Biology Questions for Railway & SSC CGL Exam 2018: 5th September

September 5, 2018    

Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notification from Railway offering a good number of vacant seats to the multitude aspirants. But the current year 2018 brought a pleasant surprise with almost 1,20,000 seats to be filled by the valid candidates. Opportunity is here but you have to welcome it with a provident strategy. 

रेलवे बोर्ड अपने उम्मीदवारों के लिए भव्य और प्रतिष्ठित कार्य पदों की पेशकश करता है. और हर साल ऐसा नहीं होता है कि हमें रेलवे की ओर से अधिसूचना मिलती है. लेकिन वर्तमान वर्ष 2018 आपके लिए बहुत सुखद वर्ष है क्योंकि इसमें लगभग 1,20,000 सीटों को वैध उम्मीदवारों द्वारा भरा जाएगा. आपके पास बहुत अच्छा अवसर है और आपको इसे एक बेहतर रणनीति से प्राप्त करना होगा.

Q1. Funk invented- 
फंक द्वारा किस का आविष्कार किया गया था?
(a) Vitamins / विटामिन्स
(b) Hormones / होर्मोनस
(c) Proteins / प्रोटीन्स
(d) Enzymes / एंजाइम
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Sol. Kazimierz Funk is generally credited with being among the first to formulate the concept of vitamins, which he called “vital amines” or “vitamins”. Umetaro Suzuki had in 1910 succeeded in extracting a water-soluble complex of micronutrients from rice bran and had named it “aberic acid”.

Q2. What are vitamins? 
विटामिन्स क्या है?
(a) Organic compound / कार्बनिक यौगिक
(b) Inorganic compound / अकार्बनिक यौगिक
(c) Living organism /जीव जंतु
(d) None of these /इनमें से कोई नहीं
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Sol. Vitamins are organic compounds and a vital nutrient that an organism requires in limited amounts. An organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities and must be obtained through the diet.

Q3. Which one of the following groups of compounds is called ‘accessory dietary factor”? 
यौगिकों के निम्नलिखित समूहों में से कौन सा 'सहायक आहार कारक' कहा जाता है?
(a) Fats / वसा
(b) Hormones / होर्मोनस
(c) Proteins / प्रोटीन
(d) Vitamins/ विटामिन
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Sol. Frederick Gowland Hopkins was the first scientist to elucidate the “accessory food factor,” the idea that food contains trace amounts of substances essential for nutrition. Accessory food factors later came to be called vitamins.

Q4. Which of the following elements is not essential for plant growth? 
पौधे के विकास के लिए निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा तत्व आवश्यक नहीं है?
(a) Sodium / सोडियम
(b) Potassium/  पोटैशियम
(c) Calcium / कैल्शियम
(d) Magnesium / मैगनीशियम
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Sol. Essential elements are classified into following two categories.
• Macro elements (Major elements) – These are required by the plant in larger quantities. Eg-Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca) and Sulphur (S).
• Microelements (Minor elements or Trace elements)- These are required by the plant in low quantities. Example are Boron (B), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Copper (Cu), Molybdenum (Mo), Chlorine (CI), Iron (Fe) and Nickel (Ni).

Q5. Vitamin B5 is called? 
विटामिन B5 क्या कहा जाता है?
(a)Pantothenic acid  / पैंटोथैनिक एसिड
(b)Folic acid / फोलिक एसिड
(c) Ratinol/रतिनोल
(d)Tocopherol/   टोकोफेरोल
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Sol. Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is found in all living cells within the body.Aside from being critical in manufacturing red blood cells, vitamin B5 also plays a part in producing sex and stress-related hormones produced in the adrenal glands.

Q6. From the following option, seal is the species of- 
निम्नलिखित विकल्प में से, सील किस प्रजाति में आता हैं?
(a) fish / मछली
(b) bird/ पक्षी
(c) Reptiles/ रेंगनेवाला जन्तु
(d) mammal/ स्तनपायी जीव
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Sol. Seals are  semi-aquatic mammals, they are in a group called pinnipeds means fin-footed. All seals are carnivores. Their diet consists of mostly fish, crustaceans, and shellfish. 

Q7. Amphibia are- 
एम्फिबिया क्या है?
(a) Very fastly moving boats / बहुत तेजी से चलती नौकाएं
(b) Animals living in water only/ केवल पानी में रहने वाले पशु
(c) Animals living on land only / केवल भूमि पर रहने वाले पशु
(d) Animals living equally in water and on land both/ पानी और जमीन दोनों में समान रूप से रहने वाले पशु
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Sol. The word “amphibian” is derived from the ancient Greek term amphibious, which means “both kinds of life”. The term was initially used as a general adjective for animals that could live on land or in water. They are ectotherms or cold-blooded animals, means they are unable to regulate their own body temperature.

Q8. Which of the following property separate a man/human from apes:- 
निम्नलिखित में से कौन से गुण एक आदमी / मानव को एप्स से अलग करते है?
(a) Envice a desire to learn / सीखने की इच्छा
(b) By a rudimentary sense of smell/ गंध की एक प्राथमिक भावना
(c) Contrary thumb / विपरीत अंगूठे
(d) Broader chin / चौड़ी ठोड़ी
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Sol. Human is the smartest creature in the animal kingdom. They are the only creature, who has a desire to learn and the ability to express.

Q9. Among the following, which one is not an ape? 
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा एप नहीं है?
(a) Gibbon / गिबन
(b) Gorilla / गोरिल्ला
(c) Langur  / लंगूर
(d) Orangutan/  आरंगुटान
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Sol. Apes are human’s closet living relatives. They do not have tails. In the animal kingdom, they belong to the group (Super family) Hominoidea, gibbon, gorilla, orangutans, chimpanzees and humans. Langur is the general name given to numerous species of Asian monkeys. They have long tails. They are not Apes. They belong to the subfamily Colobinal.

Q10. Smallest man-like ape is : 
सबसे छोटा आदमी जैसा ऐप कौन सा है?
(a) Gibbon / गिबन
(b) Chimpanzee / चिंपांज़ी
(c) Gorilla / गोरिल्ला
(d)Orangutan/  आरंगुटान
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Sol. The gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan are called great apes in recognition of their comparatively large size and human like features. The gibbons are called lesser apes. They are smallest, cleanest and gentlest man like an ape.

Q11. Which one of the following is a true fish ?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन वास्तविक रूप में एक मछली है?
(a) Star fish/स्टार फिश
(b) Jelly fish/ जेली फ़िश
(c) Silverfish/सिल्वर फिश
(d) Sea horse/समुंद्री घोड़ा
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Sol. Starfish or Sea stars are star-shaped echinoderms belonging to the class Asteroidea.
Sea horse is the name given to 54 species of small marine fishes of the genus Hippocampus which is bony fish.

Q12. Which of the following is fish ?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी मछली है?
(a) Sea cucumber/सी कुकुम्बर
(b) Sea cow/सी काऊ
(c) Sea horse/ समुंद्री घोड़ा
(d) Sea lion/सी लायन
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Sol. Starfish or Sea stars are star-shaped echinoderms belonging to the class Asteroidea.
Sea horse is the name given to 54 species of small marine fishes of the genus Hippocampus which is bony fish.

Q13. Which is the largest mammal ?
सबसे बड़ा स्तनपायी जीव कौन सा है?
(a) Whale/ व्हेल
(b) Afrecian Elephant/ अफ्रीकी हाथी
(c) Hippopotamus/ दरियाई घोड़ा
(d) Polar bear/ ध्रुवीय भालू
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Sol. Whales are the largest mammals ever known to have lived on earth.
Whales range in size from the blue whale, the largest animal known to have ever existed at 30 m (98 ft) and 180 tons (180 long tons; 200 short tons) to pygmy species such as the Pygmy Sperm Whale at 3.5 m (11 ft).

Q14. Glow worm is :  
जुगनू क्या है?
(a) A mollusca / एक मोलेस्का
(b) An insect / एक कीड़ा
(c) A worm /एक रेंगनेवाला कीड़ा
(d) A nematode / एक निमेटोड
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Sol. Glow-worm is a medium to large sized invertebrate luminous insect, that emits light. The light of the glow-worm larva is given off by small tubes ending around the glow-worms anus, as a product of excretion.

Q15.Crabs belongs to the phylum –
क्रेब्स किस फाईलम से संबंधित है?
(a) Mollusca/ मोलेस्का
(b) Cnidaria/ निडारिया
(c) Arthropoda/ आर्थ्रोपोड़ा
(d) Platyhelminthes/ प्लैटीहेल्मिंथीज़
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Sol. Crabs belongs to the phylum Arthropoda.


Biology Questions for Railway & SSC CGL Exam 2018: 5th September 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 5, 2018 Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notificati...

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