participate actively as one's active participation in a group discussion is directly proportional to her chances of getting success. 
  • Throughout the discussion, one must maintain the dignity & should respect other participants. 
  • The capability to conclude is as important as initiating a discussion. A conclusion should be kept precise & in sync with the topic.

We hope these tips help you perform to the best of your ability in the Personal Interview round of SBI PO and BOB PO Examination 2018. Adda247 is also providing the students with Adda247 "Bank Exams Interviews" Ebook. The objective of this ebook is to guide the students to make the grades in the personal interview with the help of tips and solved examples of frequently asked questions. It also incorporates the real interview experiences of the candidates who appeared for previous bank’s interview phases and mock exercise set to encourage them to be prepared to face the toughest questions with a decent strategy. You can also join our SBI PO Group Discussion And Personal Interview Boot Camp By Anil Sir (Ex- GM SBI).


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Group Discussion Tips: SBI PO and BOB PO Exam 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 10, 2018 Dear Students, SBI brought out the results of this year's SBI PO Mains Examination yesterday. While some made it to the Personal Int...

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