Computer Quiz For SSC CHSL And FCI Exam.

September 2, 2015    

1.  Which of the following is graphics solution for Word Processors?
A) Clipart
B) WordArt
C) Drop Cap
D) All of above

2. Which of the following function key activates the speller?
A) F5
B) F7
C) F9
D) Shift + F7

3. With which of the following all formulas in excel starts ?
A) /
B) *
C) $
D) =

4.If you press ___, the cell accepts your typing as its contents ?
A) Tab
B) Ctrl+Enter
C) Enter
D) Alt+Enter

5.VLOOKUP function used to ?
A)Finds related records
B)Looks up text that contain "v"
C)Check if two cells are identical
D)None of above

6.You can activate a cell by ?
A) Pressing the Tab key
B) Clicking the cell
C) Pressing an arrow key
D) All of above

7.The symbols used in an assembly language are
A) codes
B) mnemonics
C) Assembler
D) machine codes

8. To read a CD-ROM disc, you need a
A) laser beam
B) magnetic needle
C) sound card
D) graphics card

9. Microsoft power point is a software designed to create 
A) Internet
B) Data bases
C) Text documents
D) Multimedia presentation

10. Which one of the following is a system software ?
A) Database programs
B) Word Processors
C) Spreadsheets
D) Compilers

Note : Answers will be updated soon.................

Computer Quiz For SSC CHSL And FCI Exam. 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 2, 2015 1.  Which of the following is graphics solution for Word Processors? A) Clipart B) WordArt C) Drop Cap D) All of above 2. Which of t...

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