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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 21st September 2018. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "For liberty’s sake: on the scope of Article 32 in the activists case"
- For someone / something's sake - for the benefit or good of someone or something
- Activist - someone who takes part in activities that are intended to achieve political or social change, especially someone who is a member of an organization
- Set the stage for something - to create the conditions in which something is likely to happen
- Determining - controlling your decision to do something
- Intervention - a situation in which someone becomes involved in a particular issue, problem etc in order to influence what happens
- Prominent - important and well known
- Extraordinary - very unusual and surprising
- Raises the bar - to raise the standards of quality that are expected of or required for something
- House arrest - to be officially prevented from leaving your home, usually because you have been accused of a political crime
- Charge - an official statement accusing someone of committing a crime
- Pursue - if you pursue a plan, activity, or situation, you try to do it or achieve it, usually over a long period of time
- Allegedly - if someone allegedly does something, another person says that they have done it, even though this has not been proved
- Outlaw - to make something illegal
- Maoist - someone who supports Maoism (a form of Communism established in China and based on the political ideas of Mao Zedong)
- Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group of people to do something bad or illegal, especially in politics
- Trumped-up - deliberately made up in order to connect someone with a crime
- Probe - an attempt to find out the truth about an issue, problem, or accident, made by an official group or by a newspaper, television programme etc
- Throw up - to produce something new or unexpected
- Tussle - a short fight
- Contention - an opinion or statement that something is true, especially one made during a discussion or argument
- Probing - trying to find out the truth about something
- Insurgent - someone who belongs to a group of people fighting to take control of their country by force
- Urban - relating to towns and cities, or happening there
- Counter - an action that you take in order to oppose or stop something or reduce its negative effect
- Thinly disguised - in a way that makes it easy to recognize what the true situation really is
- Crackdown - strong action that someone in authority takes to stop a particular activity
- Dissent - strong disagreement, especially with what people in authority think or with what the majority of people think
- Petitioner - someone who organizes or signs a petition asking someone in authority to do something
- Defend - to protect someone or something from attack
- Prosecution - the process or act of accusing someone of a crime and asking a court of law to judge them
- Contend that - to claim that something is true
- Incriminate - to show or make you think that someone is guilty of a crime
- Ideology - a system of ideas and principles on which a political or economic theory is based
- Intersection - the point where two things come together and have an effect on each other
- Enforce - to make people obey a law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted
- Accused - a specific person that is accused of a crime in a court of law
- Remedy - a solution to a particular problem
- Substantive - important or serious, or referring to the most important or serious issues
- Intervene - to become involved in a situation in order to try to stop or change it
- Dissent - strong disagreement, especially with what people in authority think or with what the majority of people think
- Arbitrary - not based on any particular plan, or not done for any particular reason
- Be sacrificed on the altar of something - if you say that someone or something is sacrificed at the altar of another thing, you mean they suffer or are destroyed because of that thing
- Conjecture - the development of a theory or guess based on information that is not complete
- Bench - the position of being a judge in a court of law
- Precedent - a decision by a court on which future decisions are based
- Wish away - to make something stop or disappear just by expressing a wish
- Peculiar - strange, often in an unpleasant way
- Circumstance - a fact or condition that affects a situation
- Commemoration - something intended to honour and remember an important person or event
- Dramatically - in a sudden and surprising way that is easy to notice
- Morph - to change from one thing into another by small and interconnected steps
- Plot - a secret plan to do something bad, made by two or more people
- Suspicious - believing that someone has probably done something wrong
- Supposedly - as some people believe or say, although you may not agree with this
- Armed - involving the use of weapons
- Rebellion - an attempt to remove a government or leader by force
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Moon diplomacy: On the Korean peace process"
- Diplomacy - the ability to deal with people in a sensitive way that does not upset or offend them
- Mythical - imaginary, or not real
- Landmark - a major event or achievement that marks an important stage in a process and makes progress possible
- Summit - a meeting or series of meetings between leaders of two or more countries
- Revive - to become, or to make something become, active, successful, or popular again
- Denuclearisation - the process of removing nuclear weapons from a country or countries
- Infuse - to give someone or something a particular quality
- Warmth - a kind and friendly quality in someone or something
- Thaw - to become more friendly
- Momentum - progress or development that is becoming faster or stronger
- Peninsula - a long piece of land that is mostly surrounded by water, but is joined at one end to a larger area of land
- Dismantle - to separate the parts of something such as a machine so that they no longer form a single unit
- Negotiation - formal discussions in which people or groups try to reach an agreement, especially in a business or political situation
- Armistice - a formal agreement between enemies to stop fighting a war
- Optimistically - in a way that shows hope and confidence about the future
- Atmospherics - unusual conditions in the atmosphere
- Yield - to produce something useful
- Tangible - important and noticeable
- Ice-breaker - a game or activity that is used to introduce people to each other so that they feel more relaxed together
- Remarkably - in a way that is unusual and surprises or impresses you
- Bilateral - involving two groups or countries
- Make headway - to make progress with something that you are trying to achieve
- Timeline - a plan that shows how long something will take or when things will happen
- Formally - in a way that follows the correct or suitable official methods
- Concession - something you give or allow to someone in order to reach an agreement
- Heartening - making you feel happier and more positive
- Consistent - not changing in behaviour, attitudes, or qualities
- Pursuit - the process of trying to achieve something
- Reciprocate - to do the same thing for someone that they have done for you
- Concrete - practical
- Lasting - continuing to exist or have an effect for a long time
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